

  • Fight Club

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    THE FIRST RULE about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. Every weekend, in the basements and parking lots of bars across the country, young men with whitecollar jobs and failed lives take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded just as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter, and dark, anarchic genius, and it's only the beginning of his plans for violent revenge on an empty consumer-culture world.
  • Stranger Than Fiction

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    Chuck Palahniuk’s world has always been, well, different from yours and mine. In his first collection of nonfiction, Chuck Palahniuk brings us into this world, and gives us a glimpse of what inspires his fiction.At the Rock Creek Lodge Testicle Festival in Missoula, Montana, average people perform public sex acts on an outdoor stage. In a mansion once occupied by The Rolling Stones, Marilyn Manson reads his own Tarot cards and talks sweetly to his beautiful actress girlfriend. Across the country, men build their own full-size castles and rocketships that will send them into space. Palahniuk himself experiments with steroids, works on an assembly line by day and as a hospice volunteer by night, and experiences the brutal murder of his father by a white supremacist. With this new direction, Chuck Palahniuk has proven he can do anything.
  • Fight Club

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    Book Description The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. Chuck Palahniuk's outrageous and startling debut novel that exploded American literature and spawned a movement. Every weekend, in the basements and parking lots of bars across the country, young men with white-collar jobs and failed lives take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded just as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter, and dark, anarchic genius, and it's only the beginning of his plans for violent revenge on an empty consumer-culture world. Amazon.com The only person who gets called Ballardesque more often than Chuck Palahniuk is, well... J.G. Ballard. So, does Portland, Oregon's "torchbearer for the nihilistic generation" deserve that kind of treatment? Yes and no. There is a resemblance between Fight Club and works such as Crash and Cocaine Nights in that both see the innocuous mundanities of everyday life as nothing more than the severely loosened cap on a seething underworld cauldron of unchecked impulse and social atrocity. Welcome to the present-day U.S. of A. As Ballard's characters get their jollies from staging automobile accidents, Palahniuk's yuppies unwind from a day at the office by organizing bloodsport rings and selling soap to fund anarchist overthrows. Let's just say that neither of these guys are going to be called in to do a Full House script rewrite any time soon. But while the ingredients are the same, Ballard and Palahniuk bake at completely different temperatures. Unlike his British counterpart, who tends to cast his American protagonists in a chilly light, holding them close enough to dissect but far enough away to eliminate any possibility of kinship, Palahniuk isn't happy unless he's first-person front and center, completely entangled in the whole sordid mess. An intensely psychological novel that never runs the risk of becoming clinical, Fight Club is about both the dangers of loyalty and the dreaded weight of leadership, the desire to band together and the compulsion to head for the hills. In short, it's about the pride and horror of being an American, rendered in lethally swift prose. Fight Club's protagonist might occasionally become foggy about who he truly is (you'll see what I mean), but one thing is for certain: you're not likely to forget the book's author. Never mind Ballardesque. Palahniukian here we come!                            --Bob Michaels From Publishers Weekly Featuring soap made from human fat, waiters at high-class restaurants who do unmentionable things to soup and an underground organization dedicated to inflicting a violent anarchy upon the land, Palahniuk's apocalyptic first novel is clearly not for the faint of heart. The unnamed (and extremely unreliable) narrator, who makes his living investigating accidents for a car company in order to assess their liability, is combating insomnia and a general sense of anomie by attending a steady series of support-group meetings for the grievously ill, at one of which (testicular cancer) he meets a young woman named Marla. She and the narrator get into a love triangle of sorts with Tyler Durden, a mysterious and gleefully destructive young man with whom the narrator starts a fight club, a secret society that offers young professionals the chance to beat one another to a bloody pulp. Mayhem ensues, beginning with the narrator's condo exploding and culminating with a terrorist attack on the world's tallest building. Writing in an ironic deadpan and including something to offend everyone, Palahniuk is a risky writer who takes chances galore, especially with a particularly bizarre plot twist he throws in late in the book. Caustic, outrageous, bleakly funny, violent and always unsettling, Palahniuk's utterly original creation will make even the most jaded reader sit up and take notice. Movie rights to Fox 2000. From Booklist In the world of Fight Club, healthy young people go to meetings of cancer support groups because only there can they find human warmth and compassion. It's a world where young men gather in the basements of bars to fight strangers "just as long as they have to." And it's a world where "nobody cared if he lived or died, and the feeling was fucking mutual." Messianic nihilist Tyler Durden is the inventor of Fight Club. Soon thousands of young men across the country are reporting to their work cubes with flattened noses, blackened eyes, and shattered teeth, looking forward to their next bare-knuckle maiming. The oracular, increasingly mysterious Durden then begins to harness the despair, alienation, and violence he sees so clearly into complete anarchy. Every generation frightens and unnerves its parents, and Palahniuk's first novel is gen X's most articulate assault yet on baby-boomer sensibilities. This is a dark and disturbing book that dials directly into youthful angst and will likely horrify the parents of teens and twentysomethings. It's also a powerful, and possibly brilliant, first novel.                            Thomas Gaughan From Kirkus Reviews Brutal and relentless debut fiction takes anarcho-S&M chic to a whole new level--in a creepy, dystopic, confrontational novel that's also cynically smart and sharply written. Palahniuk's insomniac narrator, a drone who works as a product recall coordinator, spends his free time crashing support groups for the dying. But his after-hours life changes for the weirder when he hooks up with Tyler Durden, a waiter and projectionist with plans to screw up the world--he's a ``guerilla terrorist of the service industry.'' ``Project Mayhem'' seems taken from a page in The Anarchist Cookbook and starts small: Durden splices subliminal scenes of porno into family films and he spits into customers' soup. Things take off, though, when he begins the fight club--a gruesome late-night sport in which men beat each other up as partial initiation into Durden's bigger scheme...This brilliant bit of nihilism succeeds where so many self- described transgressive novels do not: It's dangerous because it's so compelling. (First serial to Story) About Author Chuck Palahniuk ist franz?sisch-russischer Abstammung und 1962 geboren. Er hat bereits vier Romane ver?ffentlicht, von denen bisher nur "Fight Club" auf Deutsch erschienen ist. Der Autor lebt in Portland, Oregon. Weitere Romane sind bei Manhattan in Vorbereitung. Book Dimension: length: (cm)25             width:(cm)13
  • Rant

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    The provocative and mind-bending new novel from the bestselling author of Fight Club and Haunted. Rant takes the form of a (fictional) oral history of Buster “Rant” Casey, in which an assortment of friends, enemies, admirers, detractors, and relations have their say on this evil character, who may or may not be the most efficient serial killer of our time. Buster Casey was every small kid born in a small town, searching for real thrills in a world of video games and action/adventure movies. The high school rebel who always wins – and a childhood murderer? – Rant Casey escapes from his hometown of Middleton into the big city and becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing, where, on designated nights, the participants recognize each other by dressing their cars with tin-can tails, “Just Married” toothpaste graffiti, and other refuse, then look for special markings in order to stalk and crash into each other. It’s in this violent, late-night hunting game that Casey makes three friends. And after his spectacular death, these friends gather the testimony needed to build an oral history of his short life. Their collected anecdotes explore the charges that his saliva infected hundreds and caused a silent, urban plague of rabies . . . Expect hilarity and horror, and blazing insight into the desperate and surreal contemporary human condition as only Chuck Palahniuk can deliver it. He’s the postmillennial Jonathan Swift, the man to watch to learn what’s – uh-oh – coming next. Excerpt from RANT: Wallace Boyer (Car Salesman): Like most people, I didn’t meet and talk to Rant Casey until after he was dead. That’s how it works for most celebrities, after they croak their circle of close friends just explodes. A dead celebrity can’t walk down the street without meeting a million best buddies they never met in real life. Dying was the best career move Jeff Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy ever made. . . . The way Rant Casey used to say it: Folks build a reputation by attacking you while you’re alive–or praising you after you ain’t.
  • Survivor

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    From the author of the cult sensation Fight Club (now a major motion picture starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter) comes Survivor. "A turbo-charged, deliciously manic satire of contemporary American life." --Newsday "The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage," according to the "been there, done that" wisdom of Tender Branson, last surviving member of the Creedish Death Cult. At the opening of Chuck Palahniuk's hilariously unnerving second novel, Tender is cruising on autopilot, 39,000 feet up, dictating the whole of his life story into Flight 2039's "black box" in the final moments before crashing into the vast Australian outback. Not since Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night has there been as dark and telling a satire on the wages of fame and the bedrock lunacy of the modern world. Wickedly incisive and mesmerizing, Survivor is Chuck Palahniuk at his deadpan peak.
  • Diary

    作者:Palahniuk, Chuck

    “CAN YOU FEEL THIS?” Chuck Palahniuk, the bestselling author of Fight Club , Choke , and Lullaby continues his twenty-first-century reinvention of the horror novel in this scary and profound look at our quest for some sort of immortality. Diary takes the form of a “coma diary” kept by one Misty Tracy Wilmot as her husband lies senseless in a hospital after a suicide attempt. Once she was an art student dreaming of creativity and freedom; now, after marrying Peter at school and being brought back to once quaint, now tourist-overrun Waytansea Island, she’s been reduced to the condition of a resort hotel maid. Peter, it turns out, has been hiding rooms in houses he’s remodeled and scrawling vile messages all over the walls—an old habit of builders but dramatically overdone in Peter’s case. Angry homeowners are suing left and right, and Misty’s dreams of artistic greatness are in ashes. But then, as if possessed by the spirit of Maura Kinkaid, a fabled Waytansea artist of the nineteenth century, Misty begins painting again, compulsively. But can her newly discovered talent be part of a larger, darker plan? Of course it can … Diary is a dark, hilarious, and poignant act of storytelling from America’s favorite, most inventive nihilist. It is Chuck Palahniuk’s finest novel yet.
  • Haunted

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

  • Choke

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    Victor Mancini, a medical-school dropout, is an antihero for our deranged times. Needing to pay elder care for his mother, Victor has devised an ingenious scam: he pretends to choke on pieces of food while dining in upscale restaurants. He then allows himself to be “saved” by fellow patrons who, feeling responsible for Victor’s life, go on to send checks to support him. When he’s not pulling this stunt, Victor cruises sexual addiction recovery workshops for action, visits his addled mom, and spends his days working at a colonial theme park. His creator, Chuck Palahniuk, is the visionary we need and the satirist we deserve.
  • Fight Club

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

  • 隱形怪物

    作者:恰克·帕拉尼克,Chuck Palahn

    恰克.帕拉尼克最驚悚的原點 《隱形怪物》是鳥。我的臉被鳥吃掉了。從那天起,我從眾人矚目的美麗焦點淪為一隻隱形怪物!於是,我展開了一場「重生」之旅那些讓我淪為怪物的朋友們,請期待我的復仇吧! 《鬥陣俱樂部》作者恰克‧帕拉尼克 讓出版社嚇到不敢出版的經典名作! Facebook、Amazon網路書店、anobi網路書櫃 超過5000篇評論說讚! 是鳥。我的臉被鳥吃掉了。 我駕駛在高速公路上。 有人用三十式步槍朝我射出子彈。 子彈撕裂我的下巴骨頭。 我到了醫院。我沒有死。 他們沒辦法把我的下巴裝回去,因為海鷗把它吃掉了。 我只能吃嬰兒食品。 我沒辦法說話。 我失去了工作。我沒有家。 我的未婚夫把我甩了。 沒有人願意看我。 我的衣服全被我最要好的朋友毀了。 有個男孩。 有個男孩在超級市場說我是怪物…… 身為時裝模特兒的女主角幾乎擁有一切--英俊的男友、成功的事業,以及忠實的朋友--然而在一場高速公路「意外」中,她遭到毀容並失去說話能力,從眾人矚目的美麗焦點淪為一隻隱形怪物,醜惡到無人願意承認她的存在。就在此時,布蘭蒂.亞歷山大進入了她的生活。這位超級女王教導她捨棄過去的自己,拋棄恐懼,展開一段瘋狂的「重生」之旅…… ◎聯合推薦 超人氣熱血搞怪團體/CIRCUS 「絕命派對」新銳鬼才導演/柯孟融
  • 搖籃曲


    棍棒或石頭或許能打斷你的骨骸,但文字永遠不會傷害你。 想或許我已經找出一個模式。看起來每個家長可能都在孩子過世的前一晚,大聲為他們朗讀同一首詩。「五個都是?」他說。我說,我們來做個小實驗。 現在已經是深夜,我們倆都經歷的漫長的一天而疲憊不堪。我們坐在他的辦公室裡,我要他仔細聽。這是一首關於動物即將入眠的古老詩歌,既依戀又感傷,而當我在日光燈下大聲朗誦出這首詩的時候,我覺得我的臉頰因氧化性血紅素而漲紅發燙,隔著辦公桌,我的編輯領帶鬆開,領口打開,闔上雙眼往後靠在椅子上。他的嘴巴微微張開,他的牙齒跟咖啡杯都沾染著同一種棕咖啡色。這本書稱之為勾魂歌。在某些國家,他們在發生饑荒或乾旱時,或隨時部落超過土地負擔之際,他們會唱這首歌給孩子們聽。你唱給戰場上受創負傷的戰士,受疾病摧殘的人們,任何你希望能儘快離開人世的人。來終結他們的痛苦。這是一首搖籃曲。 一個調查嬰兒床之死的專題報導記者卡爾,敏銳冷靜,總是詳細觀察現場一切細微之處,在他一連串的調查中,他發現每一個案發現場都有一本《世界詩歌童謠大全》,它們都不約而同地翻到第27頁,上面有一首源自古老非洲的詩歌,叫做勾魂曲。然後他發現這首曲子是一個殺人於無形的咒語,為了實驗是否有效,他幹掉了他的主編鄧肯,他發誓他再也不要使用它,他想要忘記這首詩,但勾魂曲卻彷彿廣告歌一般地被自動記憶起來,揮之不去,然後他發現只要有人使他動怒,他便會不由自主地在腦海中響起勾魂曲的旋律,許許多多的人就這麼死了…….於是他總是得不斷數數,以免生氣動怒。 憑著他的專業調查能力,他發現一個專門仲介鬼屋的房屋仲介商,古董建築家具的迷戀者──海倫,她也知道勾魂曲的祕密和她的故事。卡爾和海倫討論再三,為了免除人類被滅絕,(也是各懷鬼胎),決定與海倫的女祕書巫師迷夢娜(她的巫師名字叫做桑樹),以及夢娜的男友蚵仔,一個專門在報上刊登詭異反廣告,以便讓企業主花錢取消廣告,他們一行四人展開焚書之旅。他們到處銷毀這本書,事情卻偶爾擦槍走火,連帶銷毀了一些人,而卡爾的記者線民,一個救護人員納許威脅卡爾,也知道了勾魂曲的祕密,焚書之旅的路上,無線電廣播不斷報導有許多名模離奇死亡,並且她們都在死後都遭到強暴,警方懷疑有是有姦屍癖的患者所為…… 他們在尋找《世界詩歌童謠大全》的原版書,巫師稱之為影子書,一本記載了各種古老的魔法咒語書,為了救人也為了自救……
  • 鬥陣俱樂部


    杰克 是一个大汽车公司的职员,患有严重的失眠症,对周围的一切充满危机和憎恨。 一个偶然的机会,杰克遇上了卖肥皂的商人 泰勒,一个浑身充满叛逆、残酷和暴烈的痞子英雄,并因为自己公寓失火而住进了泰勒破旧不堪的家中。两人因缘际会地成为了好朋友,并创立了“搏击俱乐部”:一个让人们不戴护具而徒手搏击,宗旨在于发泄情绪的地下组织。 俱乐部吸引了越来越多的人,逐渐发展成为一个全国性的地下组织,而泰勒也以自己个人的魅力,吸引着那些盲目的信徒。俱乐部的成员们到处滋事打架、大肆破坏,泰勒本人的行为也越来越疯狂。 杰克对于“搏击俱乐部”的现况及泰勒的行为越来越无法忍受,和泰勒发生争执,泰勒离开了他。然而,杰克发现,他走到何处都无法摆脱泰勒的影子,他开始思考:我到底是谁?
  • Haunted

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

    a group of aspiring writers brought together for a three-month writer's retreat in an abandoned theater. The novel intersperses the writers' poems and short stories with tales of the indignities they heap upon themselves after deciding to turn their lives into a "true-life horror story with a happy ending." They lock themselves in the theater, reasoning that once they're found, they'll all become rich and famous. They raise the stakes of their story by first depriving themselves of phones, and then of food and electricity; eventually they cut off their own fingers, toes and unmentionables before they start dying off and eating each other.
  • Fight Club

    作者:Chuck Palahniuk

  • Fight Club

    作者:Palahniuk, Chuck

    用女人身上的美容抽脂肥油作高级香皂,一个安那其天才的锅里烹煮著易挥发性的「食谱」,泰勒·德尔登,这个天上蹦出来的傢伙,还有什么古怪玩意儿?一个没有名字的叙述者,一连串失眠者的囈语,瞪著死鱼一般的眼睛,让死板的思绪流过每一吋神经末稍。尖酸刻薄的身为一个汽车公司的回收改正员,他永远不知道自己醒在何处,在何处醒来,环绕著他是物质文明的全部细节——家里大量的宜家(IKEA)家具、Njurunda咖啡桌、Haparanda沙发组、 Johanneshov扶手椅、Klipsk储物组、Hemlig置帽箱...... 直到他来到了集体治疗中心,他和一群癌症患者一起抱胸痛哭,第一次,他睡的像个流口水的婴儿,他看见他的心灵动物企鹅在冰穴泅泳,对他说:「滑呀」。只有丧失一切希望之时他才捉的到一点点自由的游丝。于是他报名参加所有集体治疗的团体。一群脑部寄生虫病变、骨质退化疾病、睪丸癌、生理性脑部精神错乱。管他的,就是一群距离「报废」指日可待的人,依靠别人的不幸是他唯一安眠的处方。直到,一个叫玛拉.辛格的女人破坏了一切(假货!假货!!)?揭穿了他靠死人存活的把戏。他再度失眠。每一个週末,在一个隐密的酒馆地下室,一群男人,不管胖瘦、老小全聚集在这里,第二天,这群来自蓝白领阶级的员工、婚姻破裂者,他们的眼睛淤青,脖子歪扭,身体变形,但他们却因而生活快乐,睡眠安稳�到底怎么回事,嘘,别忘了第一法则:「搏击俱乐部规定第一条,不准谈论搏击俱乐部」。一座顶高的摩天大楼,在月黑风高的深夜,一群光头的太空猴四处流窜,在大楼底部放置炸弹,他们整晚混浓硷、切肥皂。他们——星期一纵火;星期二攻击;星期三恶搞;星期四误导——称之为「有组织的浑沌。有官僚的无政府。」亦叫做「互助自救会」。一个物质狂受害者碰上一个安那其破坏狂,他们打斗而成为一体,日子因此快乐,充满生机,直到一个女人闯了进来,她的名字还是叫玛拉·辛格,妈的,谁管她到底叫啥?《搏击俱乐部》,恰克·帕拉尼克1996年出版的第一本长篇小说,一本虚无世代虚无的经典名著,新千禧年的第一本大师之作。1999年由《异形第三集》、《火线追缉令》(Se7en)、《致命游戏》(The Game)导演大卫·芬奇(David Ficher)拍成电影,由爱德华·诺顿(Edward Norton)和布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)主演。「充满战慄譫妄的一齣现代启示录喜剧,无法无天、惊悚、悬疑和著尖酸的澄澈清醒。《搏击俱乐部》抵达了只有让人闻之丧胆的书所能完成的某些事物。或许我们这一代终於找到了它的唐·迪利罗(Don DeLillo,1936~)。」——《美国杀人魔》(American Psycho)原作小说家布列特·伊斯顿·艾利斯(Bret Easton Ellis, 1964~)
  • 隐形怪物


  • 惡搞研習營


    他們折磨自己,創造悲劇,為的就是要成名! 「作家研習營。拋開你的生活,就此消失。將你生命中的一小段時間賭在可以創造一個全新未來的機會上。及時行動,過你夢想中的生活,名額極其有限。有興趣者請來電:1-800-滾你媽的蛋」 《惡搞研習營》包含了二十三個恐怖、好笑,又讓你反胃的故事。說這些故事的人都是應一則「作家研習營」的廣告而來,卻陷入類似「求生」情節的處境中──他們沒有暖氣,沒有電力,沒有食物。這些說故事的人越來越絕望時,他們的故事也越來越極端。然而,他們無情地密謀著,讓自己成為由他們受苦經驗改編而成的實境節目中的主角。這將是你所讀過最令人心裡發毛且暴虐的小說,惟有恰克‧帕拉尼克才能寫得出來。 《鬥陣俱樂部》作者不必出拳,就將他們擊倒! 特報:到目前為止,已有七十三個人在《惡搞研習營》長篇小說裡的其中一篇〈腸子〉的朗誦會裡昏倒,人數仍在繼續增加中。作者表示〈腸子〉絕不是《惡搞研習營》中最陰暗或最滑稽或最讓人心裡發毛的一篇,有些他甚至不敢當眾朗讀。關於《惡搞研習營》這本書的後續效應,持續觀察中。 腸效應已延燒到台灣!讀者在閱讀過後,不是火到想找作者單挑、不然就是發出淒厲的慘叫,或是整個人狂笑到不行,有些人證實此篇真實故事改編的小說能幫助消化,並有反A片的效用,更有人已經虛脫到無法出聲……
  • 搏击俱乐部

