

  • 投資大師羅傑斯給寶貝女兒的12封信: 成功的人生 ,成功的投資

    作者:Jim Rogers

    許多年輕父母會擔心,對於孩子的未來,應該有什麼樣的準備以及想像?其實正確態度的培養才是關鍵!吉姆.羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)以書信的方式,向女兒娓娓道出自己一路走來所累積的成功經驗和投資哲學。 成功投資家這回不是教你看準哪種商品,而是融合投資財管智慧和為人父親的愛,傳授小女兒們面對未來世界,應該抱持怎樣的生活學以及投資學態度,才能建立屬於自己的成功人生。 羅傑斯這位「富爸爸」給寶貝女兒的12個箴言是: (1)不要讓別人影響你──假如每個人都嘲笑你的想法,這就是可能成功的指標! (2)專注於你所愛──在真正熱愛的工作上努力,就會找到你的夢想 (3)普通常識並不是那麼普通──大眾社會相信的常常是錯的,不要盲目聽信別人的話 (4)將世界納入你的眼界──保持開放的心,做個世界公民! (5)研讀哲學,學會思考──訓練自己去檢驗每一種概念、每一個事實 (6)學習歷史──因為以前發生過的事,以後也還會再發生 (7)這是中國的世紀,去學中文!──參與一個偉大國家的再現,購買這個國家的未來! (8)真正認識自己──了解你的弱點和覺察你的錯誤,才能找到對的路 (9)認出改變,擁抱改變──改變的功能就像催化劑,保持覺知是重要的功課 (10)面對未來──看得見未來的人可以累積財富 (11)反眾道而行──檢視事實和機會,不隨烏合之眾心理起舞 (12)幸運女神只眷顧持續努力的人──用功讀書,學得越多你才知道你懂得越少 父母希望為孩子建立的不只是金山銀山,而是一條孩子自己有能力挖掘探索的寶山之路!本書分享的金玉良言,正是最好的傳家禮物。
  • Adventure Capitalist

    作者:Rogers, Jim

    A gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend The best–selling author of Investment Biker takes a fascinating journey through the world′s economic situation in a convertible yellow Mercedes. This is the motivating story of entrepreneur Jim Rogers, dubbed "the Indiana Jones of finance" by Time magazine, who made his fortune playing the stock market and then embarked on his lifelong dream adventure. Together with his fiancee, Paige Parker, he set out on a three–year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness world record for the longest continuous car journey. Their trip winds its way through 116 countries – through blizzards, deserts, epidemics and war zones – to discover failing economies and the new boom countries not from dry and potentially flawed statistics, but by experiencing life itself. This is a gripping tale of travel and adventure; along the way they encounter danger, love and farce. It is also a highly readable account of world economies: you won′t find a more enjoyable way to be introduced to the investment potential of Bolivia, or the cultural changes afoot in North Korea. Finally it is also an inward journey in which Rogers moves from the restless traveler to husband and father, hoping one day to introduce his daughter to his own passion for travel. JIM ROGERS entered the investment business in 1968 with $600 dollars in his pocket. By 1980, at 37 years of age, he had left Wall Street with enough money to satisfy a lifelong appetite for adventure.
  • Investment Biker

    作者:Jim Rogers

    Legendary investor Jim Rogers gives us his view of the world on a twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey in his bestselling business/adventure book, Investment Biker , which has already sold more than 200,000 copies. Before you invest another dollar anywhere in the world (including the United States), read this book by the man Time magazine calls “the Indiana Jones of finance.” Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded the Quantum Fund. Investment Biker is the fascinating story of Rogers’s global motorcycle journey/investing trip, with hardheaded advice on the current state and future direction of international economies that will guide and inspire investors interested in foreign markets.
  • A Gift to My Children

    作者:Jim Rogers

    He’s the swashbuckling world traveler and legendary investor who made his fortune before he was forty. Now the bestselling author of A Bull in China, Hot Commodities , and Adventure Capitalist shares a heartfelt, indispensable guide for his daughters (and all young investors) to find success and happiness. In A Gift to My Children , Jim Rogers offers advice with his trademark candor and confidence, but this time he adds paternal compassion, protectiveness, and love. Rogers reveals how to learn from his triumphs and mistakes in order to achieve a prosperous, well-lived life. For example: • Trust your own judgment: Rogers sensed China’s true potential way back in the 1980s, at a time when most analysts were highly skeptical of its prospects for growth. • Focus on what you like: Rogers was five when he started collecting empty bottles at baseball games instead of playing. • Be persistent: Coming to Yale from rural Alabama, and in over his head, Rogers never stopped studying and wound up with a scholarship to Oxford. • See the world: In 1990, Rogers traveled through six continents by motorcycle, gaining a global perspective and learning how to evaluate prospects in rapidly developing countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China. • Nothing is really new: anything deemed “innovative” or “unprecedented” is usually just overhyped, as in the case of the Internet or TV, airplanes, and railroads before it • And not a bit off the subject, and very important: Boys will need you more than you’ll need them! Wise and warm, accessible and inspiring, A Gift to My Children is a great gift for all those just starting to invest in their futures. 点击链接进入中文版: 投资大师罗杰斯给宝贝女儿的12封信