

  • 风格白痴

    作者:提姆·冈恩(Tim Gunn),凯特·莫

    时尚可以用金钱买到,但风格则是一个人本身必须具备的。电视节目“天桥骄子”为我们引介了一位新的时尚权威:提姆•冈恩。身为Bravo频道节目中的时装指导以及帕森设计学院时装设计系的前主任,提姆提出了坦白、明智、权威的设计建议,深受观众赞赏。 读者可透过本书,获得提姆•冈恩对流行时尚与穿着风格的精辟见解。他以风趣幽默的笔调,侃侃而谈关于营造和维持个人风格的方方面面:不同场合的穿着方式、如何聪明购物(从设计师的精品店、连锁服饰店到二手商店)、如何选择适合自已的时尚导师、如何改善自已的仪态,以及如何真正找到适合自已的服装等。但最重要的是,提姆•冈恩会教你如何找出自己的风格,定义它、加强它,塑造自己的风格,而不是盲从名人或流行的风潮。
  • Gunn's Golden Rules

    作者:Tim Gunn

    What I notice is that people feel very comfortable coming up to me and talking. It's the greatest compliment in the world. They perceive that I'm user-friendly, approachable, and accessible, and they're absolutely correct," says Tim Gunn to The Boston Globe, and millions of armchair fashionistas couldn't agree more. Tim is adored by the masses-both Project Runway fans and non-watchers-for just being himself, and now, he offers a simple, accessible guidebook to help readers navigate all aspects of life. With his friendly, conversational tone-and peppered with his trademark colorful metaphors-Tim Gunn deftly puts his signature catchphrase into practice beyond the runway or fashion showroom. He dishes out frank, witty, and practical advice in a way that gives readers the feeling of a face-to-face encounter. Just as foundation undergarments are key to a great outfit, Gunn's Golden Rules provide the groundwork for finding success and happiness-and becoming the best "you" possible.
  • 别以为你有格调

    作者:[美]蒂姆·冈恩(Tim Gunn)

    时尚爱好者对《别以为你有格调》的作者蒂姆•冈恩并不陌生,他是《天桥骄子》中最受欢迎的时尚绅士。在《别以为你有格调》这本书中,蒂姆•冈恩将和你分享他的人生秘密,用他对生活最敏感的触角告诉你,细节决定格调。 成功没有捷径,勤奋、创造力和技能仅仅是个开始,很多时候更在于你对细节和礼仪的重视。 要舒适,还是要礼貌?要方便,还是要风格? 在饭桌上发短信? 穿着短裤进剧场? 蒂姆•冈恩的这18堂形象管理课,将帮你培养一个正直的性格以及彬彬有礼的生活方式。这是艰苦的工作,但是回报同样有很多:你会变得友善、迷人、有吸引力。