《从LinkedIn走向成功》内容简介:LinkedIn(http://www.linkedin.com/)是一个面向商业客户的社交网络(SNS)服务网站,是美国仅次于Facebook和Twitter的第三大社交网站。目前有全球200多个国家的500多家企业使用LinkedIn,个人注册用户已经超过1.5亿。当前,以LinkedIn为代表的社交媒体在专业人士求职方面发展迅速,正逐渐取代传统求职模式成为商务人士、工程技术人员、白领乃至大学毕业生日益青睐的对象。 《从LinkedIn走向成功》旨在帮助读者快速了解LinkedIn的价值,并学习如何更有效利用它实现商业目标。《从LinkedIn走向成功》内容广泛,涉及个人用户和企业用户两个层面;从社交媒体的话题切入,介绍了如何使用LinkedIn获得成功、如何增加商业机会、更好地体现自我魅力和彰显个人价值,如何开拓和积累人脉;此外,《从LinkedIn走向成功》还介绍了企业如何融入LinkedIn的环境,如何用LinkedIn提高工作效率和获得经济效益,等等。《从LinkedIn走向成功》还有专门的网站(www.powerformula.net),读者可以从中获得更多的提示、建议和资源。 《从LinkedIn走向成功》适合想要塑造公司品牌和开展营销的市场营销人员阅读,也适合想要利用LinkedIn更好地实现目标的商务人士、外企HR、猎头公司阅读;对于想要通过LinkdedIn找到更好发展机会的职场白领、专业技术人员和大学毕业生,《从LinkedIn走向成功》也有很好的参考价值。 -
The Start-up of You
A blueprint for thriving in your job and building a career by applying the lessons of Silicon Valley’s most innovative entrepreneurs. The career escalator is jammed at every level. Unemployment rates are sky-high. Creative disruption is shaking every industry. Global competition for jobs is fierce. The employer-employee pact is over and traditional job security is a thing of the past. Here, LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha show how to accelerate your career in today’s competitive world. The key is to manage your career as if it were a start-up business : a living, breathing, growing start-up of you . Why? Start-ups - and the entrepreneurs who run them - are nimble. They invest in themselves. They build their professional networks. They take intelligent risks. They make uncertainty and volatility work to their advantage. These are the very same skills professionals need to get ahead today. This book isn’t about cover letters or resumes. Instead, you will learn the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups, and how to apply these entrepreneurial strategies to your career. Whether you work for a giant multinational corporation, a small local business, or launching your own venture, you need to know how to: * Adapt your career plans as you change, the people around you change, and industries change. * Develop a competitive advantage to win the best jobs and opportunities. * Strengthen your professional network by building powerful alliances and maintaining a diverse mix of relationships. * Find the unique breakout opportunities that massively accelerate career growth. * Take proactive risks to become more resilient to industry tsunamis. * Tap your network for information and intelligence that help you make smarter decisions. A revolutionary new guide to thriving in today's fractured world of work, the strategies in this book will help you survive and thrive and achieve your boldest professional ambitions. The Start-Up of You empowers you to become the CEO of your career and take control of your future. -
全球最大商务社交网linkedin创始人里德·霍夫曼首度出书,谈正在到来的商业新变局,以及全球新格局下的个人战略!李开复作序倾力推荐! 如何应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化?全球最大商务社交网LinkedIn创始人里德·霍夫曼教你把握关系,利用趋势。 作为全球顶级IT投资人和创业家,里德·霍夫曼敏锐地感知商业社会正在发生革命性的变化,并提出全球格局下的个人战略:每个人都应该具备企业家精神,学会重新处理与自我的关系、与他人的关系、与未来的关系、与风险的关系,才足以应对多变的世界。 本书以全球化视野,深度解读至关重要的四大关系,为中国读者提供新的商业世界观和实用的七大策略。 并不是非得创业才称得上是企业家。企业家指的是一种看待世界的方式:当他人看到重重障碍时,企业家看到的是机会;当他人选择退却时,企业家却能大胆冒险。不管你从事什么职业——或者希望从事哪种职业——本书都可以为你走向成功提供经验教训。 ——迈克尔·布鲁姆伯格,彭博资讯创始人,纽约市市长 所有人,不论男女,都需要拥有宏图大志才能成功。这本书非常实用,它教你该如何掌控局面,开创事业,从而为社会贡献积极力量。 ——谢丽尔·桑德伯格,Facebook首席运营官 本书讲述了在打造美好生活的过程中该如何运用创业策略:首先得有想法,然后在整个职业生涯中努力去实现它,成就非凡。本书提炼出了获取成功的必要关键技巧。 ——杰克·多尔西,Twitter及Square软件合创人 硅谷通过我们的工作方式彻底革新了整个行业。如今,是时候将我们采取的策略推广到全世界其他地区了。这本书可以帮助你彻底改变自身,并实现事业上的伟大突破。 ——马克·安德森,惠普、Facebook以及eBay的风险投资家兼主管
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友