Timeless Healing
TIMELESS HEALING THE POWER A life-changing work from the bestselling author of "The Relaxation Response" Herbert Benson, M.D. explores the true intersection and connections between objective sciences and the mystifying power of the human spirit. He tells how affirming beliefs, particularly belief in a higher power, makes a critical contribution to our physical health. In essence, Dr. Benson's messages is that our bodies are "wired for God." A Harvard physician, Dr. Benson documents that when people call upon faith, they activate neurologic pathways for self-healing, and he shows how you, along with a caring physician or healer, can tap into your reservoir of "remembered wellness" to affect and cure 60 to 90 percent of medical complaints. Dr. Benson does not dismiss modern health care. Instead, he proposes practical ways in which patients and the medical community can make faith an integral part of it. Along "Timeless Healing" 's journey of intellectual enlightenment, Dr. Benson creates a wonderful web of personal anecdotes, scientific research, social commentary, and spiritual wisdom that outlines a life-transforming and society-changing blueprint for healing. -
Being Happy
A brilliant guide to living a happier life (even if it's not so perfect)Bestselling author Tal Ben-Shahar has done it again. InBeing Happy(originally published in hardcover asThe Pursuit of Perfect, 978-0-07160882-4), he gives you not only you the theory but also the tools to help you learn how to accept life as it actually is instead of what you think it should be. By using the science of positive psychology along with acceptance, Ben-Shahar shows you how to escape the rat race and begin living a life of serenity, happiness, and fulfillment.With the same technique that madeHappiersuch a great success,Being Happyshows you how to let go of unrealistic expectations and truly accept your emotions for a more serene life.Praise for Ben-Shahar: "[Tal Ben-Shahar has] a rare brand of good sense that is embedded in scientific knowledge about how to increase happiness."-- Martin E. P. Seligman, author ofAuthentic Happiness"Ben-Shahar teaches that happiness isn't as elusive as people think."--Publishers Weekly"One of the most popular teachers in Harvard's recent history."-- Ellen J. Langer, author ofMindfulnessandOn Becoming an ArtistTal Ben-Shaharis the New York Times bestselling author ofHappier. He consults and lectures around the world to executives in multinational corporations, the general public, and at-risk populations. For more information, visit www.talbenshahar.com -
The Resilience Factor
在线阅读本书 Resilience is a crucial ingredient–perhaps the crucial ingredient–to a happy, healthy life. More than anything else, it's what determines how high we rise above what threatens to wear us down, from battling an illness, to bolstering a marriage, to carrying on after a national crisis. Everyone needs resilience, and now two expert psychologists share seven proven techniques for enhancing our capacity to weather even the cruelest setbacks. The science in The Resilience Factor takes an extraordinary leap from the research introduced in the bestselling Learned Optimism a decade ago. Just as hundreds of thousands of people were transformed by "flexible optimism," readers of this book will flourish, thanks to their enhanced ability to overcome obstacles of any kind. Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté are seasoned resilience coaches and, through practical methods and vivid anecdotes, they prove that resilience is not just an ability that we're born with and need to survive, but a skill that anyone can learn and improve in order to thrive. Readers will first complete the Resilience Questionnaire to determine their own innate levels of resilience. Then, the system at the heart of The Resilience Factor will teach them to: • Cast off harsh self-criticisms and negative self-images • Navigate through the fallout of any kind of crisis • Cope with grief and anxiety • Overcome obstacles in relationships, parenting, or on the job • Achieve greater physical health • Bolster optimism, take chances, and embrace life In light of the unprecedented challenges we've recently faced, there’s never been a greater need to boost our resilience. Without resorting to feel-good pap or quick-fix clichés, The Resilience Factor is self-help at its best, destined to become a classic in the genre. From the Hardcover edition. -
Even Happier
Learn to be Happier. Week by Week. In this week-by-week guided journal, Tal Ben-Shahar offers a full year'sworth of exercises to inspire happiness every day. Using the groundbreakingprinciples of positive psychology that he taught in his wildly popularcourse at Harvard University and that inspired his worldwide bestsellerHappier, Ben-Shahar has designed a series of tools and techniques toenable us all to find more pleasure and meaning in our lives. 52 weeks of new exercises, meditations, and "time-ins" A journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and personal growth Life-changing insights of philosophers, psychologists, artists,writers, scientists, and successful entrepreneurs This is no ordinary self-help book that you read and toss aside. It's acomplete, user-driven journal filled with proactive challenges, thoughtprovokingquestions, and "time-ins" that allow you to pause and reflect.You can engage in these activities every day to stimulate your creativity,enhance your sense of empowerment, enrich the quality of your life, and,yes, feel Even Happier. -
The How of Happiness
A groundbreaking, practical guide to attaining happiness based on innovative scientific research, The How of Happiness is a powerful contribution to the field of positive psychology and a gift to people who have sought to take their happiness into their own hands. Drawing upon years of her own pioneering research with thousands of men and women, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky reveals that much of our capacity for happiness is within our power. Detailing an easy-to- follow plan, including exercises in new ways of thinking and understanding our individual obstacles, The How of Happiness offers a positive and empowering way to sustain a new level of joy in our lives. -
The Pursuit of Perfect
DO YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE PERFECT? We're all laboring under our own and society's expectations to be perfect in every way-to look younger, to make more money, to be happy all the time. But according to Tal Ben-Shahar, the New York Times bestselling author of Happier, the pursuit of perfect may actually be the number-one internal obstacle to finding happiness. OR DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? Applying cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology-the scientific principles taught in his wildly popular course at Harvard University-Ben-Shahar takes us off the impossible pursuit of perfection and directs us to the way to happiness, richness, and true fulfillment. He shows us the freedom derived from not trying to do it all right all the time and the real lessons that failure and painful emotions can teach us. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT TO BE PERFECTLY HAPPY! In The Pursuit of Perfect, Tal Ben-Shahar offers an optimal way of thinking about failure and success--and the very way we live. He provides exercises for self reflection, meditations, and "Time-Ins" to help you rediscover what you really want out of life. Praise for Tal Ben-Shahar's Happier: "This fine book shimmers with a rare brand of good sense that is embedded in scientific knowledge about how to increase happiness. It is easy to see how this is the backbone of the most popular course at Harvard today." -Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness -
全球第一本由从事科学实验的人所撰写的幸福生活指南。 本书作者是从事积极心理学研究的权威专家,本书是她近20年来用科学的方法对幸福进行研究的结晶。根据研究,她创立了详细且易于实施的12项策略,这12项策略能为我们的日常生活增添幸福,带领我们全面理解什么是幸福,什么是不幸福,什么能够使我们更接近自己预想的那种快乐生活。书中还对一些片面的、不科学的说法进行了澄清。 这本书为我们提供了一种新颖且潜在的改变生活的方式,让我们明白我们追求幸福的潜能以及在生活中保持幸福的能力。 -
“幸福是人类共同的追求。” ——中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋强力推荐本书! ★★★★★ 中信幸福课堂 你幸福吗? 幸福到底是什么? 你想学习幸福的方法吗? “哈佛大学最受欢迎的导师”泰勒•本-沙哈尔博士为你带来的哈佛幸福课程,能够帮助你获得真正的幸福! ★编辑推荐: 本书作者泰勒•本-沙哈尔为哈佛大学最受欢迎的幸福课讲师,其幸福课视频在各大公开课的网站上点击率长踞首位(2011年已超过1亿)。当本课程引入中国时,它在网易公开课也获得了最高点击率。 作为最受欢迎的哈佛幸福课程图书版,这本风靡全球的畅销书《幸福的方法》能够帮助每一个人开启智慧,通过运用简单易行的方法,达到幸福的彼岸。 在本书中,作者不仅把人生分为四种类型:忙碌奔波型、享乐主义型、虚无主义型、感悟幸福型,更深刻地解读了大多数人不幸福的深层原因。同时,作者提出,只有找到自己的真正使命,激发出自己的潜力,从事自己真正想做的工作,体现出自己的核心价值,幸福即在眼前。 本书能够引领读者树立正确的幸福观,实现个人幸福、家庭幸福,乃至国民幸福。这不仅有助于树立正确的人生观、价值观,也将在宏观层面上解决“全民焦虑”的大问题,安定民心,共创幸福。 ★内容简介: 本书以充满智慧的语言风格,将幸福的秘密如沐春风般地带入到你的心灵深处。 作者认为,人生的不幸福状态分为三种类型:牺牲眼前快乐,只着眼于未来目标的忙碌奔波型;放纵自己、及时行乐的享乐主义;对一切都失望,无所作为的虚无主义。通过本书,读者将深刻理解到幸福的终极目标不是名利财富,而是尊重生命的核心价值,找到自己的真正使命并努力发掘出自己的潜力,全然地投入到生活中去。幸福,是可以通过学习和练习获得的;同时,幸福也是一个需要永不间断追求的过程。幸福的人生态度不但是为了自己的目标努力奋斗,也需要享受当下的每时每刻。每一位读者若能按书中的方法去思考人生并坚持练习,便能够踏上持久快乐、幸福和满足感的旅程。 通过本书,我们将知道: 幸福不仅是一种能力 幸福也是一份与生俱来的使命 幸福之路并无捷径 学会分享与珍惜 幸福就在眼前。 ★媒体、名人推荐 这本书的闪光之处在于,它把教给人们获得幸福的方法和关于幸福的科学研究成果完美地结合起来。看完这本书,你便可以发现和理解它包含了哈佛大学今日最热门课程的精髓。 ——美国心理学会主席 马丁•塞里格曼 幸福,有人曾经把它编在歌曲里,有人曾经把它写在书籍中。今天,美国哈佛大学把它搬进教室里。不仅如此,泰勒博士讲授的有关幸福的“积极心理学”还成为了哈佛大学排名第一的课程,超越了长期排名第一的“经济学原理”。在历史上首次以科学来认证幸福是什么。 ——美国国家有线新闻网(CNN) 每个人都想得到幸福,但有几个人能解释幸福是什么?在哈佛大学最受欢迎的课程“积极心理学”里,泰勒博士不但详细解释了幸福是什么,还把幸福的完整结构呈现给大家。幸福不再是一种“摸不着”的东西。 ——亚马逊图书网(Amazon) 泰勒博士的课程在哈佛大学破纪录地同时排名第一名和第三名。学生们评论他的课程神奇之处在于,每次学生们上完课,都迈着春天般的脚步走出教室。 ——《哈佛深红报》Harvard Crimso 泰勒博士所教授的积极心理学之所以对每个人都重要,是因为它不是加强我们对数学、文学或是科学上的知识学习,而是加强生命中幸福感的方法——一个我们分分秒秒都要面对的感觉。 ——《波士顿环球时报》(Boston Globe) “您幸福吗?”是;不;不知道……幸福是什么?是一种心态,是一种满足,是一种渴望……每个人对幸福都有自己的解读。本书给出了一种解读,它或许能让您领悟什么是幸福,以及如何去追求自己的幸福。 ——人民日报高级编辑 吕鸿 人类正在走出它最大的困惑和迷茫。人类正在认识到:金钱、财富、丰裕和成功,都不能等于幸福,也都不能代替幸福。国民幸福指数(GNW,Gross National Wellbeing)必将取代国民生产总值(GDP,Gross Domestic Product)成为社会发展和进步的新标志。所以,寻求幸福的方法,比致富的方法,攀高的方法,成功的方法,现在更需要引起我们关注。幸福才是社会存在的根本意义,幸福才是生命存在的终极理由。 ——中国就业促进会副会长 陈宇教授 你幸福么?这句话在网络上面引来无数狂潮。其实幸福是一种自我体验与感受,读完本书,我发现,其实我们缺乏的不是幸福,而是发现幸福的双眼,体验幸福的内心与走向幸福的方向,感谢此书对于幸福的进一步明确,希望大家在定义自己生活时,能够找到更多幸福,大家都幸福了,社会也就自然是幸福社会。 ——著名教育专家、新航道国际教育集团总裁兼校长 胡敏教授 幸福力,不是我们与生俱来的本能,而是需要学习的能力。哈佛的幸福课导师在本书中从科学发现出发,带领大家找到更幸福的有效方法,非常给力的著作! ——著名心理咨询师 张怡筠 感受幸福前,需要好好爱自己,也可以先读一本《幸福的方法》。 —— 素黑 知名心性治疗师作家、生命管理顾问 掌握了幸福的方法,你将感受到幸福在心中绽放的感觉。强烈推荐本书! ——知名作家 苏芩 -
“幸福是什么”是一个人类社会中被广泛讨论的话题,常识和满书架的自助类书籍告诉我们,只要努力学习、工作、积累财富、经营婚姻、养育子女、健康饮食,我们就能拥有幸福的未来。如果有人告诉你这只是关于幸福的错觉,你作何感想? 这个人就是人称“幸福教授”的哈佛大学社会心理学家吉尔伯特。他摒弃了有关幸福的传统观念,从科学的角度为我们上了一堂新颖生动的幸福课。 作者关于幸福最鲜明的观点是:人类与其他动物的根本区别在于人类可以预见未来,因此,人类也就有了区别于其他所有动物的幸福感;但是,人类对于未来自己的情感预期,往往和实际有着很大的“预测偏差”。书中列举了大量怪诞的实验,引用了大量的心理学和行为科学方面的研究成果,证明了这样一个事实:你以为中大奖可以让你幸福无比,被解雇会让你一蹶不振,但事实上,中奖的幸福感远没有你预期的那样强烈持久,被解雇的失落感也远没有你想象的那么痛苦。我们都有一个与生俱来的“幸福基础值”,生活中的成就与挫折,往往只是短暂地改变我们的幸福水平。很快地,我们就会回归自己的“幸福基础值”。 那么,如何才能撞上幸福呢?吉尔伯特认为,现代社会的人们拥有自主的选择权,有史以来第一次,我们的幸福掌握在自己手中,所以人们应当“智慧地购买”幸福,提升自己的“幸福基础值”。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友