

  • Call Me by Your Name

    作者:André Aciman

    A "New York Times" Notable Book of the YearA "Publishers Weekly" Best Book of the YearA "Washington Post" Best Fiction Book of the YearA "New York" Magazine "Future Canon" SelectionA "Chicago"" Tribune" Favorite Book of the YearOne of "The Seattle Times"' Michael Upchurch's Favorite Books of the YearAn Amazon Top 100 Editors' Picks of the Year An Amazon Top 10 Editors' pick: Debut Fiction (#6)An Amazon Top 10 Editors' pick: Gay and Lesbian (#1) "Call Me by Your Name "is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera. During the restless summer weeks, unrelenting but buried currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion as they test the charged ground between them and verge toward the one thing both already fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy. Andre Aciman's critically acclaimed debut novel is a frank, unsentimental, heartrending elegy to human passion.
  • The Silver Linings Playbook

    作者:Matthew Quick

    Pat Peoples has a theory that his life is actually a movie produced by God, and that his God-given mission in life is to become emotionally literate, whereupon God will ensure a happy ending which, for Pat, means the return of his estranged wife Nikki, from whom he's currently having some 'apart time.' It might not come as any surprise to learn that Pat has spent several years in a mental health facility. When Pat leaves hospital and goes to live with his parents, however, everything seems changed: no one will talk to him about Nikki; his old friends now have families; his beloved football team keep losing; his new therapist seems to be recommending adultery as a form of therapy. And he's being haunted by Kenny G. There is a silver lining, however, in the form of tragically widowed, physically fit and clinically depressed Tiffany, who offers to act as a go-between for Pat and his wife, if Pat will just agree to perform in this year's Dance Away Depression competition ...'Utterly original and a real word-of mouth classic' Daily Mail 'Delightful ...A smart, touching, quirky read' Scotland on Sunday
  • The little book of I love you

    作者:Sacha Goldberger

    Yes, the best gifts do come in small packages. When words just aren't enough, this quirky collection of puns, quips, puzzles, and verbal and visual fun does the talking. And since hearts must be handled with care, it comes with a distinctive padded cover. A little book with a big heart -- the perfect gift for Valentine's day, an anniversary, or just because.
  • 亲爱的,我们别吵了

    作者:[美] 苏珊•约翰逊

    在21世纪,爱情关系已成为大多数人生活中的核心。每个人都会在某些时刻和爱侣发生矛盾,陷入一些消极互动,传统的疗法,比如学习解决问题或沟通技巧或许可以中断一次争吵,但有什么办法可以帮我们走出爱的迷宫? 情绪取向疗法(EFT)为婚姻咨询提供完整的治疗模式,同时也适用于重建亲密关系。苏珊•约翰逊博士根据自己多年的从业经验和丰富的心理学知识,为读者呈现创建和谐情感、完美婚姻的心理疗法,让陷入纷争的爱侣们学习如何走出伤痛、纠结、疲惫和无奈。
  • 只差一句我爱你


    现在,这个叫Lethe的人是新生的他。 他回来了,可是爱情回不来了。 她曾说:如果还会遇到,请你不要再认识我,也算是给我留下最后的尊严。 他苦笑:我如何才能抚去你眼中的疲倦和身上的伤…… 曾经的曾经,他们一起去看演唱会,他送了第一枝花给她; 从前的从前,她躺在他的怀里,把他的手机铃音设成自己喜欢的《你的甜蜜》; 过去的过去,他只想给她一个家,放下了提琴的梦,去打工赚钱。 他们之间相隔的,不是巴黎和北京的千里万里,不是六年时光的匆匆逝水,而是简单的一句“我爱你”。 希望能有个他懂得她的心。 希望所有人的爱情都不差那一句“我爱你”。
  • 完美替身恋人:终结篇


    心伤不过情伤,温暖没有想到,自己飞蛾扑火般得到的爱情终究只是一纸契约。当叶非墨的初恋情人再次回归,感情的旋涡让他们都始料未及。 随着温暖参演的电视剧和电影的火热,她迅速蹿升为当红明星,她当然不知道这一切都是因为叶非墨站在她的背后。 温暖终于还是选择了离开他,放自己好过。 两年后,当她从美国蜕变归来,挽着另一个男人出现在他面前时,他再次出击,她却风轻云淡一笑:“叶先生,Game over!”
  • 爱情心理学,拿来就用


    性和女性对心中理想对象的要求完全不同。不仅如此,每个人追求的爱情也大相径庭。深入学习爱情心理学,掌握最给力恋爱心理术。 本书教给您的并不是纸上谈兵的爱情理论,而是拿来就用的恋爱心理术。从发现恋爱的N种可能到大胆爱的心理技巧,从将爱进行到底的秘笈到成功步入婚姻的策略,让您快速汲取恋爱的新知识,更加从容和有技巧地谈恋爱。另外,还专为剩男和剩女们解答“爱太难”的各种疑难杂症。期待本书能为各位“渴望爱”、“正在爱”、“爱太难”甚至“爱无力”的朋友带来启发和帮助。
  • Why Men Love Bitches

    作者:Sherry Argov

    Contending that some women are "too nice," comedian and radio show host Sherry Argov has written Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship. "I'm not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition," Argov writes, "The woman I'm describing is kind yet strong. She doesn't give up her life, and she won't chase a man." Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered. Argov's principles, which range from the farfetched to the downright absurd, include "If you give him a feeling of power, he'll want to protect you and he'll want to give you the world" and "A little distance combined with the appearance of self-control makes him nervous that he may be losing you." The book, which has already been featured on The View and The O'Reilly Factor, should make waves with its controversial view of relationships. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
  • Why Men Marry Bitches

    作者:Sherry Argov

    As in her previous book, Why Men Love Bitches, Argov does not use the word "bitch" in a pejorative way, but rather "to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is." And while encouraging women to be strong, independent and inscrutable is sound advice, the motivation behind this advice-to keep his interest-makes for a headache-inspiring contradiction. Fortunately, Argov takes readers step-by-step through her process, including numerous "Relationship Principles" that keeps her concepts clear ("Relationship Principle 35: Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control."). Though the generalizations Argov uses to describe her pre-bitch audience can at times be condescending, and her goals are more about acting-rather than believing-that you don't need a man to feel complete, the behavior she encourages is healthy and useful, even outside the realm of husband-hunting. Taken more as a Bitch's Guide to Life-the word "relationship," after all, doesn't necessarily imply romance-this is a solid self-help. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "We're talking about having so much self-respect Aretha Franklin would high-five you." -- Los Angeles Times "Sherry Argov encourages women who feel like doormats to develop a sense of independence." -- Playboy
  • 爱情觉醒地图


    洞悉派作家李欣频在爱中积淀十年,推出最新爱情力作《爱情觉醒地图》。全书通过对10个“爱的错误信念”的讲解,帮助纠结于爱情中的人彻底扫除“爱情木马程序”,成为“恋爱的觉醒达人”,让你按“图”索骥找到真爱。 《爱情觉醒地图》无法教你:  *百发百中俘虏人心的计谋  *瞬间找到真命天子/天女 《爱情觉醒地图》可以教你:  *如何改变屡遭烂桃花的命运  *从自囚的牢笼中解脱,享受爱情的同时不迷失自己  *清除爱的错误信念,将恋爱变成人生最好的修行 让你受苦的,是你对爱的错误信念!《爱情觉醒地图》是困顿于爱中的人们醒脑明目的必服解药!
  • Love Actually

    作者:Richard Curtis

    《Love Actually》是一本令讀者高度期待的電影劇本(電影中譯片名為『愛是您,愛是我』),其中將十對愛侶的故事串連在一起,正如現實生活,劇情有趣、機智,由「妳是我今生的新娘」導演 Richard Curtis 執導。英國新任的單身首相愛上一名美麗的女幕僚;一位遭受失戀打擊的作家前往法國南部療傷,卻在湖畔找到真愛;一名婚姻幸福美滿的妻子懷疑她的丈夫正離她遠去;一名新娘錯估了她對新郎好友的感情;一個情竇初開的男生試著吸引學校校花的注意;一名繼父嘗試和他根本不瞭解的繼子交心;一名嚮往愛情的美國女郎想要抓住機會,鼓起勇氣向她在辦公室的暗戀對象表白;一個過氣的搖滾樂明星試著以不妥協的方式重返歌壇……
  • 爱LOVE


    《爱LOVE(套装共2册)》电影写真书,导演:钮承泽。演员:赵薇、舒淇、阮经天、陈意涵、赵又廷、郭采洁、彭于晏、钮承泽。由八大卡司联合主演诠释台北、北京双城爱的故事。不仅局限于男女之情,从爱情、友情到亲情,《爱》透过八个角色、四段关系、一个故事,我们看到人在面对“爱”时的喜怒哀乐,那份以为可以控制却往往失控的感情。好像每个人都懂,又好像每个人都不懂……爱,这世上最简单却也最困难的事情。在摄影张雍的镜头前,每个人都是主角,都有说故事的能量。细腻的影像带着隐藏在表象之后的现实情感,形成各自强烈而独立的氛围。 爱的纪录,这是关于这部电影的幕后纪录,由资深电影文字记者王玉燕专访,阐述了豆导对电影创作理念与使命,包括演员、深刻的场景、摄影/美术/音乐等技术面,以及剧本创作的幕后故事。
  • What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

    作者:Raymond Carver

    In his second collection of stories, as in his first, Carver's characters are peripheral people--people without education, insight or prospects, people too unimaginative to even give up. Carver celebrates these men and women.
  • 藍色是最溫暖的顏色


    我的藍天使。 藍得像天空、像河川,像生命的泉源。 唯有「愛」才能拯救這個世界, 我為什麼要因為愛人而感到羞恥? ------艾瑪 正值青春期的女主角可蕾和迷人的藍髮女孩艾瑪一見鍾情,可蕾在面對自我慾望的過程中陷入天人交戰,痛苦地四處碰撞,試圖在成長過程中面對真實的自我並勇敢地愛人。她有好友的一路扶持,卻也遭遇到同儕的排斥歧視、家人的憤怒唾棄,然而可蕾最大的試煉卻不止於此,而是來自深愛著彼此的兩人之間…… 蛻變成長的過程可能錐心而刺骨,在一片棕灰而冰冷的現實世界中,唯有艾瑪的藍髮閃閃發光。翻開書頁,進入兩人的感情和生命,你將和可蕾一樣,眼神再也無法離開那一抹多變的、溫暖的藍。 附錄: 1.茱莉.馬侯(Julie Maroh) Q&A 2.推薦序──楊佳嫻(作家,清大中文系助理教授,「伴侶盟」理事) 她的心是天空,她的胸膛裡有海洋:藍色是渴望/禁忌的顏色 3.推薦序──但唐謨(影評人) 洗鍊的漫畫、流動的電影:漫談《藍色是最溫暖的顏色》雙文本 法國社會過去一年來因為同性戀婚姻合法化的問題,鬧得沸沸揚揚,社會嚴重分裂,作者馬侯這部作品更是少見描寫女同性戀的題材,藉由一個敏感女高中生的角度,刻劃一個女孩在家庭、同儕、社會的壓力下,逐步性覺醒的過程,每一步的猶豫,都象徵著每段深刻的思考,每一次的豁然開朗,都讓她更加體會自由的真諦。在性自主由來已久、社會上幾乎沒什麼尺度的法國,如此細膩、回歸人本的思考幾乎已經看不見,在同性戀究竟該不該合法的吵鬧聲中,馬侯以一種平靜、低調的方式,闡述一段看似平凡而瑣碎的愛情故事,故事裡頭,只有兩個渴望了解與碰觸的靈魂,沒有標籤,也沒有性別。 這是個動人的故事,不只是因為這個故事的話題性,更因為這個故事提供了了解的門徑,故事中對所謂的偏見,以及對偏見的偏見,都用一種包容的溫柔方式去呈現,市面上並不乏以同性之愛為題材的故事,但在這些充斥的故事中,卻少見這種回歸人性、回歸愛的本質的思考,這段由馬侯徐徐道來的愛情故事,宛如一股清風,輕輕淡淡,卻能直擊內心最柔軟的部分。 以往有《藍調石牆T》作為女同性戀的經典之作,以抗爭與暴力為主題,喚醒世人對這個議題的反思;若有朝一日《藍色是最溫暖的顏色》成為女同經典故事,那麼它所闡述的哲學,該是對自我認同的反思,對家庭與社會關係的深刻關照……
  • Message in a Bottle

    作者:Nicholas Sparks

    Thrown to the waves, and to fate, the bottle could have ended up anywhere. Instead, it is found just three weeks after it begins its journey. Theresa Osborne, divorced and the mother of a twelve-year-old son, picks it up during a seaside vacation from her job as a Boston newspaper columnist. Inside is a letter that opens with: My Dearest Catherine, I miss you my darling, as I always do, but today is particularly hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together.... For "Garrett," the man who signs the letter, the message is the only way he knows to express his undying love for a woman he has lost. For Theresa, wary of romance since her husband shattered her trust, the message raises questions that intrigue her. Who are Garrett and Catherine? Where is he now? What is his story? Challenged by the mystery, and pulled to find Garrett by emotions she does not fully understand, Theresa begins a search that takes her to a sunlit coastal town and an unexpected confrontation. Brought together by chance-or something more powerful-Theresa and Garrett are people whose lives are about to touch for a purpose, in a tale that resonates with our deepest hopes for finding that special someone and everlasting love. Shimmering with suspense and emotional intensity, Message in a Bottle takes readers on a hunt for the truth about a man and his memories, and about both the heartbreaking fragility and enormous strength of love. For those who cherished The Notebook and readers waiting to discover the magic of Nicholas Sparks's storytelling, here is his new, achingly lovely novel of happenstance, desire, and the choices that matter most....
  • Love Story

    作者:Erich Segal

    Lose your heart to the novel that defined a generation then...and now.Love Story"Love means never having to say you're sorry..."He is Oliver Barrett IV, a rich jock from a stuffy WASP family on his way to a Harvard degree and a career in law.She is Jenny Cavilleri, a wisecracking, working-class beauty studying music at Radcliffe.Opposites in nearly every way, Oliver and Jenny immediately attract, sharing a love that defies everything ... yet will end too soon. A love that will linger in your heart now and forever.
  • PS, I Love You

    作者:Cecelia Ahern

    A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent.
  • 《PS,我爱你》


    如果你被《西雅圖夜未眠》深深感動過,如果你看《鐵達尼號》不只一次,如果你對《第六感生死戀》的山姆難以忘懷,那麼《p.s.我愛你》會是你等待已久的愛情故事。 荷莉和傑瑞是青梅竹馬的一對,默契十足,一個人話還沒說完,另一個人就可以接下去,即使吵架,也會相視而笑。很難想像他們如果沒有彼此,要怎麼過生活。然而傑瑞卻突然因病去世,留下荷莉獨自面對茫然不知如何繼續的人生。 荷莉三十歲生日前夕,突然收到傑瑞生前留給她的十封信,而且每封信信末都附註:「PS, 我愛妳」。每個月都有一封信幫助荷莉去過生活──從克服恐懼上台唱歌到買盞小燈,最後荷莉出發遠行,藉此忘情療傷,也找到讓這份愛繼續的方式。 =========================== 「這是個關於愛和希望的故事,不管你幾歲、來自何處,一旦愛上一個人,就會有失去愛人的恐懼。這本書的靈感來自失去愛人後,隨之而來的情緒起伏,讓我們閱讀完後,能有勇氣相信愛情、堅信真愛能永恆存在。」 ──西西莉雅.艾亨/本書作者、愛爾蘭總理之女 「傑瑞之所以寫信,是要讓妻子荷莉回想起他們初遇時的她自己。這種事在男女關係中經常可見,剛開始你風趣又活潑,甫墜入愛河之際,全世界都是新奇的,但是等到在一起久了以後,生活就變得單調,而傑瑞想讓荷莉再回到從前,回憶起她曾經擁有的生活多麼圓滿。」 ──溫蒂費納曼/《穿著Prada的惡魔》製片 「這是一個讓人重新相信愛情的故事,但同時也是一段探索自我的旅程。故事敘述的包括愛情、友情和親情,也深入探討愛要怎樣才能堅定不移,超越生死的隔閡…。」 ──理查拉葛雷文尼斯/導演 「對人生頓失所依時要如何整理內心寫得溫情又充滿智慧,藉著對愛爾蘭二十幾歲年輕人的生活觀察,寫出對愛的得失所蘊含的辛酸。」 ──Lynne Drew /哈潑柯林斯出版集團小說部門的主管 「狂放的幽默揉合讓人心疼的主題,好看極了。」 ──Cathy Kelly /愛爾蘭作家 「真實又發人深省。」 ──Deirdre Purcell,《愛爾蘭獨立報》 「充滿興味的新鮮主題。」 ──《美麗佳人》 「肯定生命價值的睿智處女作。」 ──Company 「愛爾蘭版的《西雅圖夜未眠》,鐵定成為本年度粉領族的暢銷書。」 ──IN STYLE 「苦中帶甜的故事鐵定觸動讀者內心。」 ──Glamour

    作者:Cecelia Ahern

    A novel about holding on, letting go, and learning to love again. Now in paperback, the endearing novel that captured readers' hearts and introduced a fresh new voice in women's fiction -- Cecelia Ahern. Holly couldn't live without her husband Gerry, until the day she had to. They were the kind of young couple who could finish each other's sentences. When Gerry succumbs to a terminal illness and dies, 30-year-old Holly is set adrift, unable to pick up the pieces. But with the help of a series of letters her husband left her before he died and a little nudging from an eccentric assortment of family and friends, she learns to laugh, overcome her fears, and discover a world she never knew existed. The kind of enchanting novel with cross-generational appeal that comes along once in a great while, PS, I Love You is a captivating love letter to the world!
  • Eat, Pray, Love

    作者:Elizabeth Gilbert

    在线阅读本书 This beautifully written, heartfelt memoir touched a nerve among both readers and reviewers. Elizabeth Gilbert tells how she made the difficult choice to leave behind all the trappings of modern American success (marriage, house in the country, career) and find, instead, what she truly wanted from life. Setting out for a year to study three different aspects of her nature amid three different cultures, Gilbert explored the art of pleasure in Italy and the art of devotion in India, and then a balance between the two on the Indonesian island of Bali. By turns rapturous and rueful, this wise and funny author (whom Booklist calls Anne Lamotts hip, yoga- practicing, footloose younger sister) is poised to garner yet more adoring fans.