哈代的影响首先来自《还乡》和《德伯家的苔丝》那几部脍炙人口的长篇小说。他的短篇似乎不象他的长篇那样有名,但是对于人的自然情感却有着更为敏感和直率的表达,本书中的七个短篇几乎都跟女性的命运有关,他对人生的观察总是从不完满处切入,即使在短篇中也中规中距地把握着古典悲剧的美学原则。 -
青年商人克林因为厌恶浮华的城市生活,由巴黎回到故乡爱敦荒原,打算过平静的乡居生活。而少女游苔莎却恨透了阴郁的爱敦荒原,一心向往大城市。她希望结识久已闻名的克林,便女扮男装不请自去混在哑剧演员中参加了他家的宴会。克林果然被她迷住了,而且不顾母亲的反对,不久就与她结了婚,二个离家另住。然而克林无意返回巴黎,并且因看书太多,双目几乎失明,这使游苔莎感到不满。后来克林又妆了伐木工人,更使她觉得丢尽了脸面。在一次舞会上游苔莎意外地遇见了旧情人韦狄,从此与他暗中来往。 克林的母亲决定与儿媳和解,在烈日下穿过荒原去看望儿子。克林因干活太累睡着了,而游苔莎以为他已经起身迎候,结果便没人为母亲开门。误以为不受欢迎的母亲伤心地转身回家,路上竟被蛇咬死。 克林后来知道了实情,愤怒地将游苔莎赶出家门。游苔莎在绝望中又去找韦狄。正好韦狄意外地获得了一大笔财产,便叫她随自己一同出走。这天晚上游苔莎去赴韦狄的约会,在暴风雨中迷路,结果失足掉入小湖中淹死。韦狄下水去救,也被淹死。最后克林做了巡回传教士。 -
美丽、高傲的芭思希芭来到威瑟伯里继承她叔叔的农场。忠诚能干的奧克对她一见钟情,但遭到了拒绝。家境殷实的农场主波德伍德因为一次误会不断地向芭思希芭求爱。而芭思希芭却与英俊的中上特洛伊结了婚。然而,浪漫的爱情到结婚后便告终结。几番风波之后,波德伍德开枪打死了特洛伊,自己则向警方自首。失去了丈夫的芭思希芭同时又面临着失去农场的可能。这时奥克来到她的身边,给故事一个皆大欢喜的结局。 哈代是19世纪英国文学史上最重要的作家之一。他的作品通常围绕英国农村展开,讲述19世纪后期崛起的工业社会对传统社会的冲击。与许多作家不同的是,哈代的作品中很少出现皆大欢喜的结局。《远离尘嚣》是哈代第一部得到一致赞扬的长篇小说。在这部小说里,田园诗的气氛已经消失,远离尘嚣的穷乡僻壤也和人烟稠密的喧闹城市一样,在演出人生的悲剧。女主人公芭丝谢芭是一个农场主,美丽聪慧,但爱慕虚荣。她先后为三个男子所追求,但选择了一个金玉其外、败絮其中的青年军官特罗伊。最后虽然小说在芭丝谢芭与加布里埃尔的圆满爱情中结束,但全书中悲剧气氛多于喜剧气氛,已透露出作者创作中的悲剧性主题。 本书为“外国文学经典”系列中的一本,保持了英文版的原汁原味,值得一读。 -
本书库旨在汇总世界文学创的精华,全面反映包括我国在内的世界文学的最高的成就,为读者提供世界第一流的文学精品。它以最能代表一个时代文学的成就的长篇小说的骨干,同时全面地反映其他体裁如中短篇小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、童话、寓言等各方面最优秀的成果。选收作品的时限,外国文学部分,自古代英雄中史诗致第二次世界大战结束;中国文学部分;自《诗经》至中华人民共和国成立,它包容古今、囊括中外的珍贵的文学图书系统。< -
托马斯·哈代被“文学界公认为英诗经典和‘英国性’的传承人”,他提供给我们的“不仅仅是某时某地生活的摹本,而是世界和人的命运在一个伟大的想象力、一位深邃的诗歌天才、一个仁爱而人性的灵魂面前的显象”,其诗风:诚挚率真,冷峻深沉,悲悯沉郁,既带泥土气又具现代性。本书以双语形式呈现,极具可读性。 -
女主人公苔丝生于一个贫苦小贩家庭,父母要她到一个富老太婆家去攀亲戚,结果她被少爷亚历克诱奸,后来她与牧师的儿子克莱尔恋爱并订婚,在新婚之夜她把昔日的不幸向丈夫坦白,却没能得到原谅,两人分居,丈夫去了巴西,几年后,苔丝再次与亚历克相遇,后者纠缠她,这时候她因家境窘迫不得不与仇人同居,不久克莱尔从国外回来,向妻子表示悔恨自己以往的冷酷无情,在这种情况下,苔丝痛苦地觉得是亚历克·德伯使她第二次失去了安吉尔便愤怒地将他杀死。最后她被捕并被处以绞刑。 -
Far from the Madding Crowd
Book Description Far from the Madding Crowd was the first of Hardy's novels to apply the name of Wessex to the landscape of south west England, and the first to gain him widespread popularity as a novelist. When the beautiful and spirited Bathsheba Everdene inherits her own farm, she attracts three very different suitors: the seemingly commonplace, man-of-the-soil Gabriel Oak, the dashing young soldier, Francis Troy, and the respectable, middle-aged Farmer Boldwood. Her choice, and the tragedy it provokes, lie at the centre of Hardy's ambivalent story. This edition presents a new text of the novel restoring several manuscript passages never before published with the novel, and many of the 1901 revisions missing from nearly all modern versions. This work tells the story of young farmer, Gabriel Oak, and his pursuit of the elusive Bathsheba Everdene, whose wayward nature lends her to both tragedy and true love. The background of this tale is the Wessex countryside in all its moods. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by Thomas Hardy, published serially and anonymously in 1874 in The Cornhill Magazine and published in book form under Hardy's name the same year. It was his first popular success. The plot centers on Bathsheba Everdene, a farm owner, and her three suitors, Gabriel Oak (a generous shepherd), Sergeant Troy (a young, handsome, and inconsiderate soldier), and William Boldwood (the owner of the neighboring farm). The contrasting relationships between Bathsheba and her suitors are a study of the many faces of love, including honest, heartfelt love and unscrupulous and manipulative adoration. From Library Journal Random's Modern Library is reproducing this Hardy standard as a tie-in to a Masterpiece Theater presentation and offering a quality hardcover for a reasonable price. From AudioFile Those who relished the recent PBS series will be happy to know that this audio version is read by Gabriel Oak himself--Nathaniel Parker. He and Thomas Hardy make a fine team. As the rustic workers bring in the harvest, or shear the sheep, or barter at the market--their lively dialogue projects pictures of nineteenth-century Wessex that are almost as vivid as the paintings of John Constable. Nathaniel Parker seems to be one of them--or all of them--as he slips naturally from one character to another, even capturing the voice of Bathsheba as she laments her disastrous marriage. It all comes together in the end as she and Gabriel prepare to live happily ever after, the only Hardy characters so blessed! J.C. About Author Thomas Hardy (1840--1928), the author of Jude the Obscure, The Return of the Native, and Tess of the D'Urbervilles, was also an accomplished poet. Seventeen volumes of his work are available from Penguin Classics. Rosemarie Morgan teaches at Yale University and is the president of the Thomas Hardy Association. Shannon Russell holds a fellowship at Oxford University and is head of research for the Yale edition of Tennessee Williams's Journals. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
Jude the Obscure
在线阅读本书 Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. Jude Fawley is a rural stone mason with intellectual aspirations. Frustrated by poverty and the indifference of the academic institutions at the University of Christminster, his only chance of fulfilment seems to lie in his relationship with his unconventional cousin, Sue Bridehead. From Library Journal Jude the Obscure created storms of scandal and protest for the author upon its publication. Hardy, disgusted and disappointed, devoted the remainder of his life to poetry and never wrote another novel. Today, the material is far less shocking. Jude Fawley, a poor stone carver with aspirations toward an academic career, is thwarted at every turn and is finally forced to give up his dreams of a university education. He is tricked into an unwise marriage, and when his wife deserts him, he begins a relationship with a free-spirited cousin. With this begins the descent into bleak tragedy as the couple alternately defy and succumb to the pressures of a deeply disapproving society. Hardy's characters have a fascinating ambiguity: they are victimized by a stern moral code, but they are also selfish and weak-willed creatures who bring on much of their own difficulties through their own vacillations and submissions to impulse. The abridgment speeds Jude's fall to considerable dramatic effect, but it also deletes the author's agonizing logic. Instead of the meticulous weaving of Jude's destiny, we get a somewhat incoherent summary that preserves the major plot points but fails to draw us into the tragedy. Michael Pennington reads resonantly and skillfully, his voice perfectly matching the grim music of Hardy's prose, but this recording can only be recommended for larger public libraries. -John Owen, Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, CA From AudioFile Author Thomas Hardy espoused Shakespeare's dictum (from King Lear): "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport." He particularly exhibits this pessimism in Jude the Obscure, his tragedy about Jude Fawley, a stonemason torn by ambitions both intellectual and carnal, and Sue Whitehead, an early feminist whom Jude loves and who sometimes loves Jude. A compelling novel is made more so in this audio version by the outstanding work of Frederick Davidson. Always dependable, Davidson here excels in his use of measured dramatics; his consistent differentiation of a large cast of characters from varying social, educational and, therefore, dialectal groups; and his obvious personal involvement in the miseries of the two main characters. T.H. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1894-95 in Harper's New Monthly as Hearts Insurgent; published in book form in 1895. Hardy's last work of fiction, Jude the Obscure is also one of his most gloomily fatalistic, depicting the lives of individuals who are trapped by forces beyond their control. Jude Fawley, a poor villager, wants to enter the divinity school at Christminster (Oxford University). Sidetracked by Arabella Donn, an earthy country girl who pretends to be pregnant by him, Jude marries her and is then deserted. He earns a living as a stonemason at Christminster; there he falls in love with his independent-minded cousin, Sue Bridehead. Out of a sense of obligation, Sue marries the schoolmaster Phillotson, who has helped her. Unable to bear living with Phillotson, she returns to live with Jude and eventually bears his children out of wedlock. Their poverty and the weight of society's disapproval begin to take a toll on Sue and Jude; the climax occurs when Jude's son by Arabella hangs Sue and Jude's children and himself. In penance, Sue returns to Phillotson and the church. Jude returns to Arabella and eventually dies miserably. The novel's sexual frankness shocked the public, as did Hardy's criticisms of marriage, the university system, and the church. Hardy was so distressed by its reception that he wrote no more fiction, concentrating solely on his poetry. About Author Rosellen Brown is the author of Half a Heart, The Autobiography of My Mother, Tender Mercies and Before and After. She lives in Chicago. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
托马斯·哈代(1840—1928),英国小说大师,著名诗人。 《无名的裘德》(作者哈代、译者刘荣跃)是英国作家哈代最优秀的作品之一,哈代自称要写出“灵与肉的生死搏斗”。《无名的裘德》以悲怆的笔调叙述了乡村青年裘德一生的悲剧。裘德好学深思、刻苦自修,却始终被拒之于大学门外。女主人公淑聪颖美貌,更重要的是具有独立的人格和思想,蔑视世俗和僵化的宗教,但她跟裘德的爱情却为教会所不容,世俗所不齿。裘德壮志不酬、谋职无路、告贷无门,绝望中,他的长子同弱妹幼弟一同吊死。淑遭此惨变,终向命运和教会屈服,离开了深爱的裘德,自由的思想、独立的人格均遭毁弃。裘德则终日纵酒,郁郁成疾,年未满三十即含恨而终。 -
《德伯家的苔丝》讲述好吃懒做的杰克·德贝菲尔德证自己的女儿苔丝去拜访一个富贵之家的亲戚,苔丝的母亲希望苔丝能给对方留下一个好印象,说不定还能和这家的儿子对成良缘呢。苔丝见到的所谓亲戚是一个瞎眼的老太太和他的衣冠楚楚的儿子亚历克,亚历克哄编苔丝到他家的饲养场工作,天真的苔丝虽然对亚历克怀有戒心,但还是没有能逃过他的魔掌,亚历克终于把苔丝占有了。苔丝回家把这一切告诉了母亲,母亲还认为亚历克能娶自己的女儿。苔丝在人产的白眼中生活,亚历克仍然继续纠缠她。秋天到了,苔丝在亚历克不知道的情况下生下了孩子,孩子很快就夭折了。苔丝只身来到一个远离家乡的牛奶场当了一名挤奶工。牛奶场还有一位牧师的儿子安吉尔,挤奶女工们都想接近安吉尔,但安吉尔却喜欢上了苔丝。苔丝认为自己不道德,总是躲着安吉尔。安吉尔锲而不舍地追求她,苔丝终于同意了。婚礼前夜,苔丝给安吉尔写了一封信,坦白了她与亚历克的一切,没想到安吉尔并没有看到那封信。后来她多次想对安吉尔说明白,但却一直没有机会。新婚之夜,安吉尔对苔丝说,他曾同一个女人放荡过一夜,苔丝原谅了他,并说了自己与亚历克的事,她以为安吉尔也会原谅她的,但安吉尔却受到了深深的伤害,他告诉苔丝,她不是他所喜欢的女人,他离开了她出走了。苔丝陷入了饥饿的威胁中,只好在田里从事艰苦的劳动。这时她又遇到了亚历克,亚历克已经成了一名传道士,他又开始追逐苔丝。苔丝给安吉尔写了一封信,请亚历克的母亲代转,信中说正有一个敌人追她,她请求安吉尔原谅她,赶快回到她身边。好长时间苔丝收不到安吉尔的回信,而在亚历克追求下,苔丝的心软了,她认为安吉尔不能原谅她,便又回到了亚历克的身边。没想到此时安吉尔回来了,他是来请苔丝宽恕他的,可是他见到的却是苔丝与亚历克生活在一起,他转身离去,感情又一次受到了深深的伤害。苔丝更加恨亚历克,她在亚历克熟睡时杀死了他,然后去找安吉尔。安吉尔原谅了她,他们在一起生活了几天的快乐日子。警官来了,苔丝正在熟睡,安吉尔请求警官等她醒来时再抓她。苔丝醒了,她勇敢地站起来准备面对绞架,她已经无所畏惧。 -
《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代悲观宿命论的典型代表,他的作品大多描写爱情和婚姻中的人们,在对幸福生活的追求落空后,落入悲惨境地又不忘奋力挣扎,但最后都无济于事,甚至走上绝路。哈代熟读古希腊悲剧,但相比之下,他的人物性格更加丰满生动,故事情节更合理,并且有条不紊地发展,因此,哈代小说中的内容更具有说服力和感染力。 -
《苔丝》是哈代最杰出的作品,也是英语文学中最伟大的作品之一。小说主人公苔丝这一形象是哈代对人类世界的最伟大贡献,她已成为世界文学长廊中最优美迷人的女性形象之一。 哈代是英国19世纪最后一位小说大家,又是20世纪大胆探索和开拓的英国“现代诗歌之父”。作为英国19世纪后期现实主义作家的重要代表,哈代是拥有最多读者的维多利亚时代作家之一。 美国《生活》杂志于1985年在百万读者中开展评选“人类有史以来的最佳书”的活动,最后推选出的20种“最佳书”中《苔丝》排名第五。 -
本书纯粹以爱情视角遴选哈代的中短篇小说、《一个富有想象的女人》、《艾丽西娅日记》、《美丽的独身》、《一段纯粹的插曲》及《德国军团那个忧郁的轻骑兵》等,委婉动听,情节生动,人物丰满。尽管哈代已是远离我们多年的作家,但读他的这些作品并没有距离感。 -
《一个数学家的辩白》选编了哈代的代表性论著《一个数学家的辩白》及其他一些短小精悍的文章与讲稿,其中《一个数学家的辩白》一文,内容涉及数学的本质与特点、数学的历史、数学的社会功能等,被称为是“用最优雅的语言对数学真谛进行的最完美的揭示”。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友