

  • 游戏化革命:未来商业模式的驱动力


    第一本植入游戏化理念、实现APP互动的游戏化商业图书 游戏化与商业的大融合、游戏化驱动未来商业革命的权威之作 作者被公认为“游戏界的天才”,具有很高的知名度 亚马逊五星级图书 本书观点新颖,游戏化正成为最热门的商业新策略 游戏化是当今最热门的商业新策略,它能帮助龙头企业创造出前所未有的客户和员工的参与度。商业游戏化策略通过利用从游戏设计、忠诚度计划和行为经济学中所汲取的最新创新,帮助企业领导者排除干扰,把企业打造成一个精益化程度高的组织,以应对来自用户的关注力和忠诚度方面的挑战。 游戏界天才级人物嘎伯在本书中阐述了游戏浪潮是如何影响商业的,并为商业领导者提供了如何将任何商业策略游戏化以抓住竞争的机会、顺应潮流击退竞争的策略。本书还强调了游戏化的重要性和必然性,引领读者通过利用游戏的驱动力和概念去激励员工,吸引客户,用过去不可能实现的方法去加速商业的增长。
  • The Gamification of Learning and Instruction

    作者:Karl M. Kapp

    Learning professionals are finding success applying game-based sensibilities to the development of instruction. This is the first book to show how to design online instruction that leverages the best elements of online games to increase learning, retention, and application. It explains how to match different game strategies to types of learning content for the right learning outcome and discusses how gamification techniques can be used in a variety of settings to improve learning, retention and application of knowledge. Supported by peer-reviewed studies and examples from corporations who have adopted game-based learning successfully, the book illustrates how combining instructional design thinking with game concepts can create engaged and interactive learning experiences across a variety of media, from online to face-to-face.
  • Actionable Gamification

    作者:Yu-kai Chou

    The new era of Gamification and Human-Focused Design optimizes for motivation and engagement over traditional Function-Focused Design. Within the industry, studies on game mechanics and behavioral psychology have become proliferate. However, few people understand how to merge the two fields into experience designs that reliably increases business metrics and generates a return on investment. Gamification Pioneer Yu-kai Chou takes reader on a journey to learn his twelve years of obsessive research in creating the Octalysis Framework, and how to apply the framework to create engaging and successful experiences in their product, workplace, marketing, and personal lives. "Yu-kai is at the cutting edge of the field of behavior design." -Nir Eyal, Best Selling Author of Hooked: How to Design Habit-Forming Products "Yu-kai's Octalysis framework brilliantly explains the intricate relationships between human behaviors and their inner drives. Accompanied by numerous application examples, Octalysis is the turnkey for gamification in any product and service design." -Dr. Jianming Dong, Chief User Experience Architect, Huawei Yu-Kai is the real deal. His experience, expertise and passion make this a must read for those looking to grasp the possibilities available through applied gamification. --Jeff Gates, former counsel to U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and author of The Ownership Solution, Democracy at Risk, Guilt By Association. Yu-kai's Insights were instrumental in helping Lucky Diem supercharge our client La Quinta's bookings per user by 206% and incremental revenue per user by $157 (132% Lift) against the control group. Being able to achieve a viral coefficient of 530%, I would recommend any business to work with Yu-kai and learn his Octalysis Framework. --Andrew Landis, Founder & CEO of Lucky Diem Yu-kai's reputation precedes him in the field of gamification. His Octalysis framework is both elegantly simple and intricately complex. His book is not only extrinsically rewarding to read, but intrinsically motivating to apply; it s wickedly effective, and yet divinely true. Octalysis brilliantly unified all these seemingly conflicting aspects of gamification into a single cohesive framework with a hidden twist in the middle of it it s sensational. --Michael Wu, Chief Scientist of Lithium
  • 游戏,让学习成瘾

    作者:卡尔 M.卡普 (Karl M. Kap

  • 游戏化思维

    作者:[美] 凯文·韦巴赫(Kevin Wer

    [内容简介] ●本书由开设了全世界第一个游戏化课程的沃顿商学院副教授凯文·韦巴赫和丹·亨特所著,第一次全面系统地介绍游戏化的理论,阐述了如何将游戏的理念应用到商业实践中。 ●作者指出,在商业竞争日益激烈的今天,传统的激励方式渐渐失效,未来的管理将更多地建立在员工和消费者的内在动机和自我激励上。这些制作精良、设计巧妙的游戏建立在多年来对人类动机和人类心理的研究基础之上,可以最大限度地激发用户的内在动机。将这些游戏设计思维应用到商业和公共管理中的大量实践,也总能产生意料之外的效果。 ●书中分析了大量因采用游戏思维而成功的公司案例,如微软、德勒和Facebook等;第一次全面系统地讲解了游戏化的理念,阐明了游戏思维——像游戏设计师去思考——是怎样激励员工和消费者的,以及如何通过创造更具参与感的体验来激发内外动机,如何构建游戏化系统来具体地改变商业模式。 ●书中分析了具体的游戏元素,明确了构建游戏化系统的6个具体步骤,在指导商业实践方面非常具有可操作性。 [编辑推荐] ●沃顿商学院教授、奥巴马商业顾问、全球游戏化课程创建第一人凯文·韦巴赫解密游戏化思维。 韦巴赫是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院副教授,技术分析咨询公司超新星集团(Supernova Group)创始人全球通信研究院的资深研究员。奥巴马甫一上任,就认命他为联邦通信委员会过渡团队的顾问之一,协助奥巴马策划其接任美国总统后的政府公关政策。 ●第一本全面系统地讲解游戏化机制的理论指南。 沃顿商学院副教授凯文·韦巴赫和丹·亨特在沃顿商学院开设了全世界第一个游戏化课程,其中韦巴赫在Coursera 上讲授的“大型在线公开课”(mooc),更是吸引了来自逾150 个国家的8 万名学生,获得好评无数。 ●大量丰富、翔实案例为你提供将游戏化运用于实践的方式。书中分析了大量因采用游戏化而成功的案例,这些成功运用游戏化的案例中不乏微软、德勒、耐克和Facebook等知名企业。这些企业通过创造更具参与感的体验来激发内外动机,构建游戏化系统以具体地改变商业模式。 ●湛庐文化出品。
  • 游戏改变世界

    作者:[美] 简•麦戈尼格尔(Jane McG

    ◆《游戏改变世界》是著名未来学家、TED大会新锐演讲者简•麦戈尼格尔探索互联时代重要趋势的最新力作。在书中,作者指出:游戏可以弥补现实世界的不足和缺陷,游戏化可以让现实变得更美好。 ◆作者在书中用大量事例告诉我们,游戏击中了人类幸福的核心,提供了令人愉悦的奖励、刺激性的挑战和宏大的胜利,而这些都是现实世界十分匮乏的。她的研究表明,我们可以借助游戏的力量,让生活变得像游戏一样精彩。 ◆作者指出了游戏化将要实现的四大目标:更满意的工作、更有把握的成功、更强的社会联系及更宏大的意义,并用大量实践告诉我们该如何驾驭游戏的力量,解决现实问题,并提升幸福感。她告诫我们:如果人们继续忽视游戏,在不远的未来,就会处在极端不利的地位。