谢尔顿是美国著名畅销小说作家,他的《午夜情》、《天使的愤怒》翻译到我国来,受到广大读者的欢迎。 本书是他1985年出版的最新长篇小说,描写美国年轻貌美、有思想有作为的银行女职员翠西被诬为盗,身陷囹圄,侥幸出狱后报仇雪恨,成为江洋大盗的故事。小说揭露了美国犯罪集团的猖獗、女牢的黑暗,多方面描绘了翠西及其周围人物——从敌人到情人、从警察到女犯的形象。有美国“女基度山伯爵”之称。 -
The Best Laid Plans
He wanted power. Oliver Russell is fated to rise to the pinnacle of power, the office of President of the United States. She wanted revenge. Leslie Stewart is his betrayed fiancee, a woman dedicated to a single purpose-the downfall of Oliver Russell. Amassing her own media empire, marshaling all her forces against him, she stands poised to destroy Russell on the eve of his most dazzling triumph. From Sidney Sheldon, the unchallenged master of bestselling fiction, comes a story of blazing ambitions and thwarted love that enthralls and surprises with every page... -
The Stars Shine Down
The Stars Shine Down is Sidney Sheldons twelfth and most passionate novel, set against the glamorous world of international business and featuring a complex and compelling heroine faced with a series of life-shattering decisions. Lara Cameron is young and beautiful. Rising from a past she seeks to repress, she achieves her wildest ambition, creating a much envied business empire. Then, overnight, all that has gone before, her fortune, her achievements, and her marriageeverythingis at risk. Paul Martin, a brilliant but mysterious lawyer who is captivated by Lara, finally is faced with her desire for independence and his own compulsion no to let her go. Howard Keller, Laras longtime friend and mentor, is torn between loyalty to her and maintaining a terrifying secret, one that must never be revealedespecially to Lara. It is Philip Adler who offers Lara an exciting new world, but at a devastating price that threatens to destroy them both. From Scotland to Nova Scotia, New York to London, Rome to Reno, The Stars Shine Down is classic Sidney Sheldon, featuring the startling shocks and amazing surprises millions of readers have come to expect and love. It is also a highlight in a continuum of virtuoso performances by the man everyone turns to for irresistible romance, cliff-hanger suspense, and the totally unexpected. -
The Naked Face 西德尼·谢尔顿
Book Description The Psychiatrist’s couch holds many secrets. Can it also hold the key to a series of brutal murders? John Hanson, murdered in the street in a gruesome but apparently arbitrary attack. Carol Roberts, brutally tortured and left to die in agony. Now it’s the turn of psychoanalyst Dr Judd Stevens… In this chilling game of cat and mouse, Judd must trust no-one, especially none of his patients. Could the killer be Teri Washburn, Hollywood starlet, thrown out of Tinseltown in scandal? Or Harrison Burke, top business man and disturbed paranoiac? Or could it be Alexander Fallo, a crazed evangelist, determined to avenge all sin in the world? In this deadly game, there can only be one survivor and Judd must play to win if he is to stay alive… Book Dimension : length: (cm)17.8 -
著名的心理医生史蒂文斯正当事业如日中天,他的周围却发生了一系列恶性谋杀事件,而他本人也成了嫌疑对象。为了替死者复仇,也为了给自己昭雪,他竭力搜寻凶手,不料自己也险遭不测。更令他难以相信的是:这一连串事件的制造者竟会是…… -
本书讲述了以女主人公、华盛顿论坛电视台年轻女记者达娜的视线,逐层揭露了西方上层社会及贵族阶层的种种丑行,并通过明快的节奏、紧张的情节、重重的悬念等写作手法,将西方政客的心理及行为特点表现得淋漓尽致。 -
当一个天真的少女对未来抱有无限憧憬的时候,命运的陷阱却彻底改变了她的人生。母亲的自杀,邪恶势力的迫害,使她失去一切,含冤陷入万劫不复的境地。在地狱里她变得成熟,变得坚强。运用自己的智慧和善良摆脱自由的枷锁,重新回到自由的空气中。而此时她已不是从前那个单纯的女人。利用自己独有的智慧和魅力,她展开一系列复仇行动,亲眼目睹邪恶的下流骗子遭到应有的报应,为自己,为母亲,报仇雪恨。但接下去的人生又将如何度过呢?在现实的无奈中,她已经回不到过去。在几度犹豫和彷徨中她选择了与人世间所有贪婪丑恶的人进行智慧和勇气的角逐…… 她就是特蕾西·惠特尼,谢尔顿笔下最激动人心的女主角。可爱而理想化的她即将和名门望族的未婚夫订婚。然后母亲的突然自杀让她从天堂跌倒谷底,为了找到迫害母亲的仇人,她被势力强大的仇人陷害入狱,同时也被未婚夫遗弃。监狱是一所大学,那里处处都是险滩暗礁。在狱中受尽凌辱的特蕾西坚定了越狱复仇的信念……心地善良的特蕾西为了营救一个落水的小女孩而放弃了越狱,真情感动了典狱长为其减刑。出狱后特蕾西迫于生活而为盗,利用自己的美貌与智慧,特蕾西不但成功复仇,还缔造了一桩桩离奇的诈骗案和盗窃案,故事情节曲折,玄机四伏,其中在邮轮上与两位世界国际象棋大师同时对弈的一场戏最为精彩……特蕾西?惠特尼是谢尔顿迄今刻画得最成功的女性形象,评论家称她为“绽放在城市最黑暗深处的正义之花”、“女性的基督山伯爵”。 -
初出茅庐的女律师,美艳而独立,游走在纽约城最有权势的两个男人之间。野心勃勃的黑帮老大,风度翩翩的联邦参议员,在她的眼中他们是无微不至的情人;在权力的游戏里,他们是不择手段的玩家。你死我活的战斗中,她的爱也许是最有杀伤力的武器。 -
小说写的是美国驻S国女大使与国际恐怖主义组织斗争的故事。聪明漂亮,正直多才的女教授玛丽被推荐为驻S国大使后,便不由自主地卷入一场政治斗争的漩涡中,凶险接踵而至:丈夫惨遭车祸身亡,自己险被绑架,情人突被枪杀,食物被人投毒……在接二连三的圈套和陷阱面前,玛丽毫不畏惧斗智斗勇,终于击败对手。 -
男主人公为挖掘钻石,历尽艰辛,几经险境,眼看失败又绝处逢生,终于成为令人刮目相看的大阔佬,但却在事业的巅峰时刻突患中风告别人世。女主人公继承丈夫事业、准备挑选长孙女为钻石帝国的掌管人时,却发现了令人吃惊的事…… -
极有才华的心理医生无缘无故地不断遭到一名杀手的追杀。杀手是来就诊过的患者,还是前来帮助他的警察,或者是私家侦探?处在危急关头的他,如果不能洞穿谋杀者的思想,自己就将以谋杀的罪名被捕,或者被人谋杀。 -
All around the globe, people are being reported dead or missing. In Berlin, a woman vanishes from the city streets. In Paris, a man plunges from the Eiffel Tower. In Denver, a small plane crashes into the mountains. In Manhattan, a body washes ashore along the East River. At first these seem to be random incidents, but the police soon discover that all four of the victims are connected to Kingsley International Group (KIG), the largest think tank in the world. Kelly Harris and Diane Stevens—young widows of two of the victims—encounter each other in New York, where they have been asked to meet with Tanner Kingsley, the head of KIG. He assures them that he is using all available resources to find out who is behind the mysterious deaths of their husbands. But he may be too late. Someone is intent on murdering both women, and they suffer a harrowing series of near escapes. Who is trying to kill them and why? Forced together for protection, suspicious of each other and everyone around them, and trying to find answers for themselves, the two widows embark on a terrifying game of cat and mouse against the unknown forces out to destroy them. Taut with suspense and vivid characterization, full of shocking twists, and with an unnervingly realistic premise that could alter all of our lives, the long-awaited Are You Afraid of the Dark? is Sidney Sheldon at the top of his game. -
Tell Me Your Dreams
"Someone was following her. She had read about stalkers, but they belonged in a different, faraway world. She had no idea who it could be, who would want to harm her. She was trying desperately not to panic, but lately her sleep had been filled with nightmares, and she had awakened each morning with a feeling of impending doom." Thus begins Sidney Sheldon's haunting new novel, Tell Me Your Dreams. When a series of brutal murders is committed, the police suspect three beautiful young women. An arrest is made and what follows is one of the most bizarre murder trials of the century. Based on actual events, Tell Me Your Dreams races at a feverish pace from London to Rome to Quebec to San Francisco, and builds to a shocking climax that will leave the listener stunned. This suspenseful follow-up to Sheldon's most recent bestseller, The Best Laid Plans (ten weeks on the New York Times bestseller list), is rich with tension and heart-stopping action. Laced with the kinds of plot twists and turns that his fans love, Tell Me Your Dreams is an entertaining and gripping story. -
中学生托比与女同学发生了性关系,致使女方怀孕。为逃避结婚,离家出走,到处流浪,一文不名,为了生计,先后在马戏团跑龙套,在酒吧充当业余滑稽演员,但他一心想着成为一名电影明星。终于在好莱坞电影经纪人克利夫顿的提携下,成为红极一时的超级明星。托比过着骄奢淫逸的生活,然而内心却十分空虚。 一心想出人头第的女演员吉尔,在好莱坞历经坎坷,她周旋于制片人、导演和经纪人之间,被迫出卖色相,并被情人诱骗拍摄裸体电影,沦为等外演员。为了改变低下地位,吉尔博得托比的欢心,二人结为夫妇,成为声名显赫的坦普尔夫人。托比因为长期纵欲,病发瘫痪。吉尔为了巩固已经取得的地位,以惊人的毅力帮助托比恢复了健康。吉尔随托比在各大都市演出,所到之处,尽皆轰动。但托比再次瘫痪,恰值吉尔始终眷恋的情人戴维突然出现,吉尔感到托比再无恢复的希望,害死了托比,并仰仗托比生前的巨大声望,成功登上了明星宝座。但托比的经纪人克利夫顿为了报复吉尔,设计让戴维看到了吉尔在裸体电影中的不堪场景,戴维痛苦离去,吉尔也彻底绝望,堕身大海... -
Master of the Game
在线阅读本书 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友