

  • The Great Blue Yonder

    作者:Alex Shearer

    'You'll be sorry when I'm dead.' That's what Harry said to his sister, before the incident with the lorry. And now he is just that - dead. And he wishes more than anything that he hadn't said it. He wishes he could say sorry. And say goodbye to everyone he left behind - his mum, his dad, his best friend Pete, even Jelly Donkins, the class bully. Now he's on the Other Side, waiting to move on to the Great Blue Yonder. But he doesn't know how to get there - until he meets Arthur, a small boy in a top hat, who's been dead for years, who helps him say goodbye...
  • 天蓝色的彼岸


    这是一部感人至深,触动灵魂的人性寓言。 小男孩哈利因车祸去了另一个世界。在那里它他加入了等待去天蓝色彼岸的队伍。但他还挂念着爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和同学们,却又不知如何传达他的心声,直到他碰到一个叫阿瑟的幽灵。阿瑟带着哈里偷偷溜回人间,来向亲人和朋友告别, 向他们表示歉意和深深的爱… … 这是一本最适合在我们这个年代看的书。单纯,清新,温暖的文字,教会人们学会关爱,珍惜生命,唤起人们内心深处最美好的情感,呈送各人们最真切的感动和最伟大的爱。在不可抵挡中的人性光辉中感悟生命和死亡… … 本书适合九岁以上所有人群阅读,他是呈送给所有善良心灵最好的礼物。本书被翻译成几十种文字,在欧美和日本广为流传,感动了世界各地无数的读者。本书得到了联合国教科文组织的推荐,并被誉为“21世纪最伟大的人性寓言”。(泰晤士报)