

  • The Origins of Political Order

    作者:Francis Fukuyama

    Virtually all human societies were once organized tribally, yet over time most developed new political institutions which included a central state that could keep the peace and uniform laws that applied to all citizens. Some went on to create governments that were accountable to their citizens. We take these institutions for granted, but they are absent or are unable to perform in many of today’s developing countries—with often disastrous consequences for the rest of the world. In The Origins of Political Order, Francis Fukuyama, author of the bestselling The End of History and the Last Man, provides a sweeping account of how today’s basic political institutions developed. The first of a major two-volume work begins with politics among our primate ancestors and follows the story through the emergence of tribal societies, the growth of the first modern state in China, the beginning of a rule of law in India and the Middle East, and the development of political accountability in Europe up until the eve of the French Revolution. Drawing on a vast body of knowledge—history, evolutionary biology, archaeology, and economics—Fukuyama has produced a brilliant, provocative work that offers fresh insights on the origins of democratic societies and raises essential questions about the nature of politics.
  • 统治史(卷一):古代的王权和帝国——从苏美尔到罗马(修订版)


    20世纪西方政治学领军人物芬纳的传世巨著,芝加哥大学教授赵鼎新亲为中译本作序,甘阳、张维为、刘军宁、汪晖倾力推荐! 甘阳:一部《资治通鉴》式的政治史。 张维为:本书揭示了代议制民主成为当代政治神话的偶然性,也指出中国传统政治文明对人类社会的 巨大贡献。 汪晖:鉴前世政体之兴衰,考当今统治之得失。 刘军宁:《统治史》是亚里士多德的《政治学》以来我首次读到如此详细研究古今中外政体的史书。 赵鼎新:《经济学家》杂志说如果政治学有诺贝尔奖的话,芬纳的三部曲就肯定会赢得此殊荣。我个人认为这一评价仍然低估了芬纳的卓越工作。 作为西方政治学领军人物塞缪尔•E•芬纳的三卷本《统治史》是20世纪西方政治学的传世巨著。《统治史》的主要关注点是世界历史中政府形态的发展,以各个国家的政府形态、统治方式和国家社会关系为核心,大致依照时间顺序,先把我们带入世界文明中最为古老的苏美尔城邦,述及萨尔贡、埃及、亚述、犹太、波斯、希腊、中国、罗马、印度、拜占庭、阿拉伯、中世纪欧洲、日本、奥斯曼帝国等地区和国家的政治史,然后把焦点转入文艺复兴和新教运动后的欧洲各国和美洲殖民地政治制度的突破性发展,最后,集中讨论影响当代世界的三大革命(美国革命、法国革命及工业革命)以及这些革命给世界政治、政府形态和国家社会关系所带来的前所未有的变化。 《统治史》第一卷《古代的王权和帝国——从苏美尔到罗马》思考了“宫廷式”政治类型,述及世界文明中最为古老的苏美尔城邦、埃及、亚述、波斯、中国的汉朝、罗马,也解释了其中的例外,即犹太人的王国和罗马共和国。