意大利的BVLGARI 宝格丽,是继法国卡地亚和美国蒂芙尼之后的世界第三大珠宝品牌。 BVLGARI 宝格丽品牌源自希腊,创始人索蒂里奥·布尔加里是希腊伊庇鲁斯地区的一个银匠。BVLGARI 宝格丽在首饰生产中以色彩为设计精髓,独创性地用多种不同颜色的宝石进行搭配组合,再运用不同材质的底座,以凸显宝石的耀眼色彩。 -
本书内容集中于民族民间两方面的饰物精品,收入头饰、项饰、手镯、戒指、耳饰、挂饰、配件以及玉饰和牙雕。汉族饰物均为传统样式,同时也收入小部分出土饰物以体现内容的相对全面。 -
7000 Years of Jewelry
Product Description The most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated history of jewelry. The previous edition of this exhaustive survey was published to critical acclaim by the British Museum Press. Since publication, the museum has expanded its collection, with major acquisitions of pieces from Europe and Asia. The new edition includes a complete revision of the section on Europe after 1700, plus revisions to the sections on Celtic Europe, Roman Britain, cameos and finger rings. The book explores the varied styles, techniques and materials used to make jewelry in many civilizations throughout the world and across the millennia. Egyptian necklaces, Celtic torcs, South American gold masks, Renaissance pendants and Art Nouveau buckles are examples of the range of the masterpieces described and illustrated with 400 superb photographs. 7000 Years of Jewelry takes readers on an impressive tour that includes, among other times and places: The Middle East: 5000-2000 BC Egypt: 1500-900 BC Phoenician, Greek, Etruscan and Persian Lands: 850-325 BC China, Celtic Europe, Mexico and Peru: 600 BC-AD 600 The Mediterranean, India, Egypt, Roman Britain and Byzantium: 325 BC-AD 600 Europe, China, Korea and Japan: 300-1000 Mayan Central America: 600-1000 Central and South America: 500-1500 Europe, Islam, China, Korea and Java: 1000-1500 China, India, Tibet and Mongolia: 1500-1850 West Africa: 1500-1800 Europe: 1500-1950. More comprehensive than before, this reference remains the finest and most beautifully illustrated history of jewelry ever published. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友