American Born Chinese
围绕三条线索展开: 美猴王大闹天宫是中国家喻户晓的神话故事,而《美生中国人》展现的是一个新鲜的美国版本,有练功,有复仇,有挑战,有失败,有救赎:美猴王有着与生俱来的王者气魄,精通玄妙的功夫和法术,为猴子猴孙敬仰,是世界上最伟大的猴子。但是他不甘心做只猴子,他大闹天宫,想要成为受人朝拜的天神。 美国的华裔少年王谨,在听妈妈讲完“孟母三迁”的中国古代故事之后,跟随父母从住了9年的旧金山唐人街搬到了纯粹的白人社区。他发现自己是学校里唯一的华裔,受尽了欺负,几乎没有朋友。更糟糕的是,他还爱上了一个白人女孩…… 中国人钦西是美国人眼中刻板的中国佬形象,聪明而粗俗,令人生厌。他每年都会从中国去看望美国的表弟丹尼,扰乱他的生活。而丹尼是一名篮球运动员,学校的风云人物,每年都不得不转学以逃避钦西带来的羞耻。这一年,情况更糟了…… 到最后,三条看似毫不相干的线索神奇地融合在一起,令人赞叹地形成了一个融入中国功夫和校园风云的现代寓言,喧闹而发人深醒。这本了不起的漫画线条简单流畅.糅合了中西画风,在东方化的动作和对白设计中,又处处散发出西式幽默。这个以崭新手法讲述ABC少年痛苦,艰辛的身份认同的故事,这趟情节起伏跌宕、峰回略转的自我发现之旅,引起读者的不断喝彩,使越来越多的人坚信:作者杨谨伦是个天才。 《美生中国人》是第1本进入美国小学课本的漫画书;第1本入围美国国家图书奖的漫画书;第1本荣获美国普林兹文学奖的漫画书。 亚马逊网站2006年度最佳漫画书 《出版人周刊》2006年度最佳图书、最佳漫画书、鲁本奖2006年最佳漫画书奖。 埃斯纳奖2007年最佳漫画新书奖。 天才画家用五年心血打造的自传体漫画,借美国版《西游记》诉说美国华人的困境! 中英文双语版方便学习地道校园美语,告诉你一个华裔美国梦的真实侧面,考托福、送孩子出国前一定要看《美生中国人》! -
A critically acclaimed debut collection of ten cynical and sentimental stories captures the bleakness of life, first in the Dominican Republic and then in New Jersey suburbia, for immigrants of color. Reprint. NYT. " -
The Joy Luck Club(喜福会)
小说描写了四位性格、命运各异的中国女性抛却国难家仇, 移居美国, 以及她们各自在美国出生、成长的女儿的生活经历。 -
The Namesake
在线阅读本书 Jhumpa Lahiri's debut story collection, Interpreter of Maladies, took the literary world by storm when it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2000. Fans who flocked to her stories will be captivated by her best-selling first novel, now in paperback for the first time. The Namesake is a finely wrought, deeply moving family drama that illuminates this acclaimed author's signature themes: the immigrant experience, the clash of cultures, the tangled ties between generations. The Namesake takes the Ganguli family from their tradition-bound life in Calcutta through their fraught transformation into Americans. On the heels of an arranged wedding, Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli settle in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Ashoke does his best to adapt while his wife pines for home. When their son, Gogol, is born, the task of naming him betrays their hope of respecting old ways in a new world. And we watch as Gogol stumbles along the first-generation path, strewn with conflicting loyalties, comic detours, and wrenching love affairs. With empathy and penetrating insight, Lahiri explores the expectations bestowed on us by our parents and the means by which we come to define who we are. -
The Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club was formed of four Chinese women recently moved to San Francisco who meet to eat dim sum, play mah-jong and to share stories. Forty years on they and their daughters tell wise and witty tales of hope, loss, family and history. Spanning pre-Revolutionary China to 1980s San Francisco, the women talk as secrets are spilled, mothers boast and despair and daughters struggle with tangled truths. -
Hauntingly beautiful and heartbreaking, Colm Toibin's sixth novel, "Brooklyn," is set in Brooklyn and Ireland in the early 1950s, when one young woman crosses the ocean to make a new life for herself.Eilis Lacey has come of age in small-town Ireland in the years following World War Two. Though skilled at bookkeeping, she cannot find a job in the miserable Irish economy. When an Irish priest from Brooklyn to sponsor Eilis in America -- to live and work in a Brooklyn neighborhood "just like Ireland" -- she decides she must go, leaving her fragile mother and her charismatic sister behind.Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, and when she least expects it, finds love. Tony, a blond Italian from a big family, slowly wins her over with patient charm. He takes Eilis to Coney Island and Ebbets Field, and home to dinner in the two-room apartment he shares with his brothers and parents. He talks of having children who are Dodgers fans. But just as Eilis begins to fall in love with Tony, devastating news from Ireland threatens the promise of her future.By far Toibin's most instantly engaging and emotionally resonant novel, "Brooklyn" will make readers fall in love with his gorgeous writing and spellbinding characters. -
作者以一个渐渐成熟却仍满怀一颗童心的女人的眼光展现移民生活中平凡而不平淡的味道。尽管故事是零碎的,却耐人寻味。书中没有出国人员大悲大喜的人生际遇,有的只是日常生活中的见闻,作者用笔记体把它们编织给读者。这些真实的感受对于站在另一扇门里的人们仅仅是启示,而不是号召。 -
《不会游泳的鱼》的故事是从一张豆腐干大的广告开始的。这张租房启事把这家人引到这个公寓。它贴在某个墙壁上绽裂着,一家四口仰着头,他们看懂的也就是那个低廉的价格。不幸,这个美国故事就趁着这一家人哑着半启的口的空隙开始了。像许多新移民一样,董家先找个最便宜的区域落脚,从那里起步,开始新大陆的突围。所以他们找到了这里。六十多岁的房东老头坐在公寓门口晒太阳。一份报纸、一瓶啤酒,在太阳下一躺几个小时。老头一看这四口之家的疲惫与兴奋并存的表情,就知道又是一家子的外国人来美安营扎寨,并准备子子孙孙地繁衍下去,突然觉得扫兴,一天的好兴致就这样没了。房东两只混沛的眼球好好地打量了他们,表示他对他们没好感,也不需要他们去喜欢他。他有点痛心和忧心仲仲地问:“你们跑到这个王八蛋才呆的国家干什么?!” -
八十年代初,一个年轻的北京人携同妻子一起来到纽约,当他们走下了飞机,便落入了贫民窟……经过几年的努力,历尽了种种坎坷、艰辛和奇遇,他们终于获得了成功,成为美国成功的新移民。然而,当他们满怀热望把分别多年的爱女接到纽约,巨大的财富和豪华的生活,给女儿带来的却是另一番境遇。 作者曹桂林先生便是八十年代初赴美成功的新移民。当他成功之后,回顾往事感慨万千,不由欣然命笔,写下了这部真切、动人、细腻而富有感情的小说。 本书经曹桂林先生重新修订,出版,以飨广大读者。 -
吴川这个角色身上集中了很多微妙的东西。她有着香港人的冷漠与自私,当她在芝加哥遇到“我”——她同母异父的姐姐时,一方面她舍不得抛弃亲情给她带来的归 属感,另一方面,她又不愿意丧失个人的自由而重新被长辈管束。面对母亲的偏心和“我”的不幸,她只感到嫌恶,“你父亲母亲欠你,我又不欠你的”是她真实的 想法。她只在乎她的“酷”与高贵的身份,对老土的“我”常常不屑一顾,;当“我”道德说教干涉了她的自由,她更是深恶痛绝。冲突的焦点是“我”干涉了她的 感情生活,两姐妹从此走向决裂。但最让人意想不到的是,当“我”被人欺辱而无处伸冤的时候,吴川居然采用了激烈的方式施行报复,为姐姐出气。这个贴着“自 私任性、无所顾忌”的标签的后现代青年,骨子里却有着最传统的亲情意识、家庭意识。 -
故事开始于抗战爆发前夕1937年的上海。一对生活优裕、漂亮时尚的姐妹,历经父亲破产、被迫嫁人、遭受鬼子蹂躏、漂洋过海、艰难扎根唐人街的历练,在时代大背景的滚滚洪流裹挟下,爱恨交织的成长和感悟生命的意义。 华裔作家邝丽莎,对老上海和唐人街的生活场景、人物心理、中美文化、民风民俗的刻画,显示了她扎实的功底和丰厚的生活积淀。 -
扶桑,一个19世纪60年代的中国女子;克里斯,一个同时代的白人少年。他们在美国的圣弗朗西斯科相遇相识,发生了恋情。因为扶桑是个20岁的中国妓女,而克里斯是个家境殷实的白人少年,这爱情不仅凄迷,而且成了命运的挑战。性格即命运,因为扶桑怪异的性格,也使得她在大起大落的命运波折中挣扎起来。从被卖为妓女,到被人轮奸,到与自己的丈夫失之交臂,这一切仿佛都无法在扶桑的内心印上烙印。她从从容容地听从本能的体认,以三寸金莲走过一个又一个灾难。 -
On the Move
Before his 12th birthday, Philip Jia Guo had already lived in six cities spanning three continents, learned three distinctively different languages, and attended seven schools that had almost nothing in common with one another. On the Move traces his global journey to places as drastically dissimilar as his birthplace in South China, a quaint town in Switzerland, the American Deep South, both the poorest and wealthiest neighborhoods of New York City, and an affluent suburb in Southern California. He poignantly describes his struggles to fit in as a perpetual outsider and his feelings of being constantly forced by circumstances beyond his control to adapt to new environments, schools, languages, and cultures. On the Move interweaves candid narratives of this immigrant boy's unique childhood experiences with critical observations of such hotly contested social issues as race, ethnicity, class, religion, child development, peer group relations, immigration, assimilation, and national identity. This book appeals to anybody who is interested in learning more about the experience of being an immigrant and especially its impact on young children. -
此书讲述了作者在美国和加拿大奋斗十多年的艰难历程。一个在金钱、权利、社会关系等方面一无所有的中国青年,虽困难重重,千辛万苦,凭籍着卓然奋斗与才华终于闯入全球的全融中心——华尔待,在世界贸易中心大楼80层拥有一席之地。然而,2001年9月11日上午8点46分,美国航空公司一架飞机在他头顶撞入大楼引发了熊熊大火,在他终于逃离大楼不到2分钟时,大楼轰然倒塌,这直接导致了他对生命的重新认识。此书第一次以自传体形式深刻、细致地反映了新一代留学生在北美求学、求职、求生的奋斗经验和心路历程。陈思进的命运与追求显示了与早期留学生故事大不相同的时代特色,标志着中国留学生在海外的奋斗跨入了一个新的历史阶段,提出一系列发人深思的新的探索课题。 -
一个人可以从自己国家金蝉脱壳吗? 第一部全方位透视中国各阶层移民百态的当代小说 被媒体认为“够狠”的当代小说家,潜心跟踪十八年,九易其稿 直击第三波中国海外移民潮 偷渡、劳务输出、打黑工、技术移民、投资移民、留学、假结婚、跨国婚姻、中介、蛇头、假护照、护照、签证、大使馆、移民局、商务考察、海外购房团、绿卡、国籍 、双重国籍、新移民法案、EB-5、移民公司…… 陈千红,一个命运像水一样的女子,水是没有界限的,没有是非对错之分,水能包容污垢,流动不止。 二十多年前,为了更好地生存,陈千红流向日本,有了钱后回国发展。二十多年后,她带着从国内挣来的财富和唯一的儿子流向美国。从中国人睡到日本人,又从日本人睡到中国人;从没钱人睡到有钱人,从有钱人睡到有权人。这是家乡流传的关于她的不堪闲话。 她来自流乡,流乡这个地方有着移民的传统,最初从中原移民到南方,后来又移民到海外——有人下南洋,有人被卖到西洋当“猪仔”,近二十年,越来越多的人跑得更凶——跑北美,跑南美,跑欧洲,跑澳洲,还跑非洲,就连太平洋岛国也跑,只要给身份就跑,这一幅幅跑路的场景蔚为壮观。 这些人背后的故事烙印着时代的痕迹,《移民》正是用每个个体鲜活的视角,全方位透视近二十年来中国各阶层移民百态,反思狂热的移民现象及其背后的根源。
Fresh Off the Boat
“Long before I met him, I was a fan of his writing, and his merciless wit. He’s bigger than food.”—Anthony Bourdain NATIONAL BESTSELLER Eddie Huang is the thirty-year-old proprietor of Baohaus—the hot East Village hangout where foodies, stoners, and students come to stuff their faces with delicious Taiwanese street food late into the night—and one of the food world’s brightest and most controversial young stars. But before he created the perfect home for himself in a small patch of downtown New York, Eddie wandered the American wilderness looking for a place to call his own. Eddie grew up in theme-park America, on a could-be-anywhere cul-de-sac in suburban Orlando, raised by a wild family of FOB (“fresh off the boat”) hustlers and hysterics from Taiwan. While his father improbably launched a series of successful seafood and steak restaurants, Eddie burned his way through American culture, defying every “model minority” stereotype along the way. He obsessed over football, fought the all-American boys who called him a chink, partied like a gremlin, sold drugs with his crew, and idolized Tupac. His anchor through it all was food—from making Southern ribs with the Haitian cooks in his dad’s restaurant to preparing traditional meals in his mother’s kitchen to haunting the midnight markets of Taipei when he was shipped off to the homeland. After misadventures as an unlikely lawyer, street fashion renegade, and stand-up comic, Eddie finally threw everything he loved—past and present, family and food—into his own restaurant, bringing together a legacy stretching back to China and the shards of global culture he’d melded into his own identity. Funny, raw, and moving, and told in an irrepressibly alive and original voice, Fresh Off the Boat recasts the immigrant’s story for the twenty-first century. It’s a story of food, family, and the forging of a new notion of what it means to be American. Praise for Fresh Off the Boat “Brash and funny . . . outrageous, courageous, moving, ironic and true.” — New York Times Book Review “Bawdy and frequently hilarious . . . a surprisingly sophisticated memoir about race and assimilation in America . . . as much James Baldwin and Jay-Z as Amy Tan . . . rowdy [and] vital . . . It’s a book about fitting in by not fitting in at all.” —Dwight Garner, The New York Times “Uproariously funny . . . emotionally honest.” — Chicago Tribune “Huang is a fearless raconteur. [His] writing is at once hilarious and provocative; his incisive wit pulls through like a perfect plate of dan dan noodles.” — Interview “Although writing a memoir is an audacious act for a thirty-year-old, it is not nearly as audacious as some of the things Huang did and survived even earlier. . . . Whatever he ends up doing, you can be sure it won’t look or sound like anything that’s come before. A single, kinetic passage from Fresh Off the Boat . . . is all you need to get that straight.” —Bookforum -
“如果你爱他,就把他送到纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,就把他送到纽约,因为那里是地狱。” 这大概就是曹桂林先生在美国打拼十多年的最大感悟,《北京人在纽约》以曹桂林的亲身经历为蓝本,描绘了上个世纪八十年代到九十年代从大陆尤其是北京到美国的一批新移民的心路历程,其中的辛酸,欣喜,无助,挣扎以及东西方两种文化价值观的碰撞,恐怕只有亲身经历过的人才能体会。曹桂林虚构的王起明的形象就是这些大陆新移民的缩影。 以本书为基础改编的同名电视剧曾在中国引起了不小的轰动。 -
《疾病解说者》是裘帕·拉希莉的第一部小说集,向世以来,几乎囊括了美国所有的小说奖,其中最大的就是美国普利策文学奖。这本出手不凡的处女作集子里,九篇小说准确描绘了故事人物跨越国家和时代追求爱的情感之旅。才情横溢的作者捕捉到了移民,难民和他们的后代来到文化交汇之处所面临的矛盾冲突:一次停电促使一对印裔美国夫妇彼此部白忏悔,共同面对他们破碎的家庭和婚姻;目睹电视里如火如茶的巴基斯坦内战,一个女孩在过万圣节的时候找到了自己文化的根;跟着单自母亲、脖子上挂钥匙的小男孩,从来自加尔各答的孤独落寞的家庭主妇身上打到了一种共鸣;一位导游带著印裔美国家庭寻根访祖,意外听到了一个深藏多年的秘密……这些小说浸梁着印度文化栩栩如生的细节,以同情和智慧感动着每一个读者。 不同凡响的新的声音……拉希莉女士平实的文风如此具有说服力、如此从容自信,读者几乎感觉不到《疾病解说者》是一位年轻作者的处女作……拉希莉女士客观而富于感情地记录了众多人物的生活,同时以细致而有质感的笔触描绘了他们生活中的情感冷暖。她是一位带着罕见的优雅与沉着的作家。 正如书名所提示的,拉希莉自己就是一位处在祖先严格传统和令人迷惑的新世界之间的传译者。《疾病解说者》带来了美国小说美妙的新声,是一部洋溢着智慧和奥妙的小说集。 -
扶桑,一个19世纪60年代的中国女子;克里斯,一个同时代的白人少年。他们在美国的圣弗朗西斯科相遇相识,发生了恋情。因为扶桑是个20岁的中国妓女,而克里斯是个家境殷实的白人少年,这爱情不仅凄迷,而且成了命运的挑战。 性格即命运,因为扶桑怪异的性格,也使得她在大起大落的命运波折中挣扎起来。从被卖为妓女,到被人轮奸,到与自己的丈夫失之交臂,这一切仿佛都无法在扶桑的内心印上烙印。她从从容容地听从本能的体认,以三寸金莲走过一个又一个灾难。扶桑的性格在作者如此刻画下,有了非同一般的现代意义。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友