

  • The Tell-Tale Heart

    作者:Edgar Allan Poe

  • Lolita

    作者:Vladimir Nabokov

    Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet Dolores Haze. Lolita is also the story of a hypercivilized European colliding with the cheerful barbarism of postwar America. Most of all, it is a meditation on love--love as outrage and hallucination, madness and transformation.


  • 坐牢家爸爸给女儿的八十封信


  • 最美的诗歌


    《最美的诗歌》(汉英珍藏版)精选了100多篇世界上最具代表性的诗歌,所选篇目皆出自于名家,语言优美,意义深邃,堪称人类文明的共同财富。为了方便读者的阅读,编者撰写了一些赏析文字,引导读者从不同角度去品诗歌的主旨、情境和意蕴。此外,书中还配有放多契合诗意的图片,给读者带来视觉享受的同时,也扩大其想像空间。 读一首优美的诗,如品一杯茗茶,馨香绕怀,久久不忘;读一本好书,如与伟人对话,智慧之光映射身心…… 《最美的诗歌》(汉英珍藏版)既是英语学习爱好者、文学爱好者的必备读物,也是忙碌现代人的一片憩息心灵的家园。
  • Great Expectations

    作者:Charles Dickens

    In the marshy mists of a village churchyard, atiny orphan boy named Pip is suddenly terrified by ashivering, limping convict on the run. Yearslater, a supremely arrogant young Pip boards the coachto London where, by the grace of a mysteriousbenefactor, he will join the ranks of the idle richand "become a gentleman." Finally, in theluminous mists of the village at evening, Pip theman meets Estella, his dazzingly beautifultormentor, in a ruined garden--and lays to rest all theheartaches and illusions that his "greatexpectations" have brought upon him. Dickens'sbiographer, Edgar H. Johnson, has said that--exceptfor the author's last-minute tampering with hisoriginal ending-- Great Expectations is "the most perfectly constructed andperfectly written of all Dickens's works." In JohnIrving's Introduction to this edition, thenovelist takes the view that Dickens's revised ending is"far more that mirror of the quality of trust inthe novel as a whole." Both versions of theending are printed here.
  • 朗文无师自通英语词典


    《朗文无师自通英语词典》(英语版)这部词典的2 000个关键词是依据拥有3亿词的朗文语料库选定的,是英语中使用频率最高的词。认识了这2 000个关键词,也就是认识了任何文本中单词总量的80%。为适应从初级阶段向中级阶段过渡这一特定的学习者群体,词典的编撰者可谓煞费苦心:词条栏目的编排和设计都是一目了然,不同的词类列为单独的词条,连各个义项都是自成段落。每个词条根据该词的特点分别设立了语法栏目介绍常用的结构,设立了短语和短语动词栏目介绍常见的成语和搭配,设立了用法栏目介绍同义词、反义词、常用句式等初学者应掌握的内容,并附有16页彩色插页和300多幅黑白插图。   以动词break为例。break占了整整两页(72至73页),首先用释义、例证和插图介绍了cut、tear和break的区别,并参见smash和burst;然后不惜用大半页篇幅清楚地解释了break的3个重要义项并配有例句;接着又用整页的篇幅介绍了break a record、break the news、break someone's heart、break your promise、break loose和break free等短语,以及break down、break in、break into、break out、break through和break up等短语动词的用法。下一页(74页)却列出了27个词条,再下一页(75页)又用一整页介绍了bring的用法,体现了繁简有度的精神。   2 000个关键词对英语的运用能起重要的作用,但是还要有各个方面的词汇来帮助学习者应付各种场合的需要。该词典共收录35 000个单词、短语和例证,有效地扩大了学习者的使用范围。特别值得一提的是该词典的选词和释义既实用又跟上了时代的需要,microwave(微波炉)和mouse(鼠标)之类的词比比皆是,连插图也不例外。有一页彩色插图是hi-tech room(高科技的房间),确实独具匠心。   贴近生活、内容活泼、实用性强是学生词典应该具备的一个特点,《朗文无师自通英语词典》做到了这一点。以bye一词为例,词条中标出亦作bye-bye,是口语用词,释义为goodbye,并使用一个例句“Bye Max! It was nice meeting you!”再以how这一词条的用法说明为例,通过例句比较了“How are you?”“How are you doing?”和“How do you do?”的用法区别,还清清楚楚地说明了如何回答。这样的一部词典已经远远超出了供读者查阅词义的功能,而成为了学习英语的好帮手。   为适应各种不同层次的学习者的需要,朗文出版社已经出版了各具特色的多种学生词典,名称也有创新之处,如activator dictionary、active study dictionary 和wordwise dictionary 等等,尤其是wordwise一词,更是给人耳目一新的感觉,仿佛读者用了这部词典以后,在词汇运用方面就会变得更加聪明。也许把Longman Wordwise Dictionary译为《朗文无师自通英语词典》倒也正符合它的原意吧!

    作者:Kenneth Grahame

    中译名《杨柳风》。以下简介及作者简介均摘选转自http://www.douban.com/subject/1256292/,谢谢原作者: 《杨柳风》是一部妙趣横生的经典儿童小说,书中塑造了几个可爱的动物形象:胆小怕事但又生性喜欢冒险的鼹鼠,热情好客、充满浪漫诗趣的河鼠,侠义十足、具有领袖风范的老獾,喜欢吹牛、臭显、追求时髦的蟾蜍,敦厚老实的水獭――他们生活在河岸或者大森林里,有乐同享,有难同当。为了教育连连闯祸的蟾蜍,他们煞费苦心,对他说服教育;当蟾蜍的住宅被黄鼠狼们霸占以后,他们联合起来,齐心协力,用智慧战胜了比他们数量多得多的黄鼠狼,蟾蜍也从此改正身上的毛病,变成了一个好蟾蜍。(这是“通用”介绍,我对蟾蜍有不同意见,等看完再写书评。) 《杨柳风》于1908年出版,后来引起美国总统罗斯福的注意,他曾写信告诉作者,自己把《杨柳风》一口气读了三遍。格雷厄姆酷爱大自然,在他的笔下,对大自然的描写及其流畅、丰富、多姿多彩,《杨柳风》也因此被誉为英国散文体作品的典范。
  • 上外-牛津英语分级读物.第1级


  • 彼得潘英文版 Peter pan

    作者:M.-J.朗德優吉庸姆•波 著/ .羅竹

    彼得潘(Peter pan)是一部充滿想像與冒險的經典兒童故事。描述一位不願長大的男孩彼得潘,與一群孩子在夢幻島上的生活。他們脫離成人世界的狡詐與複雜,以最自然純真的方式生活,帶領我們走進一個成人永遠觸摸不到的夢幻島,一圓孩童時期的美夢。無論是兒童或成人,閱讀本書都能獲得最單純的快樂。Children are gay and innocent and heartless. 孩子們總是天真、快樂、又無情的。《彼得潘:一個不願長大的孩子》,是英國作家J. M. Barrie(巴利)最著名的作品。書中的夢幻島是類似桃花源的理想國度,那裡的孩子永遠不會長大,居住在地底下的小屋,生活中充滿了驚奇與冒險,而為他們帶來這一連串冒險的正是書中的主角彼得潘。 彼得潘是個拒絕長大的小男孩,他唾棄成人世界的嚴肅與複雜,決定永遠保有孩童無憂的生活方式。在本書中,他帶著溫蒂和一群小孩,在夢幻島上展開一段不凡的冒險生活。島上有印地安人、陰險的海盜、驕傲的人魚、各種野獸、性格的夢幻鳥、各式各樣的仙子、吞下鬧鐘的鱷魚,兒童世界的一切想像,都能在這裡被滿足。 彼得潘是每個人成長過程必讀的經典故事,一部富有深刻哲理的兒童文學,不僅喚醒我們成長過程的種種記憶,也讓我們重返兒時生活的純真與快樂。
  • Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

    作者:John Gray

    Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow. Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 注:两种封面,随机发货。 点击链接进入中文版: 男人来自火星女人来自金星
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    作者:Jacob Grimm,Wilhelm

    The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds.This selection of their folk tales was made and translated by Lucy Crane, and includes firm favourites such as Rapunzel, The Goose Girl, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and Snow White. It is illustrated throughout by Walter Crane's charming line drawings.
  • Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

    作者:Lewis Carroll

    This edition contains Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass. It is illustrated throughout by Sir John Tenniel, whose drawings for the books add so much to the enjoyment of them. Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Red Queen and the White Rabbit all make their appearances, and are now familiar figures in writing, conversation and idiom. So too, are Carroll's delightful verses such as The Walrus and the Carpenter and the inspired jargon of that masterly Wordsworthian parody, The Jabberwocky.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set

    作者:Lewis, C. S./ Baynes

    The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, is one of the very few sets of books that should be read three times: in childhood, early adulthood, and late in life. In brief, four children travel repeatedly to a world in which they are far more than mere children and everything is far more than it seems. Richly told, populated with fascinating characters, perfectly realized in detail of world and pacing of plot, and profoundly allegorical, the story is infused throughout with the timeless issues of good and evil, faith and hope. This boxed set edition includes all seven volumes.--
  • The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz

    作者:L. , Frank , L. Baum

    Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and Andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations. Yet the old time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as "historical" in the children's library; for the time has come for a series of newer "wonder tales" in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.
  • Outline

    作者:Rachel Cusk

    A luminous, powerful novel that establishes Rachel Cusk as one of the finest writers in the English language A man and a woman are seated next to each other on a plane. They get to talking—about their destination, their careers, their families. Grievances are aired, family tragedies discussed, marriages and divorces analyzed. An intimacy is established as two strangers contrast their own fictions about their lives. Rachel Cusk’s Outline is a novel in ten conversations. Spare and stark, it follows a novelist teaching a course in creative writing during one oppressively hot summer in Athens. She leads her students in storytelling exercises. She meets other visiting writers for dinner and discourse. She goes swimming in the Ionian Sea with her neighbor from the plane. The people she encounters speak volubly about themselves: their fantasies, anxieties, pet theories, regrets, and longings. And through these disclosures, a portrait of the narrator is drawn by contrast, a portrait of a woman learning to face a great loss. Outline takes a hard look at the things that are hardest to speak about. It brilliantly captures conversations, investigates people’s motivations for storytelling, and questions their ability to ever do so honestly or unselfishly. In doing so it bares the deepest impulses behind the craft of fiction writing. This is Rachel Cusk’s finest work yet, and one of the most startling, brilliant, original novels of recent years.
  • 20篇:英美现当代散文

    作者:陆谷孙,丁骏,朱绩崧,张楠 选编

    本书是我国英语语言文学名家、复旦大学杰出教授陆谷孙先生在其“英美散文”课程讲稿基础上精心扩充而成,分“精读”、“泛读”两部分,凡二十篇,尽为名家妙笔。 精读部分收录弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙、D·H·劳伦斯、乔治·奥威尔、威廉·戈尔丁、琼·狄迪恩、斯蒂芬·金、比尔·布莱森等作品十篇,配以详尽的页尾注和以“ ”起首的文中注,并附作者介绍。泛读部分收录伯特兰·罗素、E·M·福斯特、E·B·怀特、戈尔·维达尔、哈罗德·品特、苏珊·桑塔格、巴拉克·奥巴马等作品十篇,附页尾简注及作者介绍。 本书旨在提高中级以上英语学习者对现当代英美散文的解读鉴赏能力,可作高等院校英语专业教材,也可供广大英语爱好者修习之用。所附光盘含陆先生授“英美散文”课实况视频若干。
  • The Vagrants

    作者:Yiyun Li

  • 最经典的短篇小说


  • Critical Theory Since Plato

    作者:Hazard Adams,Leroy S

    CRITICAL THEORY SINCE PLATO is a chronologically-arranged anthology that presents a broad survey of the history and development of literary criticism and theory in Western culture. Written by two well-known scholars in the field of literary study, this well-respected text puts an emphasis on the individual contributors to the development of literary criticism, from Plato and Aristotle to the present.