

  • Style

    作者:Joseph M. Williams,G

    Engaging and direct, Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace is the guidebook for anyone who wants to write well.Engaging and direct, Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace is the guidebook for anyone who wants to write well.
  • Have a Little Faith

    作者:Mitch Albom

  • 那些给我勇气的句子


  • Writing Analytically

    作者:David Rosenwasser,Ji

  • 西方家庭学校经典教材读本·英国语文(套装共6册)

    作者:英国托马斯-尼尔森公司 编

    《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:英国语文(套装共6册)》继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材,了解英国人文历史、欣赏英国文学的优秀读本。全书分级编写,还附有大量插图。充满趣味的英语故事与优美的英国文学相融合,让国内学生更好地感悟英国文化历史,并真正学好英语这门语言。无论是作为英语学习的课本,还是作为提高英语水平的课外读物,《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:英国语文(套装共6册)》这套书都极有价值。 The Royal Readers were edited and published by the famous British publisher and used in schools until well into the 20th century. They are edited as six books in the Royal School Series. Students progressed from the very easy lessons to classic readers. The First Book, beginning with similarly easy lessons, consisted of rhymes and simple short stories with plenty of illustrations for young learners. Children learned letters and easy reading. The first part of this book focuses exclusively on monosyllabic words and the second part introduces two syllable words. In the Second Book there are short selections of poetry and prose designed to encourage interest in reading. Each story is followed by a lesson on pronunciation, simple definitions of new words and questions on its content. The Third Book is very similar though slightly more advanced and including more writing exercises. The Fourth Book includes phonetic exercises, model compositions and dictation exercises, as well as outlines of British History from Roman Period as far as 1400 A. D. The Fifth Book features sections on health of the body, plants and their uses, as well as quotes and stories of great men. Book Six, the final book in the series, contains word lessons and passages with sections on great inventions, classification of animals, useful knowledge, punctuation and physical geography, as well as the British Constitution.
  • 英文玩家


  • 读《时代》周刊学英文 社会人物

    作者:克里斯托弗·波特菲尔德 编

    《读 周刊学英文:社会·人物》由美国时代公司(Time Inc.Home EntertairimerIt)独家授权出版,分为“美国·国际”、“战场·商场”、“艺术·科技·医药”、“社会·人物”四卷。“社会·人物”卷汇集了《时代》周刊创刊85周年以来最精彩的国内社会新闻及年度人物专题,内容涵盖政治、科技、教育、医药、交通、宗教、体育等社会生活的各个方面,综述了邱吉尔、马丁·路德·金、爱因斯坦等伟大人物在各自领域内的杰出贡献,展现了《时代》周刊独特的新闻视角和创新能力,反映了20世纪以来人类社会在诸多方面的发展与变迁。
  • The Lost Continent

    作者:Bill Bryson

    An unsparing and hilarious account of one man's rediscovery of America and his search for the perfect small town.
  • 现代英语杂文选读

    作者:吴芬 编

  • 心灵鸡汤(第1辑)


    《心灵鸡汤:第1辑(英文珍藏版)》主要内容包括:Introduction.,1. ON LOVE,Love:The One Creative Force Eric Butterworth,All I Remember Bobbie Probstein,Heart Song Patty Hansen,True Love Barry and Joyce Vissell,The Hugging Judge Jack Canfield and Mark V.Hansen,It Can't Happen Here? Jack Canfield,Who You Are Makes A Difference Helice Bridges,One At A Time Jack Canfield and Mark V. Hansen等等。
  • 心灵鸡汤

    作者:Jack Canfield,Mark V

    它以浅显的语言表达着人间真情;它以至深的情感述说着五彩人生;它在每一个角落把真情的火炬点燃;它的每一缕清香在尘世间悠悠流传;它让真情的心灵在碰撞中凝固成永恒。   很高兴《心灵鸡汤家族——豆蔻年华》因大学的支持而诞生了。这本书包括了能够鼓励、感动人的故事,将使你能更热情地生活,并更坚定地去追求你内心的梦想。本书将支持你度过无数的挑战、挫折及失败,平抚你无数的困惑、痛苦和迷失。它将成为你终生的好伙伴,在你生命的各个阶段提供你源源不绝的智能观察力。《心灵鸡汤家族》系列显然算不上是直么干货,但干货吃多了恐怕会肚账,有了热气腾腾的、不同滋味的“汤”做辅料,沿着被干货撑开的丝丝缕缕的缝隙灌溉下去,心灵这偌大无比的空间才会更充实。为了要活下去,我才告诉自己这许多的故事。《心灵鸡汤家族》系列为我创造出一种奇妙的感觉,更产生一个概念——我们同在一起。它们让我了解一个新的真理,提供一个崭新的远景,甚至是一个对于宇宙认知的新途径。为困顿的心开启一扇灵动的窗。
  • 译事余墨


    书能成为书,不管大小,都需要一些不可少的特定条件。就这本小书来说,原始材料积累得很早,但是积累起来的材料究竟有多大价值,除了个人的不断精选和淘汰,一定需要同行直接和间接的甄别。很幸运,除了我敬重的向位老同事老前辈的指点和提携,我还有几位朋友喜欢讨论文字翻译中的各种问题。   书稿初步成型后,或者部分章节,或者全书,请我的几位朋友从不同角度阅读,得到了很有价值的反馈,比如尽量体现本书的特色,分析例子要精确到位,避开理论,突出实践,等等。于是,我根据他们的建议,又把积累的部分卡片重新分析,选出几十例,从新的角度增写了一些章节,使这本小书比过去显得更为厚实了。
  • The Mother Tongue

    作者:Bill Bryson

    With dazzling wit and astonishing insight, Bill Bryson--the acclaimed author of The Lost Continent --brilliantly explores the remarkable history, eccentricities, resilience and sheer fun of the English language. From the first descent of the larynx into the throat (why you can talk but your dog can't), to the fine lost art of swearing, Bryson tells the fascinating, often uproarious story of an inadequate, second-rate tongue of peasants that developed into one of the world's largest growth industries.
  • Kitchen Confidential

    作者:Anthony Bourdain,安东尼

    When Chef Anthony Bourdain wrote "Don t Eat Before You Read This" in The New Yorker, he spared no one s appetite, revealing what goes on behind the kitchen door. In Kitchen Confidential, he expanded that appetizer into a deliciously funny, delectable shocking banquet that lays out his 25 years of sex, drugs, and haute cuisine.From his first oyster in the Gironde to the kitchen of the Rainbow Room atop Rockefeller Center, from the restaurants of Tokyo to the drug dealers of the East Village, from the mobsters to the rats, Bourdain s brilliantly written, wild-but-true tales make the belly ache with laughter.
  • 干物女的英文部落格


    《干物女的英文部落格》来自日本的流行词,形容像干贝、香菇之类干巴巴的年轻女人。抑或,不喜欢谈恋爱,不喜欢化妆,不爱出门,狂爱上网,生活有点闷骚的女人……我就是一个超超超强力干物女!最近,我的生活出现了经济危机,靠打零工做兼职的可怜收入已无法养活我,我不可能继续宅在家里,过与电脑和漫画相伴的快乐生活了。经过努力我找到了一份必须适应英语环境的工作。 我很喜欢以英文日志的形式记录自己生活中的点点滴滴。Stanley(一个大鼻子美国人)是我网上的好友,他是我的部落格的忠实读者,也是我学习地道英语的良师。Penny(美女、海归、混血)是我生活中的密友,她的影响和帮助也让我自然而然地适应了英语环境。 Chinglish是Chinese-English的组合词,指“中国式英语”,经常按照中文的字面意思直译英文,那是相当的不地道!就像中文功底不深的老外把中国电影《霸王别姬》翻译成《再见,我的情妇》一样露怯。 说英语就得说最地道的!吼吼!快来看看我在《干物女的英文部落格》里都晒了哪些至IN、超好用的单词、口语吧:)
  • One Man's View of the World

    作者:Lee Kuan Yew,李光耀

    In this book, Lee draws on that wealth of experience and depth of insight to offer his views on today’s world and what it might look like in 20 years. This is no dry geopolitical treatise. Nor is it a thematic account of the twists and turns in global affairs. Instead, in this broad-sweep narrative that takes in America, China, Asia and Europe, he parses their society, probes the psyche of the people and draws his conclusions about their chances for survival and just where they might land in the hierarchy of tomorrow’s balance of power. What makes a society tick? What do its people really believe? Can it adapt? In spare, unflinching prose that eschews political correctness, he describes a China that remains obsessed with control from the centre on its way to an unstoppable rise; an America that will have to share its pre-eminence despite its never-say-die dynamism; and a Europe that struggles with the challenges of keeping its union intact. His candid and often startling views – on why Japan is closed to foreigners, why the Arab Spring won’t bring one man, one vote to the Middle East, and why preventing global warming is not going to be as fruitful as preparing for it – make this a fresh and gripping read. Lee completes the book by looking into the future of Singapore – his enduring concern – and by offering the reader a glimpse into his personal life and his view of death. The book is interspersed with a Q&A section in each chapter, gleaned from conversations he had with journalists from The Straits Times.
  • Hyperbole and a Half

    作者:Allie Brosh

  • 青柠故事

    作者:迈耶尔 编

  • 美丽英文


  • Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?

    作者:Roz Chast

    In her first memoir, Roz Chast brings her signature wit to the topic of aging parents. Spanning the last several years of their lives and told through four-color cartoons, family photos, and documents, and a narrative as rife with laughs as it is with tears, Chast’s memoir is both comfort and comic relief for anyone experiencing the life-altering loss of elderly parents. When it came to her elderly mother and father, Roz held to the practices of denial, avoidance, and distraction. But when Elizabeth Chast climbed a ladder to locate an old souvenir from the “crazy closet”—with predictable results—the tools that had served Roz well through her parents’ seventies, eighties, and into their early nineties could no longer be deployed. While the particulars are Chast-ian in their idiosyncrasies—an anxious father who had relied heavily on his wife for stability as he slipped into dementia and a former assistant principal mother whose overbearing personality had sidelined Roz for decades—the themes are universal: adult children accepting a parental role; aging and unstable parents leaving a family home for an institution; dealing with uncomfortable physical intimacies; managing logistics; and hiring strangers to provide the most personal care. An amazing portrait of two lives at their end and an only child coping as best she can, Can We Talk about Something More Pleasant will show the full range of Roz Chast’s talent as cartoonist and storyteller.