

  • 时间序列预测实践教程


  • Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting

    作者:Peter J. Brockwell,R

    Some of the key mathematical results are stated without proof in order to make the underlying theory accessible to a wider audience. The book assumes a knowledge only of basic calculus, matrix algebra, and elementary statistics. The emphasis is on methods and the analysis of data sets. The logic and tools of model-building for stationary and nonstationary time series are developed in detail and numerous exercises, many of which make use of the included computer package, provide the reader with ample opportunity to develop skills in this area. The core of the book covers stationary processes, ARMA and ARIMA processes, multivariate time series and state-space models, with an optional chapter on spectral analysis. Additional topics include harmonic regression, the Burg and Hannan-Rissanen algorithms, unit roots, regression with ARMA errors, structural models, the EM algorithm, generalized state-space models with applications to time series of count data, exponential smoothing, the Holt-Winters and ARAR forecasting algorithms, transfer function models and intervention analysis. Brief introductions are also given to cointegration and to nonlinear, continuous-time and long-memory models. The time series package included in the back of the book is a slightly modified version of the package ITSM, published separately as ITSM for Windows, by Springer-Verlag, 1994. It does not handle such large data sets as ITSM for Windows, but like the latter, runs on IBM-PC compatible computers under either DOS or Windows (version 3.1 or later). The programs are all menu-driven so that the reader can immediately apply the techniques in the book to time series data, with a minimal investment of time in the computational and algorithmic aspects of the analysis.
  • Analysis of Financial Time Series

    作者:Ruey S. Tsay

    This book provides a broad, mature, and systematic introduction to current financial econometric models and their applications to modeling and prediction of financial time series data. It utilizes real-world examples and real financial data throughout the book to apply the models and methods described. The author begins with basic characteristics of financial time series data before covering three main topics: Analysis and application of univariate financial time series The return series of multiple assets Bayesian inference in finance methods Key features of the new edition include additional coverage of modern day topics such as arbitrage, pair trading, realized volatility, and credit risk modeling; a smooth transition from S-Plus to R; and expanded empirical financial data sets. The overall objective of the book is to provide some knowledge of financial time series, introduce some statistical tools useful for analyzing these series and gain experience in financial applications of various econometric methods.
  • 非线性时间序列


  • 时间序列分析


    《时间序列分析:预测与控制》内容始终都是时间序列领域的权威。第4版仍然分为5个部分,相对第3版新增内容主要有非线性和长记忆模型、多元时间序列分析以及前馈控制,其余各章节根据现实和教学需要均有不同程度的更新。在本书中,几位统计学大师用极其通俗的语言,结合大量的实例,阐明了时间序列分析的精髓。本书内容十分丰富,叙述简明,强调实际应用。相信每一位研读此书的读者都会获益匪浅。 本书可作为统计和相关专业高年级本科生或研究生教材,也可以作为统计专业技术人员的参考书。
  • 时间序列分析

    作者:(美)詹姆斯 D.汉密尔顿(James

  • 时间序列分析的小波方法


    时间序列分析是用随机过程理论和数理统计学的方法,研究随机数据序列所遵从的统计规律,用于解决科研、工程技术、金融及经济等诸多领域内的实际问题。本书是一本由浅入深的小波分析导论,介绍了基于小波的时间序列统计分析。实践中的离散时间技术是本书的论述重点,同时对于理解和实现离散小波变换将涉及的诸多原理与算法也进行了详细的描述。   本书详细地介绍了小波方法在时间序列分析中的应用,图例丰富,语言简明易懂,论述严谨,另外,本书对小波分析所需要的数学知识进行了简洁实用的讲解,还在正文中嵌入了大量的练习,并在附录中给出了这些练习的答案,同时每章另备有适于课堂布置的练习。   本书适合作为高等院校统计学、数学等专业学生的教材,同时也可作为从事相关领域研究的人员的参考书。
  • 应用时间序列分析

    作者:何书元 编

  • 时间序列分析及应用

    作者:Jonathan D.Cryer,Kun

    本书以易于理解的方式讲述了时间序列模型及其应用,主要内容包括:趋势、平稳时间序列模型、非平稳时间序列模型、模型识别、参数估计、模型诊断、预测、季节模型、时间序列回归模型、异方差时间序列模型、谱分析入门、谱估计、门限模型.对所有的思想和方法,都用真实数据集和模拟数据集进行了说明. 本书可作为高等院校统计、经济、商科、工程及定量社会科学等专业学生的教材或教学参考书,同时也可供相关技术人员使用.
  • 金融时间序列分析

    作者:Ruey S.Tsay

    本书全面阐述了金融时间序列,并主要介绍了金融时间序列理论和方法的当前研究热点和一些最新研究成果,尤其是风险值计算、高频数据分析、随机波动率建模和马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法等方面。此外,本书还系统阐述了金融计量经济模型及其在金融时间序列数据和建模中的应用,所有模型和方法的运用均采用实际金融数据,并给出了所用计算机软件的命令。较之第1版,本版主要在新的发展和实证分析方面进行了更新,新增了状态空间模型和Kalman滤波以及S-Plus命令等内容。 本书可作为时间序列分析的教材,也适用于商学、经济学、数学和统计学专业对金融的计量经济学感兴趣的高年级本科生和研究生,同时,也可作为商业、金融、保险等领域专业人士的参考书。
  • 应用计量经济学


    《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》涉及了应用计量经济学时间序列分析的最新发展成果,诸如样本区间外预测方法、非线性时间序列模型、Monte Carlo分析和自助法。《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》运用宏观经济学、农业经济、国际金融、国际恐怖活动等诸多领域的大量案例来阐述这些方法的应用。建立在对多元回归分析初步了解的基础上,《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》对时间序列分析进行了由浅入深的介绍,展现了如何利用最新方法对经济数据建模,从而进行预测、分析和假设检验。