

  • Introductory Time Series with R

    作者:Paul S.P. Cowpertwai

    Yearly global mean temperature and ocean levels, daily share prices, and the signals transmitted back to Earth by the Voyager space craft are all examples of sequential observations over time known as time series. This book gives you a step-by-step introduction to analysing time series using the open source software R. Each time series model is motivated with practical applications, and is defined in mathematical notation. Once the model has been introduced it is used to generate synthetic data, using R code, and these generated data are then used to estimate its parameters. This sequence enhances understanding of both the time series model and the R function used to fit the model to data. Finally, the model is used to analyse observed data taken from a practical application. By using R, the whole procedure can be reproduced by the reader. All the data sets used in the book are available on the website http://www.massey.ac.nz/~pscowper/ts. The book is written for undergraduate students of mathematics, economics, business and finance, geography, engineering and related disciplines, and postgraduate students who may need to analyse time series as part of their taught programme or their research. Paul Cowpertwait is a senior lecturer in statistics at Massey University with a substantial research record in both the theory and applications of time series and stochastic models. Andrew Metcalfe is an associate professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, and an author of six statistics text books and numerous research papers. Both authors have extensive experience of teaching time series to students at all levels.
  • 时间序列分析的小波方法


    时间序列分析是用随机过程理论和数理统计学的方法,研究随机数据序列所遵从的统计规律,用于解决科研、工程技术、金融及经济等诸多领域内的实际问题。本书是一本由浅入深的小波分析导论,介绍了基于小波的时间序列统计分析。实践中的离散时间技术是本书的论述重点,同时对于理解和实现离散小波变换将涉及的诸多原理与算法也进行了详细的描述。   本书详细地介绍了小波方法在时间序列分析中的应用,图例丰富,语言简明易懂,论述严谨,另外,本书对小波分析所需要的数学知识进行了简洁实用的讲解,还在正文中嵌入了大量的练习,并在附录中给出了这些练习的答案,同时每章另备有适于课堂布置的练习。   本书适合作为高等院校统计学、数学等专业学生的教材,同时也可作为从事相关领域研究的人员的参考书。
  • 应用计量经济学


    《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》涉及了应用计量经济学时间序列分析的最新发展成果,诸如样本区间外预测方法、非线性时间序列模型、Monte Carlo分析和自助法。《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》运用宏观经济学、农业经济、国际金融、国际恐怖活动等诸多领域的大量案例来阐述这些方法的应用。建立在对多元回归分析初步了解的基础上,《应用计量经济学:时间序列分析》对时间序列分析进行了由浅入深的介绍,展现了如何利用最新方法对经济数据建模,从而进行预测、分析和假设检验。