

  • 信任的假象

    作者:David DeSteno

    我们的社会为何如此需要诚信? 我们应该信任谁?不应该信任谁? 背叛和不守信的根本原因是什么? 金钱、权力、爱情会对道德产生怎样的影响? 诚信与善恶无关 我们的脑中没有什么天使和恶魔,只有蚂蚁和蚱蜢。 蚂蚁代表着诚信和长期利益,而蚱蜢代表背叛和短期利益。 不要因为是好人就轻易相信 骗子和无能的人有一个共同点,那就是相信他们的后果是吃亏。 我们甚至在孩提时期,就已经学会根据能力来选择要信任的老师了。 金钱与权力无时无刻不在腐蚀着信任 社会地位或权力的提升会导致不道德行为,甚至可以提高你的欺骗能力。 哪怕仅仅是看到大笔金钱,都会让一个人变得不诚信。 不要轻易相信你自己 我们会不自觉地低估自己未来受到的诱惑。 我们还会不自觉地粉饰自己过去的背叛行为。
  • Telling Lies

    作者:Paul Ekman

    In this revised edition, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in emotions research and nonverbal communication, presents updated information on his groundbreaking inquiry into lying and methods for uncovering lies. He analyzes a range of deception strategies -- from the political strategies of international public figures, such as Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon, to the deceitful behavior of private individuals, such as adulterers or petty criminals -- and explains how a successful liar most often depends on a willfully innocent dupe. Ekman describes how lies vary in form and can differ from other types of misinformation; how interviewers should probe for more information that can reveal untruths; and how a person's body language, voice, and facial expressions can give away a lie but still fool professional lie hunters like judges, police officers, drug enforcement agents, Secret Service agents, and others.