

  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    Evelyn Waugh's most celebrated novel is a memory drama about the intense entanglement of the narrator, Charles Ryder, with a great Anglo-Catholic family. Written during World War II, the novel mourns the passing of the aristocratic world Waugh knew in his youth and vividly recalls the sensuous plea-sures denied him by wartime austerities; in so doing it also provides a profound study of the conflict between the demands of religion and the desires of the flesh. At once romantic, sensuous, comic, and somber, "Brideshead Revisited" transcends Waugh's familiar satiric exploration of his cast of lords and ladies, Catholics and eccentrics, artists and misfits, revealing him to be an elegiac, lyrical novelist of the utmost feeling and lucidity. The edition reprinted here contains Waugh's revisions, made in 1959, and his preface to the revised edition.
  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh,Jeremy

    Jeremy Irons reads Evelyn Waugh's classic tale of love and the loss of innocence. Charles Ryder's friendship with the charming, irrepressible Sebastian Flyte and his equally charming, eccentric family begins when they are both Oxford undergraduates in 1923. Carefree days of drinking champagne and driving in the country soon end, however, as Sebastian's health deteriorates. Questions about mortality and religion are raised, and the radiant tone gives way to a bleak atmosphere of shattered illusion...Moving from the decadence of the Roaring Twenties to the austerity of the Second World War, the novel conjures up a lost age, and is Waugh's most moving, romantic and controversial work. Jeremy Irons starred as Charles Ryder in the acclaimed television production of "Brideshead Revisited", which is now a major motion picture starring Emma Thompson and Michael Gambon.
  • A Handful of Dust

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    在线阅读本书 A HANDFUL OF DUST satirizes that stratum of English life where all the characters have money, but lack practically every other credential. Murderously urbane, it depicts the breakup of a marriage in the London gentry, where the errant wife suffers from terminal boredom and becomes enamored of a social parasite and professional lunch-goer. The depravity and polished savagery of these characters offer an opportunity for Waugh's rapier wit and subtly to "show us fear in a handful of dust." "Waugh's technique is relentless and razor-edged...by any standard it is super satire." (Chicago Daily News) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh's novels, "Brideshead Revisited" looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder's infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly-disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognize only his spiritual and social distance from them.
  • Vile Bodies

    作者:Waugh, Evelyn

    The Bright Young Things of 1920s Mayfair, with their paradoxical mix of innocence and sophistication, exercise their inventive minds and vile bodies in every kind of capricious escapade, whether it is promiscuity, dancing, cocktail parties or sports cars. A vivid assortment of characters, among them the struggling writer Adam Fenwick-Symes and the glamorous, aristocratic Nina Blount, hunt fast and furiously for ever greater sensations and the hedonistic fulfilment of their desires. Evelyn Waugh's acidly funny and experimental satire shows a new generation emerging in the years after the First World War, revealing the darkness and vulnerability beneath the glittering surface of the high life.
  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

  • 衰落

    作者:[英国] 伊夫林·沃

    《衰落》出版后立即轰动整个伦敦文坛。小说家阿诺德·班内特写道:“一个真正的幽默天才出现了,他就是伊夫林·沃,他的《衰落》是一部辉煌的讽刺小说,我认为是第一流的。”小说家兼评论家马尔科姆·布雷德伯利称沃的这部小说是“一部描写天真青年冒险经历的流浪汉滑稽小说”。美国评论家埃德蒙·威尔逊认为,“伊夫林·沃的小说很可能流传下来,而他可能成为继肖伯纳之后最优秀的喜剧天才”。文论家和校园小说家戴维·洛奇认为沃的小说标题表达了对现行社会的一种审判态度,而特里·伊格尔顿则指出《衰落》为伊夫林·沃后来的小说主题奠定了基调。这本小说出版后如此流行,以至于温斯顿·丘吉尔把它作为圣诞礼物赠送朋友。的确,小说以《衰落》为标题,本身就传达出沃对社会的一种评价。他看到社会的动乱和道德沦丧,特别是上流社会的堕落,“举目四顾,到处是变动和颓败”,联系早年研读过的爱德华·吉本的《罗马帝国的衰亡》和施宾格勒的《西方的没落》,以敏锐的观察和丰富的想象,记录了另一个帝国的衰亡,揭示了一幅衰微和沉沦时代的画面。 《衰落》的主人公保罗·潘尼费瑟是一个孤儿,像伏尔泰的《老实人》中的主人公一样,是一个不谙世事的天真青年。小说开始时他是牛津大学神学院的学生。一天晚上一帮醉汉撞见他,发现他戴的徽章与他们俱乐部的徽章相似,硬说他冒充他们俱乐部的成员,扒光他的衣服以示惩罚。保罗受辱后忍气吞声,仅穿一条短裤跑回宿舍。他本是事件的受害者,院方没有处罚闹事者,却以“行为不检”为由把他开除。他的监护人乘机剥夺了他继承父亲遗产的权利,用这笔钱风风光光把自己的女儿嫁了出去。保罗在万般无奈的情况下当了小学教师,接触到三教九流、形形色色的人物。学校运动会上,漂亮富有的上流社会贵妇马格特·比斯特切温德夫人看中了他,邀请他假期到她家里做她儿子的家庭教师。他在马格特的诱惑下爱上她并准备同她结婚。保罗不知道马格特是靠在南美洲经营妓院赚钱,结婚前夕受马格特之托,到法国安排一批妓女到南美洲的事宜,回到伦敦被国际联盟的官员逮捕,判处七年监禁。马格特在保罗被捕后隐藏起来,然后为巩固自己在上流社会社交界的地位,与一直追求她的内政大臣结婚,并且制造了保罗病死的新闻,将保罗悄悄送到她的别墅秘密居住几个月。保罗蓄起胡子,改变身份和外貌,回到牛津大学继续读书。
  • 荣誉之剑

    作者:[英国] 伊夫林·沃

  • 衰落与瓦解


  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    Waugh tells the story of the Marchmain family. Aristocratic, beautiful and charming, the Marchmains are indeed a symbol of England and her decline in this novel of the upper class of the 1920s and the abdication of responsibility in the 1930s.
  • A Handful of Dust

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    Laced with cynicism and truth, "A Handful of Dust" satirizes a certain stratum of English life where all the characters have money, but lack practically every other credential. Murderously urbane, it depicts the breakup of a marriage in the London gentry, where the errant wife suffers from terminal boredom, and becomes enamoured of a social parasite and professional luncheon-goer.
  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

  • 旧地重游

    作者:[英]伊夫林·沃(Evelyn Waug

    梦断白庄——少年十五二十时,徘徊迷惘的年纪,懵懂生涩的人生,这一对志同道合的青年友伴,共任友谊超越一切、信仰只是虚无飘渺、而实质美感和放纵快感的追求才是唯一的目标。 本书从一对少年的友谊入手,描写了伦敦近郊布赖兹赫德庄园一个贵族家庭的生活和命运。本书主人公塞巴斯蒂安出身贵族家庭,他的父亲老马奇梅因侯爵一战后抛下家人长期和情妇在威尼斯居住;他的母亲表面笃信宗教,却过着荒淫奢靡的生活。父母的生活丑闻给子女打下了耻辱的印记,扭曲了他们的天性。塞巴斯蒂安,在家庭的负累下终日以酒度日,潦倒一生。而长女朱莉娅,年轻美丽有思想,却由于宗教断送了爱情和幸福。 I am not I:thou art not he or she they are not they 作者热衷看齐的作品应该是《追忆逝水年华》,但神经质的中文读者很难不侦察到《红楼梦》的影子。——迈克