人因学作为一门新兴的学科,在当今工业设计领域越来越受重视,这本《人因工程学导论》的主要意图是对人因学原理进行清楚直观的说明。本书作者之一,美国伊利诺伊大学的威肯斯教授是人因学、工程心理学界的泰斗级人物,他从众多的人因工程学研究中总结出有关人类在体力和脑力劳动中的工作能力和局限性的知识,供如今的系统工程师、设计师作参考,以进行更好的系统设计,更有效的用户培训,更客观的系统可用性评价。希望通过本书的出版,能让更多的中国人了解,重视人因学。 -
Forty Studies That Changed Psychology
This unique book closes the gap between psychology books and the research that made them possible. Its journey through the headline history of psychology presents 40 of the most famous studies in the history of the science, and subsequent follow-up studies that expanded their findings and relevance. Readers are granted a valuable insider's look at the studies that continue to be cited most frequently, stirred up the most controversy when they were published, sparked the most subsequent related research, opened new fields of psychological exploration, and changed most dramatically our knowledge of human behavior. For individuals with an interest in an introduction to psychology. -
How is it that we can recognize photos from our high school yearbook decades later, but cannot remember what we ate for breakfast yesterday? And why are we inclined to buy more cans of soup if the sign says "LIMIT 12 PER CUSTOMER" rather than "LIMIT 4 PER CUSTOMER?" In "Kluge, "Gary Marcus argues convincingly that our minds are not as elegantly designed as we may believe. The imperfections result from a haphazard evolutionary process that often proceeds by piling new systems on top of old ones--and those systems don't always work well together. The end product is a "kluge," a clumsy, cobbled-together contraption. Taking us on a tour of the essential areas of human experience--memory, belief, decision making, language, and happiness--Marcus unveils a fundamentally new way of looking at the evolution of the human mind and simultaneously sheds light on some of the most mysterious aspects of human nature. -
Weiten's PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, 8E International Edition maintains this book's strengths while addressing market changes with new learning objectives, a complete updating, and a fresh new design. The text continues to provide a unique survey of psychology that meets three goals: to demonstrate the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter, to illuminate the research process and its link to application, and to make the text challenging and thought-provoking yet easy from which to learn. Weiten accomplishes the successful balance of scientific rigor and a student-friendly approach through the integration of seven unifying themes, an unparalleled didactic art program, real-life examples, and a streamlined set of learning aids that help students see beyond research to big-picture concepts. Major topics typically covered in today's courses are included, such as evolutionary psychology, neuropsychology, biological psychology, positive psychology, applied psychology, careers, and multiculturalism and diversity. -
Synaptic Self
Amazon.com A middle-aged neuroscientist walking down Bourbon Street spots a T-shirt that reads, "I don't know, so maybe I'm not." This stimulus zooms from eyes to brain, neuron by neuron, via tiny junctions called synapses. The results? An immediate chuckle and (sometime later) a groundbreaking book titled The Synaptic Self. To Joseph LeDoux, the simple question, "What makes us who we are?" represents the driving force behind his 20-plus years of research into the cognitive, emotional, and motivational functions of the brain. LeDoux believes the answer rests in the synapses, key players in the brain's intricately designed communication system. In other words, the pathways by which a person's "hardwired" responses (nature) mesh with his or her unique life experiences (nurture) determine that person's individuality. Here, LeDoux nimbly compresses centuries of philosophy, psychology, and biology into an amazingly clear picture of humanity's journey toward understanding the self. Equally readable is his comprehensive science lesson, where detailed circuit speak reads like an absorbing--yet often humorous--mystery novel. Skillfully presenting research studies and findings alongside their various implications, LeDoux makes a solid case for accepting a synaptic explanation of existence and provides to the reader generous helpings of knowledge, amusement, and awe along the way. --Liane Thomas --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Publishers Weekly Despite ongoing debate about the root cause of psychological disorders, most agree that the development of the self is central to the distinction between normality and psychopathology. Yet neuroscientists have been slow to probe the biological basis for our sense of self, focusing instead on states of consciousness. LeDoux (The Emotional Brain), professor at New York University's Center for Neural Sciences, has come up with a theory: it's the neural pathways the synaptic relationships in our brains that make us who we are. Starting with a description of basic neural anatomy (including how neurons communicate, the brain's embryological development and some of the key neural pathways), LeDoux reviews experiments and research, arguing that the brain's synaptic connections provide the biological base for memory, which makes possible the sense of continuity and permanence fundamental to a "normal" conception of self. Writing for a general audience, he succeeds in making his subject accessible to the dedicated nonspecialist. He offers absorbing descriptions of some of the most fascinating case studies in his field, provides insight into the shortcomings of psychopharmacology and suggests new directions for research on the biology of mental illness. While some may disagree with LeDoux's conclusion that "the brain makes the self" through its synapses, he makes an important contribution to the literature on the relationship between these two entities. Agents, Katinka Matson and John Brockman. (On-sale: Jan. 14) Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
Pink Brain, Blue Brain
In the past decade, we've heard a lot about the innate differences between males and females. So we've come to accept that boys can't focus in a classroom and girls are obsessed with relationships: "That's just the way they're built.""" In "Pink Brain Blue Brain," neuroscientist Lise Eliot turns that thinking on its head. Calling on years of exhaustive research and her own work in the field of neuroplasticity, Eliot argues that infant brains are so malleable that small differences at birth become amplified over time, as parents and teachers--and the culture at large--unwittingly reinforce gender stereotypes. Children themselves exacerbate the differences by playing to their modest strengths. They constantly exercise those "ball-throwing" or "doll-cuddling" circuits, rarely straying from their comfort zones. But this, says Eliot, is just what they need to do. And she offers parents and teachers concrete ways to help. Presenting the latest science from birth to puberty, she zeroes in on the precise differences between boys and girls, erasing harmful stereotypes. Boys are not, in fact, "better at math" but at certain kinds of spatial reasoning. Girls are not naturally more empathetic; they're allowed to express their feelings. By appreciating "how" sex differences emerge--rather than assuming them to be fixed biological facts--we can help all children reach their fullest potential, close the troubling gaps between boys and girls, and ultimately end the gender wars that currently divide us. -
本书自1991年出版以来,成为许多高等院校的教材,已多次重印。由于近年来心理科学发展十分迅速,新的研究成果大量地涌现,因此有必要对本书进行全面修订。 我们的修订原则是:力求在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的指导下,按照高等院校普通心理学课程教学的目的和任务进行。修订版加强了对当代国内外心理学研究的新进展,特别是我国心理学工作者研究的新成果的阐述。在绪论部分,着重论述了物质与精神、存在与意识的心理学基本理论问题;在认识过程部分,充分反映了现代认知心理学的理论和研究成果,突出了认知结构在整个心理结构中的地位和作用,充实了感觉、知觉、记忆、思维和语言等认知过程中的新观点和新的实验研究成果;在情感和意志部分,突出了它们与认识过程和个性之间的内在关系及其相互作用;在个性部分,从新的角度论述和分析了个性的实质和特征,充分反映了我国心理学工作者近年来有关青少年个性发展的研究成果,阐述了斯腾伯格等人的智力结构的新理论,增加了关于性格的综合法研究模式,根据近年来的研究成果扩展了气质类型分类的阐述,较详细地介绍了我国青少年气质类型分布的新资料。修订版在充分论述心理学的基本理论和基本概念的前提下,对心理规律在实际中的应用作了进一步的阐述。 -
达到良好沟通的方法起于了解如何与人接触,每个人都有眼睛、耳朵、感觉、言语、思想和行动,使我们得以与自己及他人进行接触。绝大多数的时候,人们对沟通过程的原因即都视而不见。本书将引导人们从认知和行动两方面产生转变,在简单明了的措辞中,促使你运用这些原则,并且因此为你的生活带来转变。 -
《完全图解弗洛伊德精神分析》主要内容:100多年过去了,弗洛伊德的思想仍然闪烁着璀璨的光芒。从1900年《梦的解析》的出版为20世纪心理学揭幕,到这位泛性论者高呼“生命的叫喊来自爱欲的争斗”,从通过梦境探察人类的无意识,到运用催眠消除人们的内心压抑,从“潜意识如海下冰山”的经典比喻,到“男性”伪装成为“雨伞”的释梦理论……弗洛伊德的思想极富诱惑、令人叹服又备受争议。我们又该如何破译自身的密码,发掘自己巨大的潜意识能量。《完全图解弗洛伊德精神分析》以图解方式再现了神秘的精神分析疗法,论证了弗洛伊德的伟大发现,相信会给您带来省时、高效、快乐的阅读体验。 人类的潜意识中压抑着什么样的欲望? -
霭理士是英国着名的性学权威,他的七大本的《性心理学研究录》对于医生、心理学者和其他的学术专家是相当重要的参考书。而霭理士在这部巨着之外另有一本比较尽人可读的性心理学,一面把《研究录》的内容则要再介绍一过,一面把《研究录》问世以后二十年里这门学问所已获得的新进步补叙进去。潘光旦先生的译本是公认该书的最佳译本。 -
Why We Make Mistakes
We forget our passwords. We pay too much to go to the gym. We think we’d be happier if we lived in California (we wouldn’t), and we think we should stick with our first answer on tests (we shouldn’t). Why do we make mistakes? And could we do a little better? We human beings have design flaws. Our eyes play tricks on us, our stories change in the retelling, and most of us are fairly sure we’re way above average. In Why We Make Mistakes, journalist Joseph T. Hallinan sets out to explore the captivating science of human error--how we think, see, remember, and forget, and how this sets us up for wholly irresistible mistakes. In his quest to understand our imperfections, Hallinan delves into psychology, neuroscience, and economics, with forays into aviation, consumer behavior, geography, football, stock picking, and more. He discovers that some of the same qualities that make us efficient also make us error prone. We learn to move rapidly through the world, quickly recognizing patterns--but overlooking details. Which is why thirteen-year-old boys discover errors that NASA scientists miss—and why you can’t find the beer in your refrigerator. Why We Make Mistakes is enlivened by real-life stories--of weathermen whose predictions are uncannily accurate and a witness who sent an innocent man to jail--and offers valuable advice, such as how to remember where you’ve hidden something important. You’ll learn why multitasking is a bad idea, why men make errors women don’t, and why most people think San Diego is west of Reno (it’s not). Why We Make Mistakes will open your eyes to the reasons behind your mistakes--and have you vowing to do better the next time. -
Leonard Mlodinow, the best-selling author of The Drunkard’s Walk and coauthor of The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking), gives us a startling and eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world and how, for instance, we often misperceive our relationships with family, friends, and business associates, misunderstand the reasons for our investment decisions, and misremember important events. Your preference in politicians, the amount you tip your waiter—all judgments and perceptions reflect the workings of our mind on two levels: the conscious, of which we are aware, and the unconscious, which is hidden from us. The latter has long been the subject of speculation, but over the past two decades researchers have developed remarkable new tools for probing the hidden, or subliminal, workings of the mind. The result of this explosion of research is a new science of the unconscious and a sea change in our understanding of how the subliminal mind affects the way we live. Employing his trademark wit and lucid, accessible explanations of the most obscure scientific subjects, Leonard Mlodinow takes us on a tour of this research, unraveling the complexities of the subliminal self and increasing our understanding of how the human mind works and how we interact with friends, strangers, spouses, and coworkers. In the process he changes our view of ourselves and the world around us. -
目前,在抑郁症的领域内,还现存着巨大的宣传缺口。而缩小这一缺口,就是本书的主要意图。它面向所有想了解抑郁症的人群,他们或许是知道或怀疑患有抑郁症,或许是与抑郁症患者在一起共同生活和工作的人。本书所惧的资料,旨在对抑郁症作一个实事求是的评估。它将表明,对抑郁症既不能漠然视之,也不能悲观失望。它同时也表明:对抑郁症并没有一个简单的答案,处方和治疗建议。谁要是想得到一个“最快治愈抑郁症”的模式,那他是会失望的。抑郁是一个综合症,解决综合症是不可能有简单的办法的。有一句格言,同样适用于抑郁症患者:“知识就是力量”。有关患者及其亲属,对这个病症知道得越多,他们也就越容易找到一条对待抑郁症的正确途径。 -
The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
Highlighting the role of psychological experimentation, "The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making" is an informative and engaging introduction to the field written in a style that is equally accessible to the introductory psychology student, the lay person, or the professional. A unique feature of this volume is the Reader Survey which readers are to complete before beginning the book. The questions in the Reader Survey are drawn from many of the studies discussed throughout the book, allowing readers to compare their answers with the responses given by people in the original studies. This title is part of "The McGraw-Hill Series in Social Psychology". -
The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
Highlighting the role of psychological experimentation, "The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making" is an informative and engaging introduction to the field written in a style that is equally accessible to the introductory psychology student, the lay person, or the professional. A unique feature of this volume is the Reader Survey which readers are to complete before beginning the book. The questions in the Reader Survey are drawn from many of the studies discussed throughout the book, allowing readers to compare their answers with the responses given by people in the original studies. This title is part of "The McGraw-Hill Series in Social Psychology". -
Finding Flow
Part psychological study, part self-help book, Finding Flow is a prescriptive guide that helps us reclaim ownership of our lives. Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, Finding Flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives. Our inattention makes us constantly bounce between two extremes: during much of the day we live filled with the anxiety and pressures of our work and obligations, while during our leisure moments, we tend to live in passive boredom. The key, according to Csikszentmihalyi, is to challenge ourselves with tasks requiring a high degree of skill and commitment. Instead of watching television, play the piano. Transform a routine task by taking a different approach. In short, learn the joy of complete engagement. Thought they appear simple, the lessons in Finding Flow are life-altering. -
Finding Flow
Part psychological study, part self-help book, Finding Flow is a prescriptive guide that helps us reclaim ownership of our lives. Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, Finding Flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives. Our inattention makes us constantly bounce between two extremes: during much of the day we live filled with the anxiety and pressures of our work and obligations, while during our leisure moments, we tend to live in passive boredom. The key, according to Csikszentmihalyi, is to challenge ourselves with tasks requiring a high degree of skill and commitment. Instead of watching television, play the piano. Transform a routine task by taking a different approach. In short, learn the joy of complete engagement. Thought they appear simple, the lessons in Finding Flow are life-altering. -
The Road Less Travelled
The New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. And the very avoidance results in greater pain and an inability to grow both mentally and spiritually. Drawing heavily on his own professional experience, Dr M. Scott Peck, a practising psychiatrist, suggests ways in which facing our difficulties - and suffering through the changes - can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding. He discusses the nature of loving relationships: how to recognize true compatibility, how to distinguish dependency from love, how to become one's own person, and how to be a more sensitive parent. -
Psychology and Life
This classic text emphasizes the science of psychology, with a special focus on applying that science to students' daily lives. Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students special features and learning aids that will spark their interest and excite their imaginations. The eighteenth edition, which has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest cutting-edge research, features an increased emphasis on critical thinking, new practice tests at the end of each chapter, a beautiful new design and an updated art program. Psychology and Life is the premiere text accompanying the Discovering Psychology Telecourse Series. A telecourse faculty guide and study guide to tie the videos to the textbook are available through Allyn & Bacon.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友