

  • 无快乐的经济:人类获得满足的心理学

    作者:(美)提勃尔.西托夫斯基(Tibor d

    本书分析了人类动机和满足的心理学,解释为什么美国经济史无前例的快速增长带来的繁荣未能使它的受益者感到满意。目的在于研究是什么力量驱动着人们、人们需要什么以及为什么未获满足的需要能够解释人们——甚至那些富人——的不满,这一研究对于我们理解一些社会问题都是必要的:为什么现代的年轻人和失业者那么容易转向毒品,为什么暴力呈现上升趋势,等等。 . 作者认为,人们需要保持忙碌,但由于无法找到使他们保持忙碌的合适刺激,于是感到无聊。这种情况困扰着那些悠闲的人们,但目前的社会文化发展水平还不能让每个人既摆脱无聊,又可以找到健康的方式来摆脱无聊。.. 本书中,作者将会与读者共同分享他对这些问题的本质、起源和可能的解决方法的智慧与洞见。...
  • 积极心理学


  • Influence

    作者:Robert B. Cialdini

    自出版以来,《影响力》就一直是最为畅销的图书。由于它的影响,劝说得以成为一门科学。无论你是普通人还是为某一产品或事业观点游说的人,这都是一本最基本的书,是你理解人们心理的基石。在《影响力》这本书中,心理学家罗伯特•B•西奥迪尼博士为我们解释了为什么有些人极具说服力,而我们总是容易上当受骗。隐藏在冲动地顺从他人行为背后的6大心理秘笈,正是这一切的根源。那些劝说高手们,总是熟练地运用它们,让我们就范。 Influence , the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book. You'll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success. 点击链接进入中文版: 影响力(经典版)
  • 心理咨询的技巧和策略


    《心理咨询的技巧和策略:意向性会谈和咨询》(第5版)是当代心理咨询大师艾伦·E.艾维和玛丽·布莱福德·艾维的名作。书中所介绍的会谈和咨询的微技巧和使用策略是目前研究最深入、应用最普遍的心理咨询方法。其正确有效性得到450多项以数据为基础的研究的证明,在全世界被大量应用于专业咨询人员、护理人员、社区自愿人员的培训中。《心理咨询的技巧和策略:意向性会谈和咨询》(第5版)为这本名著的最新版。作者以循序渐进的方式,教授不同背景的学生掌握咨询的基本技能。从迅速地学会倾听技巧,从而能够圆满地完成一次会谈过程;到接下来学习面质等影响技巧以有意向地引导会谈、咨询方向;到最后的技巧整合,形成咨询人员自己的独特的有效助人风格,《心理咨询的技巧和策略:意向性会谈和咨询》(第5版)的技巧介绍层层推进,形成金字塔形的结构——会谈微技巧层次。书中每一种咨询技巧的介绍,都配有具体的真实的咨询案例,并进行讲解点评。在各章末尾,还有大量的针对个人和团体的实践练习,以帮助读者掌握每章介绍的具体技巧和概念。到学习结束时,学生们就能初步学会从几个不同的理论视角来组织会谈和咨询:来访者中心、决策会谈、自信训练、简短决策咨询,等等。《心理咨询的技巧和策略:意向性会谈和咨询》(第5版)鼓励咨询人员在实践中,根据自身禀赋和自然风格,形成自己的独特有效的会谈咨询方式。 强力推荐:Intentional Interviewing and Counseling 英文原版火热发售
  • The Brain That Changes Itself

    作者:Norman Doidge

    在线阅读本书 An astonishing new science called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. In this revolutionary look at the brain, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., provides an introduction to both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives theyve transformed. From stroke patients learning to speak again to the remarkable case of a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, The Brain That Changes Itself will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.
  • 普通心理学


    《普通心理学》系统地阐述了人的心理活动的一般规律,完整地介绍了心理学从感觉到思维,从无意识到意识,从动机到能力,从气质到个性的基本概念、理论和知识。比过去的教材增加了个体毕生心理发展、人类心理演化、社会心理与行为、心理异常与治疗等构成心理学基本理论体系的篇章,吸收了近20年来国内外在神经科学、认知科学和个体早期发展研究中的新成果,注意了理论联系实际。 点击链接进入 : 普通心理学
  • 教育心理学

    作者:(美)罗伯特.斯莱文(Robert E.

    《教育心理学(第7版)》鼓励教师去思考学生是如何发展和学习的;鼓励教师在教学之前和教学过程中做出决策;鼓励教师思考如何证明学生正在进行学习、正在迈向成功。《教育心理学(第7版)》反映了当前有关的新理论与新进展,所介绍的各种研究结论在课堂实践中得到了验证与应用。该书所倡导的兼收并蓄的均衡教学为教学的专业化发展奠定了基础。 点击链接进入: 心理学与我们 迈尔斯心理学(第7版) 心理学精要(第5版) 改变心理学的40项研究(第5版) 改变心理学的40项研究(第5版)(英文版) 人格心理学:人性的科学探索(第2版) 发展心理学(第9版)(英文版) 变态心理学(英文第9版) 健康心理学(第3版) 教育心理学(第7版) 跨文化社会心理学 影响力心理学 异常与临床心理学 异常与临床心理学(英文版) 生物心理学(第9版) 生物心理学(第10版) 认知心理学基础(双语版)(第7版) 认知心理学及其启示(第7版) 人力资源管理(外版引进第7版) 人力资源管理(第10版) 组织行为学(第11版) 当代组织行为学
  • How to Think Straight About Psychology

    作者:Keith E. Stanovich

    Teaching students to become better consumers of psychological research. Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed book presents a short introduction to the critical thinking skills that will help students to better understand the subject matter of psychology. How to Think Straight about Psychology, 10e helps students recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it from true psychological research, aiding students to become more discriminating consumers of psychological information. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: * Evaluate psychological claims they encounter in the general media. * Distinguish between pseudoscience and true psychological research. * Apply psychological knowledge to better understand events in the world around them.
  • How to Think Straight About Psychology

    作者:Keith E. Stanovich

    Teaching students to become better consumers of psychological research. Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed book presents a short introduction to the critical thinking skills that will help students to better understand the subject matter of psychology. How to Think Straight about Psychology, 10e helps students recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it from true psychological research, aiding students to become more discriminating consumers of psychological information. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: * Evaluate psychological claims they encounter in the general media. * Distinguish between pseudoscience and true psychological research. * Apply psychological knowledge to better understand events in the world around them.
  • 心理统计学(第3版)

    作者:[美] B. H. 科恩

    Barry Cohen教授所著《心理统计学》(第三版)是一本广受欢迎的心理统计学教材。它是一本非常全面的心理统计学教材,既包括入门性的统计学知识(如零假设检验的基本概念和局限性),也包括心理统计的高级内容(如复杂设计方差分析和多元回归分析)。 虽然是一本统计教材,但作者无时不考虑结合研究设计来解释有关概念,因此该书的重点是讲授各个统计公式或手段的适用条件以及如何解释统计结果的意义。作者实验心理学博士出身,在纽约大学教授心理学统计学超过30年,通过阅读本书,你会深刻体会“将实验设计与数据处理相结合”的妙处。 这本书的另一个优点是,它既适合于那些对统计不甚了解的人,也适合于专业研究人员(包括硕士生和博士生)。它每章基本上包括ABC三个部分,每个部分是相对独立的,初学者可以只看A和B部分的内容;而在C部分(虽不能只说更高级),作者介绍了很多最近才出现的分析手段,也反映了数据处理的一些发展趋势,对心理学研究者非常有帮助。
  • 生理心理学

    作者:Neil R.Carlson

    无论是叫生理心理学、生物心理学还是行为神经科学,乍听起来这一学科的确艰深晦涩、远离生活。然而翻开本书,你将惊喜地发现,这样一门硬科学竟然与生活如此贴近;虽然它包含的信息量巨大,但绝不晦涩难懂,反而好读好玩,叫人不忍释卷。合上本书,竟叫人不由地惊叹:“这才是心理学啊!” 权威经典 它是经典的生理心理学教材之一,已出版第九版(英文版),为国内外众多高校采用,深受师生好评。 专业精湛 翻译团队由国内生理心理学领域的知名专家组成,他们分别在北京大学、中科院心理所等高校和科研单位长期从事该领域的教学和研究工作。 内容新颖 本书整合了生理心理学近年来的最新研究成果,系统介绍了生理心理学的感知觉系统、睡眠、情绪及心理障碍等各个方面的知识,同时设有大量丰富的图表和实例,使生理心理学和生活紧密联系、通俗易懂。 人脑是一个复杂而精妙的器官,而神经科学是一个充满生机、硕果累累的研究领域。本书第九版整合了近年来神经科学和生理心理学丰富多样的研究成果,系统介绍了神经细胞、神经系统、精神药理学、感知觉、睡眠、生殖行为、情绪、摄食行为、学习与记忆、语言、神经疾病以及精神障碍等方面的前沿知识。相对于其他生理心理学教材而言,本书介绍了更多的人类个案研究,并辅以丰富的图表,内容深入浅出、精彩纷呈。读者在跟着本书学习与思考的过程中,将在潜移默化中把神经科学领域的抽象概念和理论在日常生活中融会贯通。
  • 实验心理学

    作者:朱滢 编

  • How the Mind Works

    作者:Steven Pinker

    In this extraordinary bestseller, Steven Pinker, one of the world's leading cognitive scientists, does for the rest of the mind what he did for language in his 1994 book, The Language Instinct. He explains what the mind is, how it evolved, and how it allows us to see, think, feel, laugh, interact, enjoy the arts, and ponder the mysteries of life. And he does it with the wit that prompted Mark Ridley to write in the New York Times Book Review, "No other science writer makes me laugh so much. . . . [Pinker] deserves the superlatives that are lavished on him." The arguments in the book are as bold as its title. Pinker rehabilitates some unfashionable ideas, such as that the mind is a computer and that human nature was shaped by natural selection, and challenges fashionable ones, such as that passionate emotions are irrational, that parents socialize their children, and that nature is good and modern society corrupting.
  • The Psychology of Problem Solving

    作者:Davidson, Janet E. (

    Problems are a central part of human life. The Psychology of Problem Solving organizes in one volume much of what psychologists know about problem solving and the factors that contribute to its success or failure. There are chapters by leading experts in this field, including Miriam Bassok, Randall Engle, Anders Ericsson, Arthur Graesser, Keith Stanovich, Norbert Schwarz, and Barry Zimmerman, among others. The Psychology of Problem Solving is divided into four parts. Following an introduction that reviews the nature of problems and the history and methods of the field, Part II focuses on individual differences in, and the influence of, the abilities and skills that humans bring to problem situations. Part III examines motivational and emotional states and cognitive strategies that influence problem solving performance, while Part IV summarizes and integrates the various views of problem solving proposed in the preceding chapters.
  • Thinking Fast and Slow

    作者:Daniel Kahneman

    Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal work in psychology challenging the rational model of judgment and decision making, is one of the world's most important thinkers. His ideas have had a profound impact on many fields-including business, medicine, and politics-but until now, he has never brought together his many years of research in one book. In "Thinking, Fast and Slow", Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think and make choices. One system is fast, intuitive, and emotional; the other is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities-and also the faults and biases-of fast thinking, and reveals the pervasive influence of intuitive impressions on our thoughts and behaviour. The importance of properly framing risks, the effects of cognitive biases on how we view others, the dangers of prediction, the right ways to develop skills, the pros and cons of fear and optimism, the difference between our experience and memory of events, the real components of happiness-each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems work together to shape our judgments and decisions. Drawing on a lifetime's experimental experience, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our professional and our personal lives-and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" will transform the way you take decisions and experience the world.
  • 格式塔心理学原理(上下)

    作者:[德] 库尔特·考夫卡

  • 弗洛伊德文集(全8册)

    作者:[奥] 弗洛伊德 著,车文博 主编

    1, 癔症研究 ; 2, 释梦 ; 3, 性学三论与论潜意识 ; 4, 精神分析导论 ; 5, 精神分析新论 ; 6, 自我与本我 ; 7, 达·芬奇对童年的回忆 ; 8, 图腾与禁忌.
  • 认知心理学


    Eysenck和Keane撰著的《认知心理学》一直是认知心理学领域学生和教师首选的教材之一。该书第五版是一个全面修订版,反映了认知心理学的新发展,而且在内容和形式上也更利于学生理解。该书主要包括:认知神经科学的新材料,如通过脑成像研究来介绍大脑的工作原理;当代学者对意识的研究;实验认知心理学;认知科学,特别是有关认知建模的内容;认知神经心理学,特别是脑损伤后的认知模式;对各个主题的全新介绍和总结。 作者把传统的和全新的研究方法整合在一起,对知觉、注意、记忆,概念,语言,问题解决、判断和推理给出了充分,一致和全面的介绍。这本书不仅提供了心理学本科生应该了解的内容,而且也是那些计算机科学、教育、语言学、生理学和医学本科生的主要参考书。
  • 焦虑情绪调节手册


  • How We Know What Isn't So

    作者:Thomas Gilovich

    From Publishers Weekly Sports fans who think that basketball players shoot in "hot streaks," and maternity nurses who maintain that more babies are born when the moon is full adhere to erroneous beliefs, according to Gilovich, associate professor of psychology at Cornell. With examples ranging from the spread of AIDS to the weight of Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, he skewers popular but mistaken assumptions. Faulty reasoning from incomplete or ambiguous data, a tendency to seek out "hypothesis-confirming evidence" and the habit of self-serving belief are among the factors Gilovich pinpoints in his sophisticated anaylsis. However, in the book's second half, his debunking of holistic medicine, ESP and paranormal phenomena is superficial and one-sided, marred by some of the very tendencies he effectively exposes in the "true believers." Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Kirkus Reviews The subtexts of this first-class critique of human (non)reason are that we all tell ourselves lies (at least some of the time)...that if you want to believe it's true, it is (faith healing, ESP)...that humans can't help seeing patterns where none exist (in clouds, in disastrous events, in gamblers' streaks). Furthermore, if you would like to learn more about how not to deceive yourself, you might take a course in one of the ``soft'' probabilistic sciences like psychology. This might be construed as self-serving, since Gilovich happens to teach psychology at Cornell. However, the point is well taken because such courses should expose students to a minimum of statistics--such as the law of regression, which says that when two variables are partially related, extremes in one variable are matched, on average, by less extreme variables in the other. (Children of tall parents are tall, but not as tall as their parents.) Gilovich attributes the general lack of appreciation of the law to ``the compelling nature of judgment by representation''--by which the predicted outcome should be as close to the data as possible: the son of a 6'5'' dad should be close to 6'5''. Gilovich also points to other pitfalls in reasoning, such as failure to record negative outcomes (how many times do you dream of an old friend and not bump into him the next day?). And he discusses deeper motives--e.g., fear of dying, prospects of power or immortality, and similar self-aggrandizing traits that fortify superstitions and the will to believe. Altogether, a satisfying splash of skepticism and reason in a world where the Lake Wobegon phenomenon--``the women are strong, the men are good-looking and all the children are above average''- -prevails. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.