

  • Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Third Edition

    作者:Robert M. Sapolsky

    Now in a third edition, Robert M. Sapolsky's acclaimed and successful Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers features new chapters on how stress affects sleep and addiction, as well as new insights into anxiety and personality disorder and the impact of spirituality on managing stress. As Sapolsky explains, most of us do not lie awake at night worrying about whether we have leprosy or malaria. Instead, the diseases we fear - and the ones that plague us now - are illnesses brought on by the slow accumulation of damage, such as heart disease and cancer. When we worry or experience stress, our body turns on the same physiological responses that an animal's does, but we do not resolve conflict in the same way - through fighting or fleeing. Over time, this activation of a stress response makes us literally sick. Combining cutting-edge research with a healthy dose of good humour and practical advice, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers explains how prolonged stress causes or intensifies a range of physical and mental afflictions, including depression, ulcers, colitis, heart disease, and more. It also provides essential guidance to controlling our stress responses. This new edition promises to be the most comprehensive and engaging one yet.
  • 50 Psychology Classics

    作者:Tom Butler Bowdon

    In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century, "50 Psychology Classics" looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self. "50 Psychology Classics" explores writings from some iconic figures such as Freud, Adler, Jung, skinner, James, Piaget and Pavolv, but also highlights the work of contemporary thinkers such as Gardner, Gilbert, Goleman and Seligman. We all need a personal theory of what makes people tick. To survive and thrive, we have to know who and what we are, and to be canny about the motivations of others. The common route to this knowledge is life experience, but we can advance our appreciation of the subject more quickly through reading. From the author of the bestselling "50 Self-Help Classics", "50 Success Classics" and "50 Spiritual Classics", which have sold over 100,000 in the English language and have been translated into 17 languages, "50 Psychology Classics" will further your understanding of human nature and yourself. You will find life-changing insights from 50 key books from the following authors: Alfred Adler; Gavin de Becker; Eric Berne; Edward de Bono; Robert Bolton; Nathaniel Branden; Isabel Briggs Myers; Louann Brizendine; David D Burns; Robert Cialdini; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi; Albert Ellis and Robert Harper; Milton Erickson; Erik Erikson; Hans Eysenck; Susan Forward; Viktor Frankl; Anna Freud; Sigmund Freud; Howard Gardner; Daniel Gilbert; Malcolm Gladwell; Daniel Goleman; John M Gottman; Harry Harlow; Thomas A Harris; Eric Hoffer; Karen Horney; William James; Carl Jung; Eric Kandel; Alfred Kinsey; Melanie Klein; RD Laing; Abraham Maslow; Stanley Milgram; Ivan Pavlov; Fritz Perls; Jean Piaget; Steven Pinker; VS Ramachandran; Carl Rogers; Oliver Sacks; Barry Schwartz; Martin Seligman; Gail Sheehy; BF Skinner; Douglas Stone; William Styron; and, Robert E Thayer.
  • Animal Spirits

    作者:George A. Akerlof,Ro

    Review White House Budget Director Peter Orszag is a numbers guy, a propeller head as President Obama would say. But as David Von Drehle and I write in this week's print version of Time, Orszag has been spending his time recently reading not about spreadsheets, but about psychology. In particular, he has been reading a new book by the economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller called Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives The Economy, and Why It Matters For Global Capitalism. . . . We are, it turns out, slaves to the Animal Spirits. They have brought us to our knees. And now they are the only things that can save us. (Michael Scherer, Time.com's "Swampland" ) In their new book, two of the most creative and respected economic thinkers currently at work, George Akerlof and Robert Shiller, argue that the key is to recover Keynes's insight about 'animal spirits'--the attitudes and ideas that guide economic action. The orthodoxy needs to be rebuilt, and bringing these psychological factors into the core of economics is the way to do it. . . . The connections between their thinking on the limits to conventional economics and the issues thrown up by the breakdown are plain, even if they were unable to make every link explicit. Even more than Akerlof and Shiller could have hoped, therefore, it is a fine book at exactly the right time. . . . Animal Spirits carries its ambition lightly--but is ambitious nonetheless. Economists will see it as a kind of manifesto. (Clive Crook Financial Times ) Animal Spirits is a welcome addition to our Hannitized national economic debate, in which anyone who advocates government spending risks being labeled a socialist. . . . Animal Spirits is most compelling when the authors summon all the key behavioral patterns to explain vast, complex phenomena such as the Great Depression. . . . Animal Spirits . . . [is] aimed squarely at the general reader, and rightly so: Macroeconomics is now everybody's business--the banks are playing with our money. (Andrew Rosenblum New York Observer ) [A] lively new financial crisis book. (James Pressley Bloomberg News ) The two superstars have produced a truly innovative and bold work that attempts to show how psychological factors explain the origins of the current mess and offer clues for possible solutions. At a time when plummeting confidence is dragging down the market and the economy, the authors' focus on the psychological aspect of economics is incredibly important. (Michael Mandel BusinessWeek ) What Sigmund Freud did for the study of the mind, George Akerlof and Robert Shiller are doing for economics. Freud, healer or fake--take your pick--built a career and a field of medicine on the idea that people are driven by irrational forces. Akerlof, professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, and Shiller, the Yale economist who is the eminence grise of the housing meltdown, argue that massive government market intervention programs are the only way to turn fear into enthusiasm for spending and investing--the 'animal spirits' that are an essential part of recovery. . . . Akerlof and Shiller pick up on the idea of the emotional impetus to investment. With elegant reasoning and lovely prose, they demonstrate that we'll all be wallowing in misery unless governments around world, especially the in the G7 nations, help to return markets to optimism. . . . Animal Spirits is a fine discussion of the last few decades of development of economic theory, especially monetary economics. (Andrew Allentuck The Globe & Mail ) Another contribution to the human-nature-ensures-economics-is-irrational school of thought. But, unlike many of the rants against people trying to make an honest profit, this is a measured examination of how the present crisis is explained in economic terms. And so it should be. George Akerlof is a Nobel prizewinner, Robert Shiller teaches at Yale and is the author of Irrational Exuberance, which should give you an idea of this one's approach. This fascinating work uses economics to explain real-life issues, such as real estate price cycles, to key policy problems, such as the relationship between inflation and employment. (Stephen Matchett The Australian ) With Animal Spirits we hone in on how incentives and narratives can be created to channel the human psychological factor into collectively healthy directions, and how to be aware of the fictions we tell ourselves about how we wish the world and greed and financial security worked. [Animal Spirits] sheds light on complex issues and leaves readers with a better grasp of undercurrents and--most importantly--a rediscovered belief in principles of common sense and caution. (Daily Kos ) The new book from George Akerlof and Robert Shiller, Animal Spirits, has been getting a lot of press of late, and quite rightly: it's really good. It's not only very readable; it also offers a compelling vision of a very different type of macroeconomics--one where behavioral considerations are front and center, rather than simply providing what Clive Crook calls 'ad hoc modifications' to the standard, ridiculously oversimplified and unrealistic, model. . . . [I]f you read only one book on this subject, make it Animal Spirits. (Felix Salmon, Portfolio.com ) As George Akerlof and Robert Shiller show in a new book Animal Spirits, this is no freak storm. It may mark the long-awaited encounter between psychology and economics. . . . Akerlof and Shiller's book is probably the first macroeconomic exploration of the subject that is accessible to those interested in the subject but who don't have the academic training to understand the detailed argument. (Mint ) Review This book is a sorely needed corrective. Animal Spirits is an important--maybe even a decisive--contribution at a difficult juncture in macroeconomic theory. (Robert M. Solow, Nobel Prize-winning economist )
  • Thinkertoys

    作者:Michael Michalko

    In hindsight, every great idea seems obvious. But how can you be the person who comes up with those ideas? In this revised and expanded edition of his groundbreaking THINKERTOYS, creativity expert Michael Michalko reveals life-changing tools that will help you think like a genius. From the linear to the intuitive, this comprehensive handbook details ingenious creative-thinking techniques for approaching problems in unconventional ways. Through fun and thought-provoking exercises, you'll learn how to create original ideas that will improve your personal life and your business life. Michalko's techniques show you how to look at the same information as everyone else and see something different. With hundreds of hints, tricks, tips, tales, and puzzles, THINKERTOYS will open your mind to a world of innovative solutions to everyday and not-so-everyday problems. Reviews:"Designed to change the way you think."--Wall Street Journal"Shows you how to expand your imagination."--Newsweek"A special find. Period."--Executive Edge"A must-have book in any business setting."--Women in Business
  • Introducing Evolutionary Psychology

    作者:Dylan Evans,Dylan E

    Evolutionary psychologists are beginning to piece together the first truly scientific account of human nature.
  • 认知心理学


  • Psychology and Life

    作者:Richard J. Gerrig

    Bringing Psychological Research to Life Psychology and Life, 20th edition provides the perfect balance of science and accessibility so that students can understand research and its application to daily life. Richarg Gerrig combines classic and cutting-edge research studies with an engaging and student friendly writing style. When paired with the new Pearson Experiments Tool and MyPsychLab, this new edition truly brings psychological research to life. A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience - for you and your students. Here's how: *Personalize Learning - The new MyPsychLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. *Improve Critical Thinking - Critical thinking questions integrated throughout the text, and end-of-chapter review materials help readers move from memorizing to applying concepts and building critical thinking skills. *Engage Students - The new design of the 20th edition creates a fresh look while integrating relevant experiments so that students can get "hands on" with psychology. *Explore Research - Richard Gerrig features over a hundred classic and cutting-edge research studies throughout the text, one third of which are new to this edition. *Support Instructors - This program provide instructors with unbeatable resources, including state-of-the art Interactive PowerPoints embedded with videos, the New MyPsychLab Video Series, an easy to use Instructor's Manual, a class tested Test Bank with item analysis data, an online test generator (MyTest) and the new MyPsychLab. All of these materials may be packaged with the text upon request. Note: MyPsychLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit www.mypsychlab.com or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost). ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205843379 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205843374.
  • Evolutionary Psychology

    作者:David Buss

    The third edition of Evolutionary Psychology continues to be the premier text for the burgeoning field of evolutionary psychology, and this major update contains nearly 400 new references.
  • The How of Happiness

    作者:Sonja Lyubomirsky

    A groundbreaking, practical guide to attaining happiness based on innovative scientific research, The How of Happiness is a powerful contribution to the field of positive psychology and a gift to people who have sought to take their happiness into their own hands. Drawing upon years of her own pioneering research with thousands of men and women, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky reveals that much of our capacity for happiness is within our power. Detailing an easy-to- follow plan, including exercises in new ways of thinking and understanding our individual obstacles, The How of Happiness offers a positive and empowering way to sustain a new level of joy in our lives.
  • 变态心理学


    这是一本由心理学领导知名学者共同编著的优秀教科书,自1948年首次出版以来,一直被公认为变戊心理学领域最为权威的教材。它通过精心的体系编排。全面、清晰地阐释了变态心理学及其心理学领域是为权威的教材。它通过精心的体系编排,全面、清晰地阐释了变态心理学及其与现代生活的复杂联系,兼顾了理论探讨与临床实践。 《变态心理学》一书一贯的目标是,向学生最大可能地展示精神变态领域激奋人心的发现。为了继续保持这一风格,布彻和迈尼卡邀请胡利加入到作者团队中,他们在书中表述了对精神变态领域新议题的深刻关注。 第12版从多方面进行了进一步的修订和完善,设专章探讨了有关无节制饮食、健康与行为的关系、精神分裂症的最新研究成果等。此外,新的案例和数据也为教学提供了有力的支持。
  • 社会心理学


    《社会心理学(英文版本)(第9版)》是迈尔斯畅销全球的《社会心理学》2008年的第9版英文本的影印版,该书在美国被700多所学及学院心理系所采用,是这一领域当之无愧的主导教材,已经成为评价其他同类教材的标准。 《社会心理学(英文版本)(第9版)》将基础研究与实践应用完美地的结合在一起,以富有逻辑性的组织结构引领学生了解人们是如何探索、影响他人并与他人建立联系的。是人们了解自身、了解社会、了解自身与社会之间关系的最佳指导性书籍。
  • The Art of Thinking Clearly

    作者:Rolf Dobelli

    Have you ever . . . Invested time in something that, in hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Paid too much in an eBay auction? Continued to do something you knew was bad for you? Sold stocks too late, or too early? Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances? Backed the wrong horse? These are examples of what the author calls cognitive biases, simple errors all of us make in day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to identify them, we can avoid them and make better choices: whether in dealing with personal problems or business negotiations, trying to save money or earn profits, or merely working out what we really want in life—and strategizing the best way to get it. Already an international bestseller, The Art of Thinking Clearly distills cutting-edge research from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience into a clever, practical guide for anyone who's ever wanted to be wiser and make better decisions. A novelist, thinker, and entrepreneur, Rolf Dobelli deftly shows that in order to lead happier, more prosperous lives, we don't need extra cunning, new ideas, shiny gadgets, or more frantic hyperactivity—all we need is less irrationality. Simple, clear, and always surprising, this indispensable book will change the way you think and transform your decision making—at work, at home, every day. From why you shouldn't accept a free drink to why you should walk out of a movie you don't like, from why it's so hard to predict the future to why you shouldn't watch the news, The Art of Thinking Clearly helps solve the puzzle of human reasoning.
  • Judgment under Uncertainty

    作者:Daniel Kahneman (Edi

    The thirty-five chapters in this book describe various judgmental heuristics and the biases they produce, not only in laboratory experiments but in important social, medical, and political situations as well. Individual chapters discuss the representativeness and availability heuristics, problems in judging covariation and control, overconfidence, multistage inference, social perception, medical diagnosis, risk perception, and methods for correcting and improving judgments under uncertainty. About half of the chapters are edited versions of classic articles; the remaining chapters are newly written for this book. Most review multiple studies or entire subareas of research and application rather than describing single experimental studies. This book will be useful to a wide range of students and researchers, as well as to decision makers seeking to gain insight into their judgments and to improve them.
  • Sleights of Mind

    作者:Stephen L. Macknik,S

    Have you ever wondered how a magician saws a woman in half? Or makes coins materialize out of thin air? Or reads your mind? Magic tricks work because humans have a hardwired process of attention and awareness that is hackable. A good magician uses your mind's intrinsic properties against you in a form of mental jujitsu, to fool you every time, even when you know full well that you are being tricked.Now Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde, the founders of the exciting new discipline of neuromagic, have convinced some of the world's greatest magicians to reveal their techniques for tricking the brain. This fascinating book is the result of the authors' worldwide exploration of magic and how its ancient principles can now be explained using the latest discoveries of cognitive neuroscience.The secrets behind magic tricks reveal how your brain works not just when watching a magic show but in everyday situations. For instance, if you've ever found yourself paying for
  • 语言心理学


    本书集经典和前沿的研究成果于一身,展示了人们理解、产生和获得语言的全过程。着眼于在社会发展中语言演变的情感层面,书中不但论述了“语言是什么”,而且论述了“语言能够做什么”,逻辑和思想性很强地道出了语言演变的过程,以及语言在现实生活中所起的作用。 本书适合语言心理学的大学高年级课程,也写给所有要使用语言、希望能理解心理语言的丰富内含的人。本书具如下特色:将语言心理学的研究广泛地应用到每天的生活中去,强调情感,侧重于语言在社会情景和交流中的应用,每章开头部分设置了开篇思考题;通过章末总结来呼诮开篇的思考题,章节练习和特色栏目贯穿始终。
  • The Lucifer Effect

    作者:Philip Zimbardo

  • You Just Don't Understand

    作者:Deborah Tannen

    Women and men live in different worlds...made of different words. Spending nearly four years on the New York Times bestseller list, including eight months at number one, You Just Don't Understand is a true cultural and intellectual phenomenon. This is the book that brought gender differences in ways of speaking to the forefront of public awareness. With a rare combination of scientific insight and delightful, humorous writing, Tannen shows why women and men can walk away from the same conversation with completely different impressions of what was said. Studded with lively and entertaining examples of real conversations, this book gives you the tools to understand what went wrong -- and to find a common language in which to strengthen relationships at work and at home. A classic in the field of interpersonal relations, this book will change forever the way you approach conversations.
  • Sway

    作者:Rom Brafman,Ori Braf

    A fascinating journey into the hidden psychological influences that derail our decision-making, Sway will change the way you think about the way you think. Why is it so difficult to sell a plummeting stock or end a doomed relationship? Why do we listen to advice just because it came from someone “important”? Why are we more likely to fall in love when there’s danger involved? In Sway , renowned organizational thinker Ori Brafman and his brother, psychologist Rom Brafman, answer all these questions and more. Drawing on cutting-edge research from the fields of social psychology, behavioral economics, and organizational behavior, Sway reveals dynamic forces that influence every aspect of our personal and business lives, including loss aversion (our tendency to go to great lengths to avoid perceived losses), the diagnosis bias (our inability to reevaluate our initial diagnosis of a person or situation), and the “chameleon effect” (our tendency to take on characteristics that have been arbitrarily assigned to us). Sway introduces us to the Harvard Business School professor who got his students to pay $204 for a $20 bill, the head of airline safety whose disregard for his years of training led to the transformation of an entire industry, and the football coach who turned conventional strategy on its head to lead his team to victory. We also learn the curse of the NBA draft, discover why interviews are a terrible way to gauge future job performance, and go inside a session with the Supreme Court to see how the world’s most powerful justices avoid the dangers of group dynamics. Every once in a while, a book comes along that not only challenges our views of the world but changes the way we think. In Sway, Ori and Rom Brafman not only uncover rational explanations for a wide variety of irrational behaviors but also point readers toward ways to avoid succumbing to their pull.
  • 牛津心理学词典


    《牛津心理学词典》收词目11000余条,涵盖心理学的诸多分支及相关学科的术语和概念。提供词源和派生词,配插图90多幅,附录汇集了各种恐惧症(phobias)及恐惧症刺激因素(phobic stimuli)名称,并提供常用缩略词和符号800多个。   本词典收词广泛、恰当,可读性强,知识新颖,是此类辞书中最好的单卷本专科词典。给人印象深刻……当然值得推荐。 此书为英文版
  • PSYCHOLOGY: Themes & Variations

    作者:Wayne Weiten

    Since the First Edition of this book appeared, professors have praised its visual presentation of concepts, accessible writing style, and solid research-based scholarship. PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS is about the ideas and concepts behind the research studies. His straightforward style gets students to contemplate open-ended questions, examine their assumptions, and apply psychological concepts to their own lives. Wayne Weiten surveys psychology's broad range of content with three aims: to illuminate the process of research and its intrinsic relationship to application; to show both the unity and diversity of the subject, and to invite students to the study of psychology by respecting their ability to master its fundamental concepts. Integrative themes--including empiricism, theoretical diversity, sociohistorical contexts, multifactorial causation, cultural heritage, heredity and environment, and subjectivity of experience--are woven throughout the text to provide connections among the different areas of research in psychology. The book's dynamic, teaching-oriented illustration program further enhances these themes. Weiten reinforces concepts through exercises that appear at the end of every chapter. At the same time, the author presents topics in a hierarchical manner, giving students handles they can use to prioritize concepts within the chapter. ===INDEX=== 1. The Evolution of Psychology. 2. The Research Enterprise in Psychology. 3. The Biological bases of Behavior. 4. Sensation and Perception. 5. Variations in Consciousness. 6. Learning. 7. Human Memory. 8. Language and Thought. 9. Intelligence and Psychological Testing. 10. Motivation and Emotion. 11. Human Development Across the Life Span. 12. Personality: Theory, Research, and Assessment. 13. Stress, Coping, and Health. 14. Psychological Disorders. 15. Treatment of Psychological Disorders. 16. Social Behavior. Appendix A: Answers to Concept Checks. Appendix B: Statistical Methods. Appendix C: Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Appendix D: Evaluating the Quality of Web-Based Resources. Appendix E: URLs for Recommended Web Links. Glossary. References. Name Index. Subject Index.