

  • Why Don't Students Like School

    作者:Daniel T. Willingham

    Easy-to-apply, scientifically-based approaches for engaging students in the classroom Cognitive scientist Dan Willingham focuses his acclaimed research on the biological and cognitive basis of learning. His book will help teachers improve their practice by explaining how they and their students think and learn. It reveals-the importance of story, emotion, memory, context, and routine in building knowledge and creating lasting learning experiences. Nine, easy-to-understand principles with clear applications for the classroom Includes surprising findings, such as that intelligence is malleable, and that you cannot develop "thinking skills" without facts How an understanding of the brain's workings can help teachers hone their teaching skills "Mr. Willingham's answers apply just as well outside the classroom. Corporate trainers, marketers and, not least, parents -anyone who cares about how we learn-should find his book valuable reading." —Wall Street Journal
  • 心理学与个人成长

    作者:Gerald Corey,Mariann

    《心理学与个人成长》中探讨的内容包括:选择一种适合个人的学习风格;通过对自己童年和青春期的回顾,找出以往的经历对现在行为的影响;迎接成年和独立生活的挑战;保持健康的身体和心态;应对压力;享受美好的爱情、恋爱关系、性别角色和性爱;工作和娱乐;创造性地应对寂寞和独居生活;理解和接受孤独和死亡;选定生命的价值和意义;包容纷杂多变的世界;走好个人成长这路。 强力推荐:I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth 英文原版火热发售
  • 高明的心理助人者

    作者:Egan.G (吉拉德·伊根)

  • 心理咨询导论


  • 说谎心理学

    作者:郑红丽,Aldert Vrij

    本书综合了西方(包括美国和欧洲)最近二三十年来所有的关于诺言以及诺言识别的研究成果,其中既有理论上的阐述,又有对操作性很强的测谎方法和技术的介绍,是一本理论和实践相结合的好书。 本书共8章,分为三个部分:首先对说谎以及诺言识别的一些基本理论问题做了简述。比如,什么是说谎,人为什么要说谎,的不同类型以及说谎的个体差异。第一部分介绍如何通过观察非言语的行为来测谎,非专业人士和专业人士如何看待说谎的非言语线索,这些线索的有效性和准确性到底如何。第二部分的主题是如何通过言语特征来测谎,介绍了以前的相关研究,并重点介绍了两门新兴的、有效的测谎技术——陈述有效性评价技术和真实监控技术。最后一部分介绍了颇受争议的多道测谎仪,如多道测谎仪的工作程序,相关/不相关技术,以及多道测谎仪的准确性问题。
  • 这才是心理学


    《这才是心理学(英文版)(第8版)》是一本应用广泛,并受到高度赞誉的教材,作者撰写此书的目的是帮助教师在教授心理学知识的同时提高学生的批判性思考能力。它既可以作为一本独立的教材,也可以作为心理学导论、批判性思维、研究方法或统计学课程的学习参考书。通过帮助学生识别伪科学,并将其从真正的心理学研究中区分出来,《这才是心理学(英文版)(第8版)》有助于学生更明智地运用心理学知识。可被验证性、操作主义、实验控制以及实验研究和统计方法,给学生提供了独立判断心理学论述的有效工具。与上一版相比,这个最新版本扩展了信度、效度、元分析、随机取样与随机分配之间差异等问题的讨论。 点击链接进入: 社会心理学(第8版) 心理学与生活 心理学与生活(第18版)(英文版) 我们都是自己的陌生人 对"伪心理学"说不(第8版) 50位最伟大的心理学思想家 亲密关系(第5版) 爱情心理学(第3版) 决策与判断(社会心理学精品) 心理学史(第4版) 这才是心理学(英文版)(第8版) 像心理学家一样思考:心理学中的批判性思维(第2版) 心理科学之门 危机中的青少年(第3版) 理解孩子的成长 孩子的世界:0-3岁儿童心理百科(第11版) [精装全彩] 态度改变与社会影响 自我 管理决策中的判断(第6版)
  • 心理咨询与心理治疗


    《心理咨询与心理治疗》对心理咨询与心理治疗的基本原理与方法,心理治疗中有代表性的治疗学派的理论与技术进行了介绍。心理咨询与心理治疗的基本原理与方法技术的内容涉及:心理咨询与心理治疗的概念、治疗中治疗者与来访者关系的建立、会谈的基本技术、心理诊断、心理治疗的目标与阶段以及心理治疗中的主力问题。本书还重点介绍了心理分析、行为治疗、以人为中心的治疗以及合理情绪疗法等当今世界上最具影响力的认识领悟疗法及森田疗法也作了介绍。 《心理咨询与心理治疗》在写作过程中,力求做到介绍完整、准确、条理清晰,着眼于学以致用。因此,特别注意将理论介绍与应用实例相结合,以利于读者能更好地理解和把握本书所介绍的理论原理与技术方法。《心理咨询与心理治疗》可以作为高等院校相关学科学生及专业工作者学习心理咨询与心理治疗的专业教材,也可供广大临床工作者、心理学工作者、教育及社会工作者参考。 点击链接进入旧版: 心理咨询与心理治疗
  • 树木:人格投射测试

    作者:吉沅洪 编著

    树木人格测试是近几年来在国外临床心理学实践中非常流行且及其成熟的一种测试和治疗方法,作者在日本从事了多年临床心理学研究和实践,在借鉴、整理日本树木人格测试的大量理论研究和实践案例基础上,结合国内临床心理学实践形成了本书。 本书通过通俗的语言和具体的案例,系统而前沿地介绍用树木投射法进行人格测试的理论基础、最新研究进展、具体测试和治疗方法,并侧重于测试材料、提示语、测试系统的解释等测试的具体实施技法的介绍,通过分析和大量图示,让读者您能详细地了解并熟练掌握这一新技术。 全书阐述深入浅出,有极强的可读性和操作性,不仅可为专业研究人员和临床工作者提供诊治参考,也可让普通大众对相关常识和具体应对方法有所了解。
  • 心理学职业发展之路


  • The Power of Mindful Learning

    作者:Ellen J. Langer

    Presents the concept of mindful learning, that is the continuous creation of new categories, openness to new information, & an implicit awareness of more than one perspective. Paper. DLC: Learning.
  • 如何成为心理治疗师


    早在自己求学阶段,作者就注意到心理咨询学员所面临的各种各样的、巨大的压力,学员们因得不到应有的支持而常常显得困惑和无助。作者尝试着从学员的“角度”,探索这些专业的、个人的困难、焦虑、情感困惑和缺陷,及其对学员所造成的独特的、使人动摇的过程。 学员们常常为专业学习、实习、督导课程以及个人心理治疗所淹没,不得不周旋于学校、家庭和工作之中,经常感到筋疲力尽。本书的目的就是为了帮助学员学会控制和改善这些学习中存在的要求和困难,强调了这样一个事实:心理治疗学习本身可以成为、也应该成为一个令人愉快的、硕果累累的过程。 《如何成为心理治疗师》一书设计用来作为所有阶段培训课程的标准教科书。主要针对心理治疗和心理咨询的学员,同时,也适用于希望以不同的角度看待问题的持证从业人员、教师和督导老师。
  • Feeling Good

    作者:David D. Burns

    在线阅读本书 Book Description The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Now, in this updated edition, Dr. Burns adds an All-New Consumer's Guide To Anti-depressant Drugs as well as a new introduction to help answer your questions about the many options available for treating depression. - Recognise what causes your mood swings - Nip negative feelings in the bud - Deal with guilt - Handle hostility and criticism - Overcome addiction to love and approval - Build self-esteem - Feel good everyday Book Dimension length: (cm)17.1                 width:(cm)10.6
  • 心理咨询师手册


    ◇帮助巩固个人的学习和成长 ◇有助于咨询理论、咨询实践和个人体验的整合 ◇为咨询师之间的对话和共同探索提供了舞台 《心理咨询师手册》无论对于学员、培训师、督导抑或寻求继续发展的资深从业人员都是不得多得的宝贵资源。该书促进了咨询文治的整合,强调所有心理治疗中相关的及独自的维度,既能与其他咨询教材相结合,也能作为一本独立的著作。
  • Phantoms in the Brain

    作者:V. S. Ramachandran,S

    Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran is internationally renowned for uncovering answers to the deep and quirky questions of human nature that few scientists have dared to address. His bold insights about the brain are matched only by the stunning simplicity of his experiments -- using such low-tech tools as cotton swabs, glasses of water and dime-store mirrors. In Phantoms in the Brain, Dr. Ramachandran recounts how his work with patients who have bizarre neurological disorders has shed new light on the deep architecture of the brain, and what these findings tell us about who we are, how we construct our body image, why we laugh or become depressed, why we may believe in God, how we make decisions, deceive ourselves and dream, perhaps even why we're so clever at philosophy, music and art. Some of his most notable cases: A woman paralyzed on the left side of her body who believes she is lifting a tray of drinks with both hands offers a unique opportunity to test Freud's theory of denial. A man who insists he is talking with God challenges us to ask: Could we be "wired" for religious experience? A woman who hallucinates cartoon characters illustrates how, in a sense, we are all hallucinating, all the time. Dr. Ramachandran's inspired medical detective work pushes the boundaries of medicine's last great frontier -- the human mind -- yielding new and provocative insights into the "big questions" about consciousness and the self.
  • 心理暗示术


    《心理暗示术》作者爱米尔,暗示,尤其是自我暗示,是一门新兴的学科,然而,它又如同我们这一世界一样古老,并且一直被很多人错误地理解、错误地研究。库埃是心理暗示术早期研究与实践者之一,被称为“自我暗示之父”他通过《心理暗示术》向读者传授了如何积极运用自我暗示的魔力,改变自己和他人的身心,过一种积极健康的生活。库埃早期学习药剂学,并被认为是一位不起的学生,后开设药店,成为一名药剂师,通过试验他发现,当他向某位病人夸赞药物的疗效后,病人真的好得很快。他,从此步入对想象力和催眠术的研究之路他坚信,想象的力量可以同时起到积极的和不良的作用,一个人可以通过运用想象的力量,从身体、精神和心灵上改善自己的生活。他还进一步研究认为,人的疾病,不管是身体上还是精神上的,都是由于其紊乱和错误的思想造成的只要调整个人的思维模式,形成一种更好的平衡状态,病人就可以改善自己的境况他总结了一句流传至今的自我暗示名言:“每一天,我们都以每种方式,让自己过得越来越好”,运用这句充满魔力的自我暗示之语,他帮助无数病人在身心方面得到了很大改善。库埃的观点和主张在欧洲和美国十分盛行,与弗洛伊德的精神分析法同享盛誉。追随其思想之人,如诺曼?V?皮尔、罗伯特,舒勒、克莱门特。斯通等人都成为当今影响广泛的成功大师,相信此中文版的问世,对国内心理学领域和大众读者来讲,都颇有意义和指导价值。 点击链接进入英文版: Auto-Suggestion
  • The Norton Psychology Reader

    作者:Gary Marcu

    If you’ve ever wondered about the mind and behavior, the Norton Psychology Reader is the perfect place to start. From the biological basis of emotion to the psychological basis of culture, from the nature of nurture to the nature of intelligence, with selections by leading scientists with a knack for writing—including Steven Pinker, Joseph Ledoux, Antonio Damasio, Oliver Sacks, and Robert Sapolsky—and top-notch journalists with an uncanny sense for psychology—including Natalie Angier, Daniel Goleman, and Sylvia Nasar—the Norton Psychology Reader presents the best that psychology has to offer. Edited by noted New York University psychologist Gary Marcus, the Norton Psychology Reader is an unparalleled guided tour through the modern science of the human mind and a perfect companion to any introductory psychology course, filled with insights completely accessible to the interested lay reader.
  • The Norton Psychology Reader

    作者:Gary Marcu

    If you’ve ever wondered about the mind and behavior, the Norton Psychology Reader is the perfect place to start. From the biological basis of emotion to the psychological basis of culture, from the nature of nurture to the nature of intelligence, with selections by leading scientists with a knack for writing—including Steven Pinker, Joseph Ledoux, Antonio Damasio, Oliver Sacks, and Robert Sapolsky—and top-notch journalists with an uncanny sense for psychology—including Natalie Angier, Daniel Goleman, and Sylvia Nasar—the Norton Psychology Reader presents the best that psychology has to offer. Edited by noted New York University psychologist Gary Marcus, the Norton Psychology Reader is an unparalleled guided tour through the modern science of the human mind and a perfect companion to any introductory psychology course, filled with insights completely accessible to the interested lay reader.
  • Psychology

    作者:Peter Gray

    Gray's comprehensive and thought-provoking introductory text explores Psychology's major theories, and the evidence that supports and refutes them. Each edition incorporates an exceptional amount of contemporary research, encouraging students to probe for the purposes and biological origins of behavior - the 'whys' and 'hows' of Human Psychology. An engaging, readable writing style and updated pedagogy make the science of Psychology, and its interactions with Biology, accessible and meaningful.
  • Predictably Irrational

    作者:Dan Ariely

    Why do smart people make irrational decisions every day? The answers will surprise you. Predictably Irrational is an intriguing, witty and utterly original look at why we all make illogical decisions. Why can a 50p aspirin do what a 5p aspirin can't? If an item is "free" it must be a bargain, right? Why is everything relative, even when it shouldn't be? How do our expectations influence our actual opinions and decisions? In this astounding book, behavioural economist Dan Ariely cuts to the heart of our strange behaviour, demonstrating how irrationality often supplants rational thought and that the reason for this is embedded in the very structure of our minds. Predicatably Irrational brilliantly blends everyday experiences with a series of illuminating and often surprising experiments, that will change your understanding of human behaviour. And, by recognising these patterns, Ariely shows that we can make better decisions in business, in matters of collective welfare, and in our everyday lives from drinking coffee to losing weight, buying a car to choosing a romantic partner. 点击链接进入中文版: 怪诞行为学:可预测的非理性(升级版)
  • Flow

    作者:Mihaly Csikszentmiha

    The bestselling introduction to "flow"--a groundbreaking psychological theory that shows readers how to improve the quality of life. "The way to happiness lies not in mindless hedonism, but in mindful change."--New York Times Book Review