

  • The Road

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    The Road follows an unnamed father and son journeying together across a grim post-apocalyptic landscape, some years after a great, unexplained cataclysm has destroyed civilization and almost all life on Earth. Realizing that they will not survive another winter in their unspecified original location, the father leads the boy south, through a desolate American landscape along a vacant highway, towards the sea, sustained only by the vague hope of finding warmth and more "good guys" like them, and carrying with them only what is on their backs and what will fit into a damaged supermarket cart. The setting is very cold, dark and filled with ash and the land is devoid of living vegetation. There is frequent rain or snow, and electrical storms are common. Many of the remaining human survivors are cannibalistic gangs or nomads, scavenging the detritus of city and country alike for human flesh, though that too is almost entirely depleted. Overwhelmed by this desperate and apparently hopeless situation, the boy's mother, pregnant with him at the time of the cataclysm, commits suicide when the boy is about five or six; the rationality and calmness of her act being her last "great gift" to the man and the boy. The father coughs blood every morning and eventually realizes he is dying, yet still struggles to protect his son from the constant threats of attack, exposure, and starvation. The revolver they carry, meant for protection or suicide if necessary, has only one round for the entire story. The boy has been told to use it on himself if capture is imminent, to spare himself the horror of death at the hands of the cannibals. In the face of these obstacles, the man and the boy have only each other. They repeatedly assure one another that they are "the good guys," who are "carrying the fire." On their journey, the duo scrounge for food, encounter roving bands of cannibals, and contend with horrors such as a newborn infant being roasted on a spit, and people being kept captive as they are slowly harvested for food. The vast majority of the book is written in the third person, with references to "the father" and "the son" or to "the man" and "the boy." Although the man and the boy eventually reach the sea, neither the climate nor availability of food has improved. The man succumbs to an illness and dies, leaving the boy alone, though not long before he dies, the father tells the boy that he can continue to speak with him in his imagination after he is gone. The boy holds wake over his father's corpse for three days, with no idea of what he is to do next. On the third day, the grieving boy encounters a man who has been tracking the father and son. This man, who has a woman and two children of his own, a boy and a girl, invites him to join his family after convincing the boy that he is indeed one of the "good guys" like the boy and his dead father. A brief epilogue following meditates on nature and infinity in this altered environment.
  • 道林·格雷的画像


  • Life After Life

    作者:Kate Atkinson

    What if you could live again and again, until you got it right? On a cold and snowy night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born to an English banker and his wife. She dies before she can draw her first breath. On that same cold and snowy night, Ursula Todd is born, lets out a lusty wail, and embarks upon a life that will be, to say the least, unusual. For as she grows, she also dies, repeatedly, in a variety of ways, while the young century marches on towards its second cataclysmic world war. Does Ursula's apparently infinite number of lives give her the power to save the world from its inevitable destiny? And if she can -- will she? Darkly comic, startlingly poignant, and utterly original -- this is Kate Atkinson at her absolute best.
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

    作者:Lewis Carroll

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.[1] It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children.[2] It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre,[2][3] and its narrative course and structure, characters and imagery have been enormously influential[3] in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre.@Wikipedia
  • 简·奥斯汀经典作品集


    《简·奥斯汀经典作品集》(精):简·奥斯汀,英国著名女作家。从18世纪末到19世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特式小说”充斥英国文坛,而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新,一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光。她的作品往往通过喜剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢、自私、势利和盲目自信等可鄙可笑的弱点。奥斯汀的小说出现在19世纪初叶,一扫风行一时的假浪漫主义潮流,继承和发展了英国18世纪优秀的现实主义传统,为19世纪现实主义小说的高潮做了准备。虽然其作品反映的广度和深度有限,但她的作品如“两寸牙雕”,从一个小窗口中窥视到整个社会形态和人情世故,对改变当时小说创作中的庸俗风气起了好的作用,在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的意义,被誉为地位“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。本书收录了简·奥斯汀的六部经典作品。本书为英文版。本书收集奥斯汀的所有小说作品,包括《傲慢与偏见》《理智与情感》《曼斯菲尔德庄园》《爱玛》《诺桑觉寺》《劝导》《苏珊夫人》和《爱情和友谊》。《傲慢与偏见》故事围绕贝内特家中几位待嫁女孩婚姻问题展开。作者巧妙地刻画出先入为主的“第一印象”的荒谬和迷失,以及经过认识然后洞察真相的过程。毛姆将此书列入“世界十大小说”金榜内。《理智与情感》是奥斯汀写的第一部小说,它属于奥斯汀最富于幽默情趣的作品之一。小说以两位女主角曲折复杂的婚事风波为主线,透过“理智与情感”的幽默对比,提出了道德与行为的规范问题。《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是奥斯汀的转型之作,仍以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材。但是比较而言,本书情节更为复杂,突发性事件更加集中,社会讽刺意味也更加浓重。《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是奥斯丁生前获利最多的小说,销售速度也比《傲慢与偏见》快。《爱玛》被认为是奥斯汀最成功、最伟大的作品。一个喜欢给人做媒的可爱的姑娘,在为别人安排“良缘”时发现自己爱上了对方。本书结构精微巧妙,喜剧气氛弥漫全书,趣味横生。《诺桑觉寺》除了爱情纠纷之外,小说自始至终还贯穿着对“哥特小说”的嘲讽,因此可谓“双主题”小说。《劝导》奥斯汀最后一部完整的小说,比以前的作品写得更有思想和感情深度,被许多评论家视为奥斯丁最好的作品。《苏珊夫人》和《爱情和友谊》是奥斯汀的两部短篇小说,本书一并收录。本书附有大量精美插图,符合读者审美。   据讲解员介绍,奥斯汀出生于一个乡村牧师家庭,父亲能即兴赋诗。奥斯汀从小在家阅读父亲收藏的古典文学书籍和流行小说,并练习各种文体的写作。14岁时,她就写成了她的处女作《爱情和友谊》。1801年夏,奥斯汀热恋中的男友不幸去世,使她深陷痛苦之中。翌年,她曾接受一个大地产主的求婚,但第二天早晨又改变了主意。因为奥斯汀意识到:单纯为了财产和地位而结婚是错误的;何况,自己根本不爱他,怎能共同生活?结果,她终生未婚。简·奥斯汀的小说蜚声世界文坛,在18世纪—19世纪英国小说的发展史上,起着承上启下的重要作用。她的作品中关于年轻女性婚姻和爱情的别具一格的描写给人留下最深刻的印象。尽管没有财产的妇女的社会出路问题是英国小说中的“老生常谈”,但奥斯汀在其小说中对这一主题却旧题新做,作了独特的喜剧性处理。在名著《傲慢与偏见》里,她曾用戏谑的口吻说班奈特太太的“毕生大志”就是把五个女儿都嫁出去。这部小说著名的第一章描写班奈特太太一听说有个阔少定居在附近,就盘算着如何把一个女儿打发给他。不管是哪一个,任他挑选。这段鞭辟入里的刻画,便是奥斯汀喜剧风格的典范。
  • The Bridges of Madison County

    作者:Robert James Waller

    When Robert Kincaid drives through the heat and dust of an Iowa summer and turns into Francesca Johnson's farm lane looking for directions, the world-class photographer and the Iowa farm wife are joined in an experience of uncommon truth and stunning beauty that will haunt them forever. The romantic classic of the 1990's.
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns

    作者:Khaled Hosseini

    'A beautifully crafted and disturbing story of two women victims of the wrath of men. As unforgettable as The Kite Runner, this novel places us in Afghanistan with an open heart' Isabel Allende 'I loved this book - I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting. It is incredibly moving and a real insight into the madness and suffering of Afghanistan - in particular its women' Fiona Bruce 'Hosseini proves his credentials as a superstar storyteller. This follow up to The Kite Runner will have fans rampaging into bookshops desperate for their copy. Yet again he weaves a masterful story around the lives of two extraordinary and compelling characters brought together in adversity' Mariella Frostrup 'From further east comes, at long last, Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns in which the universally adored author of The Kite Runner returns with a study of love and self-sacrifice in a modern Afghan family' Sunday Telegraph `The novel offers extraordinarily harrowing insights into the lives of Afghan women over the past three decades .... If he cut his teeth by writing about his countrymen, it is the plight of Afghanistan's women that has brought him to realise his full powers as a novelist' `Hosseini has stuck with his winning formula: compelling, unflashy storytelling centred around two sympathetic protagonists struggling in difficult times ... nothing beats a good story' `Hosseini is at his best in some of his description of the landscape and his account of the developing relationship of the two wives, which begins with hostility and slowly blossoms into a concord ...'
  • 英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦


    What is it in a story that takes it to the New York Times Best Seller List for three years or 156 weeks? When I read this book, that was what I wanted to know. I look at the book on the shelf and think, "What was there that I just did not get?" The love story set in the 1960s is about Robert Kincaid, a renowned photographer, and a Francesca Johnson, a farm wife. The story is based on her diaries and the personal effects he had sent to her after he died. She is secluded and alone much of the time. When Robert comes to photograph the bridges, her family is away at the state fair. They are, like Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers who will only remain in each other's hearts and minds for all of their life, though they only shared four days. Her diaries indicate that for about thirty years Francesca maintained the emotional contact she committed to Kincaid by seeing his photography in National Geography, news clippings, and reading the articles written about him. It is easy to be in love for four days. Anyone can. New love is exciting, romance is thrilling, and a new lover's touch is magical. Yes, it will last forever -- if you do not have to wake up to reality. It was simple to see this aspect of the enchantment about their story. Francesca wrote of the agony that she felt when choosing whether to go with Kincaid or stay with her family, her children. This was the crux of her story; stay with her husband and children, or run off with a stranger. I could never understand that, my child is first. Today the book is on my daughter's shelf, and she knows more about the emotions that drove Kincaid and Francesca than I ever will. I am too practical; but she tells me I have never loved as they did -- and she just might be right because I still wonder why this book sold millions. Suspend disbelief and enjoy the romantic interlude. Perhaps I should have seen the movie (I am a Clint Eastwood fan). For me the book was worth three stars, but the millions of people who loved this book and movie cannot all be wrong, so it must be a five. I guess I will give it a four. Victoria Tarrani from Amazon.com
  • The Little Prince

    作者:Antoine de Saint-Exu

  • Sex and the City

    作者:Candace Bushnell

    Here's the collection of columns that inspired the addictive and multiple award-winning HBO series! Sex and the City offers a tantalizing glimpse of the openings, launch parties, and celebrity affairs that keep society amused.
  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

    作者:Jonathan Safran Foer

    Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history. What he discovers is solace in that most human quality, imagination. Meet Oskar Schell, an inventor, Francophile, tambourine player, Shakespearean actor, jeweler, pacifist, correspondent with Stephen Hawking and Ringo Starr. He is nine years old. And he is on an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. His mission is to find the lock that fits a mysterious key belonging to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. An inspired innocent, Oskar is alternately endearing, exasperating, and hilarious as he careens from Central Park to Coney Island to Harlem on his search. Along the way he is always dreaming up inventions to keep those he loves safe from harm. What about a birdseed shirt to let you fly away? What if you could actually hear everyone's heartbeat? His goal is hopeful, but the past speaks a loud warning in stories of those who've lost loved ones before. As Oskar roams New York, he encounters a motley assortment of humanity who are all survivors in their own way. He befriends a 103-year-old war reporter, a tour guide who never leaves the Empire State Building, and lovers enraptured or scorned. Ultimately, Oskar ends his journey where it began, at his father's grave. But now he is accompanied by the silent stranger who has been renting the spare room of his grandmother's apartment. They are there to dig up his father's empty coffin.
  • The God of Small Things

    作者:Arundhati Roy

    在线阅读本书 The story of the tragic decline of an Indian family whose members suffer the terrible consequences of forbidden love, The God of Small Things is set in the state of Kerala, on the southernmost tip of India. Armed only with the invincible innocence of children, the twins Rahel and Esthappen fashion a childhood for themselves in the shade of the wreck that is their family -- their lonely, lovely mother, Ammu (who loves by night the man her children love by day), their blind grandmother, Mammachi (who plays Handel on her violin), their beloved uncle Chacko (Rhodes scholar, pickle baron, radical Marxist, bottom-pincher), their enemy, Baby Kochamma (ex-nun and incumbent grandaunt), and the ghost of an imperial entomologist's moth (with unusually dense dorsal tufts). When their English cousin and her mother arrive on a Christmas visit, the twins learn that Things Can Change in a Day. That lives can twist into new, ugly shapes, even cease forever. The brilliantly plotted story uncoils with an agonizing sense of foreboding and inevitability. Yet nothing prepares you for what lies at the heart of it.
  • 傲慢与偏见


    达西是一位表面傲慢、实则心地善良的富家子弟,优越的环境令他对自己的傲慢浑然不觉;伊丽莎白是一位聪慧过人、心思缜密的姑娘,过于相信第一印象,自恃明察秋毫却往往身陷偏见的迷宫。傲慢的达西对固执偏见的伊丽莎白一见钟情,然而达西的傲慢和伊丽莎白的偏见却又注定了这是一段误会重重又不失幽默气氛的爱情故事。 《傲慢与偏见》是珍妮·奥斯汀的代表作,讲述的是一对青年的爱情故事,因一方的傲慢与另一方的偏见而导致好事多磨。作者以女性特有的敏锐和细腻观察、描绘了有钱、有闲阶级恬静舒适的田园生活以及绅士淑女的爱情与婚姻,以高超的艺术技巧反映了18世纪英国乡镇日常生活情景,给当时小说创作吹进了朴素的现实主义之风,在英国小说史上起着承上启下的作用。小时说情节曲折,富有戏剧性,语言清新流畅,充满机智,是奥斯汀最受欢迎的一部小说。
  • Jane Eyre


    《Jane Eyre(简爱)》讲述了这样一个故事:简·爱自幼父母双亡,投靠冷酷的舅母,但舅母无情地抛弃了她。她在一所慈善学校做了六年的学生和两年的教师。十八岁时,简·爱受聘到桑菲尔德府学当家庭教师,认识了主人罗切斯特。两人都被对方独特的气质和丰富的感情所吸引,于是不顾身份和地位的巨大差距深深相爱了。正当他们举行婚礼时,有人证明罗切斯特的前妻还活着。简·爱知道他们不可能有平等的婚姻,于是选择了离开。后来,简·爱意外遇见了她的表兄妹们,并从叔叔那里继承了一笔遗产。但她无法抵御对罗切斯特的刻骨思念,于是便回到了已经失去了财富、身体也遭到火灾严重摧残的罗切斯特身边,毅然跟他结婚。在爱的沐浴下,罗切斯特找回了幸福和健康。 The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. In this work the plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, but possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order which circumscribes her life and position. From AudioFile For a fan of Gothic romances, the opportunity to listen to a new recording of JANE EYRE is not to be passed up. British actress Juliet Stevenson gives a simply splendid narration. She gives clear voice to the spirited, intelligent, fiercely independent Jane and communicates the heroine's full range of emotions. Stevenson reads at a smooth, even pace, adding just the right amount of drama. If the new release of JANE EYRE at the movies moves many to take another look at the novel, Stevenson's masterful narration would be an excellent choice. C.R.A An AUDIOFILE Earphones Award winner. Midwest Book Review This tie-in edition of a classic joins a major motion picture from Miramax Films, which should appeal to a wider audience than normal due to its inclusion of feature art from the film. In this new contemporary edition the classic story comes alive. About Author Charlotte Bronte was born at Thornton, Yorkshire, on April 21, 1816. Her father, Patrick Bronte, became curate for life of the moorland parish of Haworth, Yorkshire, in 1820, and her mother, Maria Bronte, died the following year, leaving behind five daughters and a son who were cared for in the parsonage by their aunt, Elizabeth Branwell. The eldest daughters, Maria and Elizabeth, died in 1825 from tuberculosis contracted at the religious boarding school to which they (along with Charlotte and her younger sister Emily) had been sent. (All the Bronte children ultimately suffered from lung disease.) Raised at home thereafter, Charlotte, Emily, their youngest sister, Anne, and brother, Branwell, lived in a fantasy world of their own making, drawing on their voracious reading of Byron, Scott, Shakespeare, The Arabian Nights, and gothic fiction, and writing elaborate poetic and dramatic cycles involving the histories of imaginary countries. Charlotte's early writings revolved around the kingdom of Angria, about which she wrote melodramatic tales of passion and revenge. She spent a year studying at Miss Wooler's school in Roe Head (later relocated to Dewsbury Moor), and went back there to teach from 1835 to 1838; subsequently she worked as a governess. With Emily, Charlotte traveled in 1842 to study languages at a boarding school in Brussels; her close emotional attachment to her instructor, M. Heger, a married man, would later figure in her fiction. Charlotte and Emily went home after a year because of their aunt's death; Charlotte subsequently returned to Brussels for a year of teaching, 1843 to 1844. A joint collection of poems by Charlotte, Emily, and Anne—published pseudonymously as Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell—appeared in 1846. The three sisters had in the meantime each written a novel, of which Emily's Wuthering Heights and Anne's Agnes Grey were accepted in 1847 for publication the following year. Charlotte's first novel, The Professor, based on her experiences in Brussels, was rejected by a series of publishers (it finally appeared posthumously in 1857). Jane Eyre was published under Charlotte's pseudonym, Currer Bell, in 1847 and achieved commercial and critical success; it had gone through four editions by the time of Charlotte's death. Jane Eyre won high praises; William Makepeace Thackeray (who later became a friend) declared himself 'exceedingly moved and pleased,' and George Henry Lewes applauded its 'deep significant reality'; it was also criticized by some for the rebelliousness of its heroine and for what the Quarterly Review called 'coarseness of language and laxity of tone.' During this period the Brontes underwent repeated tragedies. Branwell, despite his early promise, had been ravaged by the effects of drink and drugs, and when he found work as a tutor in the same household where Anne was a governess, his involvement with his employer's wife led to his dismissal; he died in September of 1848, followed three months later by Emily and the following year by Anne. Charlotte, the sole survivor, published two more novels, Shirley (1849), a novel of Yorkshire during the Napoleonic period, and Villette (1853), a further fictional exploration of her Brussels experiences. In 1850 she met the novelist Elizabeth Gaskell, with whom she formed a close friendship; Gaskell later wrote the classic biography of her friend, The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857). Charlotte married her father's curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls, in 1854, and died on March 31, 1855. 点击链接进入中文版: 简爱
  • Dear John

    作者:Nicholas Sparks

    An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life--until he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the woman who captured his heart. But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. "Dear John," the letter read...and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love--and face the hardest decision of his life.
  • Pride and Prejudice

    作者:Jane Austen,Introduc

    《傲慢与偏见》主讲了奥斯丁的讽刺艺术,不仅表现在某些人物的喜剧性格上,也不仅表现在众多情节的喜剧性处理上,而且还融汇在整个故事的反讽构思中,让现实对人们的主观臆想进行嘲讽。男主角达西最初断定,贝内特家有那么多不利因素,几个女儿很难找到有地位的男人,可后来恰恰是他娶了伊丽莎白。而伊丽莎白呢,她曾发誓决不嫁给达西,可最后还是由她做了达西夫人。再看看那个不可一世的凯瑟琳·德布尔夫人,为了阻止伊丽莎白与她外甥达西攀亲,她不辞辛劳,亲自出马,先是跑来威吓伊丽莎白,继而跑去训诫达西,殊不知正是她这次奔走为两位默默相恋的青年通了信息,促成了他们的美满结合。更令人啼笑皆非的是,就在这几位“智者”受到现实嘲弄的同时,书中那位最可笑的“愚人”贝内特太太,最后却被证明是最正确的。她认为:“有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。”这种荒谬与“真理”的滑稽转化,尽管超越了一般意义上的是非观念,但却体现了作者对生活的深刻思索。 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."Next to the exhortation at the beginning of Moby-Dick, "Call me Ishmael," the first sentence of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice must be among the most quoted in literature. And certainly what Melville did for whaling Austen does for marriage——tracing the intricacies (not to mention the economics) of 19th-century British mating rituals with a sure hand and an unblinking eye. As usual, Austen trains her sights on a country village and a few families——in this case, the Bennets, the Philips, and the Lucases. Into their midst comes Mr. Bingley, a single man of good fortune, and his friend, Mr. Darcy, who is even richer. Mrs. Bennet, who married above her station, sees their arrival as an opportunity to marry off at least one of her five daughters. Bingley is complaisant and easily charmed by the eldest Bennet girl, Jane; Darcy, however, is harder to please. Put off by Mrs. Bennet's vulgarity and the untoward behavior of the three younger daughters, he is unable to see the true worth of the older girls, Jane and Elizabeth. His excessive pride offends Lizzy, who is more than willing to believe the worst that other people have to say of him; when George Wickham, a soldier stationed in the village, does indeed have a discreditable tale to tell, his words fall on fertile ground. Having set up the central misunderstanding of the novel, Austen then brings in her cast of fascinating secondary characters: Mr. Collins, the sycophantic clergyman who aspires to Lizzy's hand but settles for her best friend, Charlotte, instead; Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Darcy's insufferably snobbish aunt; and the Gardiners, Jane and Elizabeth's low-born but noble-hearted aunt and uncle. Some of Austen's best comedy comes from mixing and matching these representatives of different classes and economic strata, demonstrating the hypocrisy at the heart of so many social interactions. And though the novel is rife with romantic misunderstandings, rejected proposals, disastrous elopements, and a requisite happy ending for those who deserve one, Austen never gets so carried away with the romance that she loses sight of the hard economic realities of 19th-century matrimonial maneuvering. Good marriages for penniless girls such as the Bennets are hard to come by, and even Lizzy, who comes to sincerely value Mr. Darcy, remarks when asked when she first began to love him: "It has been coming on so gradually, that I hardly know when it began. But I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley." She may be joking, but there's more than a little truth to her sentiment, as well. Jane Austen considered Elizabeth Bennet "as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print". Readers of Pride and Prejudice would be hard-pressed to disagree. ——Alix Wilber 点击链接进入中文版: 傲慢与偏见
  • 了不起的盖茨比


    《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家F.司各特·菲茨杰拉德的代表作,小说一经出版,一向以苛刻著称的著名诗人兼文艺评论家T.S.艾略特立刻称之为“美国小说自亨利·詹姆斯以来迈出的第一步”。小说以美国一战后纸醉金迷的狂欢为背景,描述了美国梦的幻灭。被美国蓝登书屋评为20世纪百部最佳小说之一,是青年人必读的经典小说。 外国文学经典--原汁原味的英语,适合英语专业大中专生及英语阅读爱好者 安徒生童话 苔丝 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 呼啸山庄 红字 名利场(上下) 爱玛 远离尘嚣 傲慢与偏见 绿野仙踪 小公主 傲慢与偏见 福尔摩斯探案集1:血字的研究 四签名 福尔摩斯探案集2:福尔摩斯历险记 福尔摩斯探案集3:福尔摩斯回忆录 福尔摩斯探案集4:福尔摩斯归来 福尔摩斯探案集5:巴斯克维尔的猎犬 恐怖谷 福尔摩斯探案集6:福尔摩斯的最后致意 福尔摩斯探案集7:福尔摩斯新探案 汤姆·索亚历险记 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿 劝导 艰难时世 茶花女 外国文学经典:鲁滨逊漂流记 复活 月亮宝石 双城记 小妇人 茶花女 远大前程 远大前程 红与黑 海底两万里 汤姆·索亚历险记 绿野仙踪 绿野仙踪 复活 包法利夫人 海底两万里 基督山伯爵(套装全3册) 红与黑(英文原版) 三个火枪手(套装上下册) 战争与和平(套装全3册) 诺桑觉寺 安徒生童话 大卫科波菲尔(英文版) 小妇人 包法利夫人 远大前程 远离尘嚣 爱玛 名利场 名利场 卡斯特桥市长 二十世纪外国文学精选 简·萨默斯的日记 宠儿(二十世纪外国文学精选) 霍华德庄园 夜色温柔 纯真年代 看不见的人 占有 日瓦戈医生 日瓦戈医生 走出非洲 城堡 宠儿 洛丽塔 看不见的人 洛丽塔(英文版) 日瓦戈医生 看不见的人 了不起的盖茨比 了不起的盖茨比——20世纪百部最佳小说之一、青年人必读的经典小说 大师经典文库 理想国(英文) 马可波罗游记:英文 乌托邦(英文) 培根论说文集(英文) 忏悔录:英文 梦的解析(英文) 道德经(汉英对照) 论语(汉英对照) 孙子兵法 中国人的精神 宽容(英文) 人类的故事 中国的文艺复兴 中国人的精神(英文版) 人类的故事(英文版 房龙著) 梦的解析(英文版)(弗洛伊德著) 理想国 马可波罗游记 乌托邦 培根论说文集 忏悔录 道德经 论语 宽容 中国的文艺复兴(英汉对照) 轻松英语名作欣赏:大话名人 浪漫史诗:鲍蒂卡女王 风云际会:莎士比亚 身后疑云:图坦卡蒙 乱世传奇:圣女贞德 群雄逐鹿:拿破仑 另类成长故事:达尔文 学问人生:爱因斯坦
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him ... In this final, seventh instalment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectacular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding,richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again. Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing - if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him?
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

    作者:Stephen Chbosky

    Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective...but there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. Since its publication, Stephen Chbosky's haunting debut novel has received critical acclaim, provoked discussion and debate, grown into a cult phenomenon with over two million copies in print, spent over six months at #1 on the "New York Times "bestseller list, and inspired a major motion picture. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a story about what it's like to travel that strange course through the uncharted territory of high school. The world of first dates, family dramas, and new friends. Of sex, drugs, and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Of those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up.
  • The Kite Runner

    作者:Khaled Hosseini

    《The Kite Runner(追风筝的人)》是一个阿富汗作家的处女作,霸占了美国两大权威畅销书排行榜《纽约时报》排行榜、《出版商周刊》排行榜长达80余周,声势超过红透全世界的丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》。 这本小说太令人震撼,很长一段时日,让我所读的一切都相形失色。文学与生活中的所有重要主题,都交织在这部惊世之作里:爱、恐惧、愧疚、赎罪……——著名作家伊莎贝拉·阿连德 ★一个阿富汗作家的处女作 ★一部以史诗般的历史景观和荡气回肠的人性故事,深深地打动全世界各地亿万读者心的文学经典 ★美国《纽约时报》、《出版商周刊》等九大畅销书排行榜榜首图书 ★英国《观察家报》2005年度最佳图书 ★台湾诚品书店、金石堂书店、博客来书店销售冠军 ★连续80余周雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,声势超过红透全球的丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》 “许多年过去了,人们说陈年旧事可以被埋葬,然而我终于明白这是错的,因为往事会自行爬上来。回首前尘,我意识到在过去二十六年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的小径。” 《华盛顿邮报》认为:“没有虚矫赘文,没有无病呻吟,只有精炼的篇章,细腻勾勒家庭与友谊,背叛与救赎。作者对祖国的爱显然与对造成它今日沧桑的恨一样深。故事娓娓道来,轻笔淡描,近似川端康成的《千羽鹤》。” 12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一场风筝比赛后,发生了一件悲惨不堪的事,阿米尔为自己的懦弱感到自责和痛苦,逼走了哈桑,不久,自己也跟随父亲逃往美国。 成年后的阿米尔始终无法原谅自己当年对哈桑的背叛。为了赎罪,阿米尔再度踏上暌违二十多年的故乡,希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力,却发现一个惊天谎言,儿时的噩梦再度重演,阿米尔该如何抉择? 小说如此残忍而又美丽,作者以温暖细腻的笔法勾勒人性的本质与救赎,读来令人荡气回肠。 Book Description This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved as The God of Small Things and The Glass Palace. Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shi'a Muslim and this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. Amazon.co.uk Review The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini's deeply moving fiction debut is an illiterate Afghan boy with an uncanny instinct for predicting exactly where a downed kite will land. Growing up in the city of Kabul in the early 1970s, Hassan was narrator Amir's closest friend even though the loyal 11-year-old with "a face like a Chinese doll" was the son of Amir's father's servant and a member of Afghanistan's despised Hazara minority. But in 1975, on the day of Kabul's annual kite-fighting tournament, something unspeakable happened between the two boys. Narrated by Amir, a 40-year-old novelist living in California, The Kite Runner tells the gripping story of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ruthless evil that transcends mere politics. Running parallel to this personal narrative of loss and redemption is the story of modern Afghanistan and of Amir's equally guilt-ridden relationship with the war-torn city of his birth. The first Afghan novel to be written in English, The Kite Runner begins in the final days of King Zahir Shah's 40-year reign and traces the country's fall from a secluded oasis to a tank-strewn battlefield controlled by the Russians and then the trigger-happy Taliban. When Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassan's orphaned child, the personal and the political get tangled together in a plot that is as suspenseful as it is taut with feeling. The son of an Afghan diplomat whose family received political asylum in the United States in 1980, Hosseini combines the unflinching realism of a war correspondent with the satisfying emotional pull of master storytellers such as Rohinton Mistry. Like the kite that is its central image, the story line of this mesmerizing first novel occasionally dips and seems almost to dive to the ground. But Hosseini ultimately keeps everything airborne until his heartrending conclusion in an American picnic park.                                --Lisa Alward, Amazon.ca Book Dimension : length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.1