所有生命都是個邁向崩潰的過程。」 「在靈魂真正黝暗的深夜,時時刻刻都是凌晨三點,日復一日。」 本書收錄五篇費茲傑羅的經典傑作,包含四篇小說及一篇三段式散文。 〈冬之夢〉 翩然降臨的美女成了少年一輩子揮之不去的夢,那夢時遠時近,卻終將如雪水般消逝。其中可見代表作《大亨小傳》的原型,道盡所有關於愛的執迷與虛幻。 〈班傑明.巴頓奇妙的一生〉 如果人的一生是從老到幼逆向而行,會是甚麼樣子?靈感來自馬克.吐溫的一句話:「如果我們能夠從八十歲出生,逐漸接近十八歲,人生一定更美好。」費茲傑羅以此發想寫就,卻發現在時間無情的洪流之下,逆向而行的孤寂無奈。比電影更殘酷揪心的原作。 〈殘火〉 金童玉女般的作家與女演員結婚,幸福美滿的生活羨煞所有人,但無情的命運就在轉角處,等著改寫所有幸福的定義。費茲傑羅將自己對幸福的想像與對現實的無奈都投射其中,造就這篇既甜美又傷神的小說,也具體呈現費茲傑羅內在分合對立的矛盾性格。 〈最後的吻〉 剛嶄露頭角的製片人結識帶著明星夢跨洋而來的英國女孩,為她帶著悲劇氣息的美所吸引,卻只能見著她在殘酷的好萊塢中逐漸沉淪,隨著無數青春一同葬送於無形。 〈崩潰〉 費茲傑羅晚年面對憂鬱摧殘,最深刻的自剖。分三個月在Esquire雜誌刊出,隨即引來藝文圈眾多撻伐,懦夫、曝露狂、道德敗壞等批評如潮而至。文章刊出後四年費茲傑羅猝逝,如今卻因真誠展現了偉大文學心靈的幽暗掙扎,顯得深刻動人。 本書特色: ☆ 最好的朋友,最強的對手!費茲傑羅、海明威,跨越時空再度交鋒! ☆《冬之夢──費茲傑羅短篇傑作選》VS《一個乾淨明亮的地方──海明威短篇傑作選》 ☆破天荒跨出版社合作,一人出版與逗點文創攜手帶您重回《午夜巴黎》中繽紛絢爛的黃金年代。 亦敵亦友的海明威與費茲傑羅於新世紀再一次針鋒相對。費茲傑羅華麗而耽溺,一輩子沉迷於酒精與虛浮的夢;海明威陽剛而簡練,一輩子追求冒險與真實的痛。兩大巨人如彗星般撞擊出文學中所有關於愛情、酒精、戰爭、簡潔、華麗、幻滅、死亡等醉人的魔力。 -
Tender is the Night
The French Riviera in the 1920s was 'discovered' by Dick and Nicole Diver who turned it into the playground of the rich and glamorous. Among their circle is Rosemary Hoyt, the beautiful starlet, who falls in love with Dick and is enraptured by Nicole, unaware of the corruption and dark secrets that haunt their marriage. When Dick becomes entangled with Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his relationship with Nicole and the lustre of their life together begins to tarnish. Tender is the Night is an exquisite novel that reflects not only Fitzgerald's own personal tragedy, but also the shattered idealism of the society in which he lived. -
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Today F. Scott Fitzgerald is better known for his novels, but in his own time, his fame rested squarely on his prolific achievement as one of America's most gifted writers of stories and novellas. Now, a half-century after the author's death, the premier Fitzgerald scholar and biographer, Matthew J. Bruccoli, has assembled in one volume the full scope of Fitzgerald's best short fiction: forty-three sparkling masterpieces, ranging from such classic novellas as "The Rich Boy," "May Day," and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz" to his commercial work for the "Saturday Evening Post" and its sister "slicks." For the reader, these stories will underscore the depth and extraordinary range of Fitzgerald's literary talents. Furthermore, Professor Bruccoli's illuminating preface and introductory headnotes establish the literary and biographical settings in which these stories now shine anew with brighter luster than ever. -
The Great Gatsby
《了不起的盖茨比》是美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德(1896-1940)最著名的代表作。《了不起的盖茨比》的主要内容包括:二十世纪二十年代的美国,空气里弥漫着欢歌与纵饮的气息。一个偶然的机会,穷职员尼克闯入了挥金如土的大富翁盖茨比隐秘的世界,惊讶地发现,他内心惟一的牵绊竟是对河岸那盏小小的绿灯:灯影婆娑中,住着心爱的黛西。然而,冰冷的现实容不下缥缈的梦,到头来,盖茨比心中的女神只不过是凡尘俗世的物质女郎。当一切真相大白,盖茨比的悲剧人生亦如烟花般,璀璨只是一瞬,幻灭才是永恒。一阕华丽的“爵士时代”的挽歌,在菲茨杰拉德笔下,如诗如梦,在美国当代文学史上留下了墨色浓重的印痕。二十世纪末,美国学术界权威在百年英语文学长河中选出一百部最优秀的小说,《了不起的盖茨比》众望所归,高居第二位,傲然跻身当代经典行列。 Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach! Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel. -
Tender is the Night
在线阅读本书 Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary Hoyt, a film star, who is instantly attracted to them, but understands little of the dark secrets and hidden corruption that hold them together. As Dick draws closer to Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his marriage and sets both Nicole and himself on to a dangerous path where only the strongest can survive. In this exquisite, lyrical novel, Fitzgerald has poured much of the essence of his own life; he has also depicted the age of materialism, shattered idealism and broken dreams. -
Tender Is the Night
In "Tender is the Night", Fitzgerald distilled much of his tempestuous life with his wife Zelda, and the knowledge of the wrecked, fabulous Fitzgeralds adds poignancy and regret to this tender, supple and poetic portrait. To the just-fashionable French Riviera come Dick and Nicole Diver - handsome, rich, glamorous and enormous fun. Their dinners are legend, their atmosphere magnetic, their intelligence fine. But something is wrong. Nicole has a secret and Dick a weakness. Together they head towards the rocks on which their lives crash - and only one of them really survives. -
《時代》雜誌票選百大經典小說 ★全新中譯本 ★獨家收錄:村上春樹專文導讀 ★費滋傑羅風格裝幀 這一切,都是為了拭去鑽石上的灰,都是為了這本光芒耀眼的世紀經典 「如果沒有《大亨小傳》,我不會走上寫作這條路。」──村上春樹 你一定聽過它、翻過它,甚至擁有過它;但若沒有全新的中譯本,你將再度錯過它! 一則爵士年代哀淒美麗的夏日戀情,一本讓村上春樹等待1/4個世紀才敢翻譯的經典之作 「我將《大亨小傳》立基在『幻象的破滅』上──正是這樣的幻象,世界才能如此鮮豔。你無須理會真假,但求沾染上那份魔術般的光彩就是了。」──費滋傑羅 出版緣起:從《大亨小傳》到費滋傑羅 ── 一則爵士時代的尋夢傳奇 《大亨小傳》初版誕生於1925年,當時已經是暢銷作家的費滋傑羅,一心想寫出一本真正的文學小說,為此他放棄了雜誌高額稿費的大眾短篇寫作,與妻子塞爾妲搬到法國蔚藍海岸專心創作。他告訴知名編輯柏金斯(Maxwell Perkins),這本書和他其他輕鬆的流行作品不同,他想寫出一個「在真誠且光輝燦爛的世界裡能夠被留下來的故事」。 於是,他創造出蓋茲比這樣的人物,一如一次世界大戰後的美國爵士年代裡,從中西部到東部闖蕩、一夕致富的人們,蓋茲比從一文不名的窮小子搖身變成夜夜宴客的慷慨富人,他盯著夢幻般的紐約長島燈塔,尋覓著他夢寐以求的女人黛西。東部的名流貴客川流不息地來到他家中作客,私下卻鄙視他;而他癡心等待、早已嫁作貴婦的黛西,也只當他是婚姻走味後的逃避調劑。只有他的鄰居、也是故事的敘事者尼克,眼看著賓客們接受蓋茲比的熱情款待卻冷漠無情,眼看著蓋茲比奮力追求那腐敗可厭的虛榮。但尼克終於看出蓋茲比心中癡傻熱烈的追夢之心,蘊含著讓他敬畏的純真。 美國明尼蘇達州出身的費滋傑羅一如敘事者尼克,當他來到東部時,正逢美國舊富世代因「上帝已死、所有的仗都打完,對人類文明信心動搖」而開始醉生夢死,但費滋傑羅懷抱著新的夢想,他得努力賺錢維持自己和妻子渴望的奢華生活,他敏銳的寫作天份讓他很快成為時代名流,但同時他也一眼看穿流金幻象後腐蝕人心的靡爛,他設身處地瞭解奢華,也冷眼旁觀鄙視奢華。 所以他創造了一個蓋茲比這樣的人物,一個無視浮華虛實,全心尋夢的傻人。透過他,費滋傑羅彷彿向世人訴說著:幻象是世界美好的基礎,即使現實人生悲涼無常,只要你持續凝望著長島燈塔,相信那裡仍有值得追求的夢、值得燒盡靈魂去追求的愛情,世界就會停在這美好的時刻。 中文世界早已有許多《大亨小傳》譯本,但是深愛《大亨小傳》的村上春樹提醒了我們:「即便存在不朽的名著,但不朽的名譯作品基本上是不存在的。無論哪本翻譯作品,隨著時代推移都會顯得老舊,雖然可能只是程度上的差異。」 而這是一本真正不朽的經典,我們渴望讓新世代讀者認識的經典。它精妙華美地如一顆鑽石,新的翻譯與裝幀都是為了擦拭時間在這顆鑽石上蒙蓋的灰塵。它好得太傳奇,一經擦拭,便綻放出耀目的光芒。再現它,我們深深體會不朽之理。 得獎紀錄 ★《時代》雜誌票選百大經典小說 ★BBC大閱讀書單 ★NPR全國公共廣播電台世紀百大選書No.2 ★美國藍燈書屋世紀百大經典小說No.2 ★英國Radcliffe Publishing Course百大小說No.1 ★英國Waterstone’s書店世紀百大小說 ★德國White Ravens國際圖書館推薦書目 ★澳洲CBCA圖書協會年度推薦書目 -
The Great Gatsby
Generally considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel, The Great Gatsby is a consummate summary of the 'roaring twenties' and a devastating expose of the 'Jazz Age'. Through the narration of Nick Carraway, the reader is taken into the superficially glittering world of the mansions which lined the Long Island shore of the American seaboard in the 1920s, to encounter Nick's cousin Daisy, Jay Gatsby and the dark mystery which surrounds him. The Great Gatsby is an undisputed classic of American literature from the period following the First World War and is one of the great novels of the twentieth century.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友