

  • 现代经济学与中国经济改革


  • The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China

    作者:Susan L. Shirk

    Over the past decade, China managed to carry out economic reform without political reform while the Soviet Union attempted the opposite strategy. How did China succeed at economic market reform without changing communist rules? Susan Shirk shows that Chinese communsit political institutions are more flexible and less centralized than their Soviet counterparts were. Shirk pioneers a rational choice institutional approache to analyze policy-making in a authoritarian country. She offers an original theoretical framework to make sense of the history of Chinese market reform from 1979 to the present. Drawing upon extensive interviews with high-level Chinese officials, she pieces together detailed histories of economic reform policy-making and shows how the poltiical logic of Chinese communist institutions shaped those decisions. Communist politicians at different levels of the system embraced particularistic economic reform policies that enabled them to claim credit and enhance their careers. Combining theoretical ambition with the flavor of on-the-ground policy-making in Beijing, Shirk makes a major contribution to the study of reform in China and other communist countries.
  • 沉浮


  • 改革现场:晚清经济改革始末


    1862年,晚清经济改革拉开序幕,在执政集团与汉族武装集团争权夺利的过程中,马尾船厂、江南制造总局两大军工项目上马。 衙门化的国有企业运作效率极低,在1872年开始的一场国企反腐运动中,改革的大门向民营资本开放。自此,1872年成为国有向民营、局部向整体改革的一个起点,也是晚清王朝为自己埋下隐患的起点。 以奕、曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠、袁世凯、张之洞为首的官方实力派成为改革的主角,以唐廷枢、胡雪岩、盛宣怀、郑观应为首的新旧商人成为改革的先锋。 朝廷与商人的较量,国退民进、民进国退的多年交锋,最终使经济改革倒逼政治体制改革。在一场商业势力助推的宪政改革中,1911年晚清走向灭亡。 【编辑推荐】 1.《高盛阴谋》作者李德林心力之作,6年+65万字,首次翔实展现晚清经济变革; 2. 读懂晚清经济改革,真正理解当前中国。晚清和中国当下极其相似,历史就是“现实的昨天”。本书包括股市、官商、价格战、国企反腐、跨国公司等内容,以晚清为鉴,读懂中国未来; 3. 吴晓波、张鸣、纪连海、陈九霖等专家名人一致推荐; 4.本书参考资料厚实、权威,作者耗时6年,收集曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章、盛宣怀等奏折、书信、文集、日记等第一手资料,超过两千万字。