《世界权力的转移:政治领导与战略竞争》: (1)理论创新,借鉴了中国古代的政治思想,特别是有关道义取向与领导类型之间关系的认识,因此被国际学界称为道义现实主义。 (2)对中国的崛起战略提出建议,建议中国选择王道的崛起战略。 -
本书为国家精品课程教材、北京市精品课程教材,也是2007年北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目。 这是一本内容丰富且简明实用的国际关系分析教科书,主要介绍了国际关系的基本概念和原理,并以大量实例向读者演示如何运用这些概念和原理分析纷繁复杂的国际关系现实。作者在写作过程中注重概念的明确、原理的应用和语言的通俗,论证详略得当,深入浅出。 本书适合作为国际关系、国际政治、外交学、公共管理等专业大学本科教材,也适合高校大学生选作通识课教材和读物,还可供在职人员学习和培训使用。 -
本书收集了作者十几年来的学术文章,围绕国际政治学科在中国的发展,系统地整理了国际关系研究方法,旨在推动我国国际关系研究从传统研究向科学研究转变。本书按照国际关系学科的研究方法、理论论述以及对中国安全环境和外交政策的分析和建议的逻辑主题,分为科学、标准与方法,和平、安全与合作,矛盾、崛起与策略三编,并着重突出了国际安全这一主题。作者以现实主义为基本分析范式,在研究安全合作问题时,也借鉴了自由主义和建构主义的一些理念。 -
《国际关系研究实用方法》是介绍国际关系科学研究方法的入门教材,其重点在于说明国际关系科学研究方法的基本概念、基本原理和应用程序。包括: 国际关系研究的性质,研究方法的科学性,研究问题与文献回顾,研究假设与变量,概念操作化与测量,统计分析方法,对外政策研究方法等。 -
Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power
The rise of China could be the most important political development of the twenty-first century. What will China look like in the future? What should it look like? And what will China's rise mean for the rest of world? This book, written by China's most influential foreign policy thinker, sets out a vision for the coming decades from China's point of view. In the West, Yan Xuetong is often regarded as a hawkish policy advisor and enemy of liberal internationalists. But a very different picture emerges from this book, as Yan examines the lessons of ancient Chinese political thought for the future of China and the development of a "Beijing consensus" in international relations. Yan, it becomes clear, is neither a communist who believes that economic might is the key to national power, nor a neoconservative who believes that China should rely on military might to get its way. Rather, Yan argues, political leadership is the key to national power, and morality is an essential part of political leadership. Economic and military might are important components of national power, but they are secondary to political leaders who act in accordance with moral norms, and the same holds true in determining the hierarchy of the global order. Providing new insights into the thinking of one of China's leading foreign policy figures, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in China's rise or in international relations. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友