《语言心理学(第5版)(英文版)》是心理语言学领域的经典教材,自第一版1986年面世以来,至今已出至第五版。书中呈现了这一领域的基本理论、发展方向和研究方法,及时反映了学科的最新研究成果和重要发现,介绍和讨论了一些热门课题,如心理词汇、语篇理解和会话交往,更新了几个研究较多的领域,如工作记忆。同时列举了丰富的例证和大量的实验,便于读者加深理解、拓宽研究思路。 -
This fully revised text provides an understandable, clear overview of the psychology of language. Using an information-processing approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in psycholinguistics to students in an engaging style and sets them in historical context. Functional in its approach, it fills the need for an up-to-date and clearly written treatment of the field. It gives students a balanced look at the subject. He includes an evenhanded and consistent discussion from both camps within the psycholinguistics field- both the cognitive side and the developmental side of research-to give students a comprehensive overview. HIGHLIGHTS provides students with excellent preparatory material for the more indepth chapters that follow uses everyday examples throughout the book, and fundamental questions are approached from a variety of perspectives, including different theoretical positions, various research strategies and classical versus more contemporary research examines current controversies on an issue-by-issue basis, and the author explores which theoretical orientation to each issue is best supported by research gives new information on non-alphabetic orthographies revises the section on Memory for Discourse to include emphasis on verbatim propositional and situational representation includes a new discussion on aphasias in the biologicao foundations of language 强力推荐:Psychology of Language 英文原版火热发售 -
本书集经典和前沿的研究成果于一身,展示了人们理解、产生和获得语言的全过程。着眼于在社会发展中语言演变的情感层面,书中不但论述了“语言是什么”,而且论述了“语言能够做什么”,逻辑和思想性很强地道出了语言演变的过程,以及语言在现实生活中所起的作用。 本书适合语言心理学的大学高年级课程,也写给所有要使用语言、希望能理解心理语言的丰富内含的人。本书具如下特色:将语言心理学的研究广泛地应用到每天的生活中去,强调情感,侧重于语言在社会情景和交流中的应用,每章开头部分设置了开篇思考题;通过章末总结来呼诮开篇的思考题,章节练习和特色栏目贯穿始终。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友