

  • 愉悦回路

    作者:[美] 大卫·林登

     我们为什么会感到快乐?为什么戒酒、戒毒、戒赌这么难?为什么有些人抵抗不了性的诱惑?为什么慈善也上瘾,运动会叫人欲罢不能?  2020年,穿入大脑的纳米机器人能带给我们虚拟现实体验吗?高科技的指数增长能帮助人更快地研制出戒断成瘾的药物吗?  人们沉溺于罪恶,也追寻美德。脑神经科学家为你解析,愉悦回路如何重塑人生。  从可卡因到大麻、从冥想到自慰、从红酒到牛排,林登博士以超有趣的方式科学地解读善与恶,以及人类如何从日常的饮食、学习、娱乐、运动中寻求快乐。
  • Music, Language, and the Brain

    作者:Patel, Aniruddh D.

    In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief that music and language are processed independently. Since Platos time, the relationship between music and language has attracted interest and debate from a wide range of thinkers. Recently, scientific research on this topic has been growing rapidly, as scholars from diverse disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, music cognition, and neuroscience are drawn to the music-language interface as one way to explore the extent to which different mental abilities are processed by separate brain mechanisms. Accordingly, the relevant data and theories have been spread across a range of disciplines. This book provides the first synthesis, arguing that music and language share deep and critical connections, and that comparative research provides a powerful way to study the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying these uniquely human abilities.
  • 第七感


    《第七感:心理、大脑与人际关系的新观念》以心理学为理论基础,通过解释大脑复杂的运作机制,讲述了心理和大脑的协同作用。将古老的冥想实践与现代神经科学、心理疗法进行了整合,揭开了心理、大脑与人际关系相互作用的神秘面纱。西格尔博士提出的第七感理论,堪与弗洛伊德的潜意识理论、达尔文的进化论并驾齐驱,在身、心与大脑整合方面,无人能出其右。 人类的五种感官知觉,让我们得以探索外在世界;第六感,让我们得以察觉自己内在的生理状态。第七感,则是一种向内观看的能力,也是《第七感:心理、大脑与人际关系的新观念》作者丹尼尔•西格尔博士结合脑神经科学与心理临床治疗的研究结晶。第七感不仅使我们关注自己的内心,也使我们体悟他人的感受, 从而在彼此间建立情感联结。 《第七感:心理、大脑与人际关系的新观念》是作者丹尼尔•西格尔25年临床经验的成果。它指导我们如何掌握第七感这项技能,让读者了解,其实我们有比自己想象的更多的机会去改变自己的心理、大脑、人际关系,甚至是某些与生俱来的性格特点,从而实现自我蜕变,获得幸福、健康,以及令人满意的人际关系。 海报: