

  • Blood Meridian

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    An epic novel of the violence and depravity that attended America's westward expansion, Blood Meridianbrilliantly subverts the conventions of the Western novel and the mythology of the "wild west."  Based on historical events that took place on the Texas-Mexico border in the 1850s, it traces the fortunes of the Kid, a fourteen-year-old Tennesseean who stumbles into the nightmarish world where Indians are being murdered and the market for their scalps is thriving.
  • 平原上的城市


  • 骏马


  • No Country for Old Men

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    Liewlyn Moss, hunting antelope near the Rio Grande, stumbles upon a transaction gone horribly wrong. Finding bullet-ridden bodies, several kilos of heroin, and a caseload of cash, he faces a choice- leave the scene as he found it, or cut the money and run. Choosing the latter, he knows, will change everything. And so begins a terrifying chain of events, in which each participant seems determined to answer t question that one asks another: how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?
  • 天下骏马

    作者:科马克·麦卡锡(Cormac McCar

    《天下骏马》是普利策奖获得者、被尊为现代传奇和文学先锋的科马克•麦卡锡最畅销的长篇小说,系《边境三部曲》发轫之作,曾创下首印190000册精装本的和首版后两个月内连续7次印刷的傲人纪录,霸占《纽约时报》畅销书榜长达21个星期,并获得美国国家图书奖和国家书评奖等。美国评论界认为此书足以俯视马克•吐温和拉里•麦克默特里,这曲美墨边境地区发生的动人史诗,既有恶梦般的屠杀、令人震颤的暴力,又有优美如画的田园诗和柔细潜心的安魂曲,堪称“地狱与天堂的交响曲”,“是可与中世纪以来的文坛巨星但丁、爱伦•坡、麦尔维尔、福克纳、斯坦培克的杰作相媲美的当代经典”! 其同名电影当时登陆全美1800家中心影院,盛况空前! 少年牛仔约翰•格雷迪不满于家族牧场的衰败,与好伙伴罗林斯一起离开故乡得克萨斯,骑着心爱的马儿,南下遥远的墨西哥追寻心中梦想。途中他们遇到了骑着漂亮的大棕红马的少年布莱文斯,三人结伴南行。可是,谁也不曾想到,大棕红马却成为小伙子们的梦魇…… 因为这匹骏马惹祸上身,布莱文斯只得独自离去,格雷迪和罗林斯到达理想的处所圣母牧场,成为整天与马儿为伴的牧人。其间,格雷迪爱上了场主的女儿。在异国的土地上,这朵爱情之花能否抗击暴戾难御的命运巨轮? 正是由于大棕红马引来的麻烦,格雷迪和罗林斯被人从牧场逮捕。造化弄人,他们与命案在身的布莱文斯意外重逢。但是,在押送过程中,人生中最可怕的厄运却盯上了他们…… 对于麦卡锡的伟大著作,美国评论家不吝赞美之词: 具有世纪最高文学成就的美国经典名著。 ——《旧金山纪事报》 《三部曲》尽现得克萨斯和墨西哥北方崎岖而荒凉的山地风光,这种西部的热情一般作家难以聚集、不敢尝试。 ——《波士顿环球报》 麦卡锡让大部分美国小说家汗颜。他的作品精雕细琢、遒劲有力。 ──《纽约时报书评》 美国伟大的小说之一。 ──《今日美国》 无论是从文体风格还是从文学视野上看,《骏马》这部饱含真心英雄传奇和自然风景壮观的杰作,都会是读者的一段屏气止息的阅读享受。……这确实是一本经典小说。 ——美国国家图书奖评委会
  • The Road

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    【96年6月誠品選書】灰色的雪寂然落在荒蕪、寒冷、黑暗的冬日,一對父子穿越地獄般的廢墟,往南方海岸走去,尋找溫暖、適人的可能地方。那是惡霸橫行、甚至吃人維生的恐怖世界,男孩的母親選擇自殺,她不願生命將以被強暴或謀殺告終。選擇生存真的是最好的嗎?人性在地獄裡還剩下多少?還有什麼值得活下去的理由?這是一條沒有終點的路,所有事物逐漸凋零、死亡,父子倆唯一擁有的,只有對彼此的愛。McCarthy營造了垂死的冷酷現實,一個沒有「然後呢?」的故事。 推薦理由:驚悚天王史蒂芬‧金讚譽本書是他去年讀過最精彩的書!自去年九月底精裝本出版以來,不但入選美國華盛頓郵報、洛杉磯時報、時代雜誌等十數家媒體推薦為年度好書,入圍國家書評人獎,近日更摘下普立茲獎桂冠。 某日的夜半一點十七分,核子大戰讓整個世界由國家建立的秩序毀於一旦,人們仰賴的國家與組織瞬間湮滅,不僅如此,自然在核彈爆炸後的末日,灰濛濛的天空無法滋養任何的植物,也無法供養任何倖存的人類。在這場末日浩劫中,一對父子活了下來,他們僅剩了一隻手槍與僅有的一發子彈,父親告誡兒子不能輕易使用子彈,如果遇到了危險就用僅存的一發子彈自殺,當時他們的母親卻利用這最後一發子彈自盡。他們帶著火種希望能從新開始生活,他們面對著未知的生計與人性的邪惡面,卻抱持著光明樂觀的態度,直到他們遇到了一個被遺棄的嬰兒,生命開始有了延續。作者Cormac McCarthy甫以此書獲得今年年度普立茲獎最佳小說獎,評審認為這本小說是他最平易近人也最優秀的作品。得獎之前這本書才獲得「歐普拉讀書俱樂部」青睞獲得選書,讓該書作者Cormac McCarthy登上了生涯創作的最高峰。 【96年5月好讀推薦】由美國報界甫於四月揭曉的「普立茲獎」,將最佳小說獎頒給了七十餘歲的資深作家Cormac McCarthy。McCarthy自一九六○年代創作迄今,共發表十部長篇小說;在台灣最具知名度的作品,或屬曾改編成電影《愛在奔馳》的《All the Pretty Horses》。獲獎的○六年最新創作《The Road 》,講一場超級浩劫後,文明崩毀,人類生活幾乎退回弱肉強食、互為仇敵的原始狀態。一對父子帶著購物推車在美國徒步行走,希望到南方避冬;作父親的在生命最困頓的時刻,依然不放棄教導孩子關乎美與善的信念… 傳奇人物 Joseph Pulitzer創設的普立茲獎(Pulitzer Prizes),自一九一七年開辦以來,早在新聞界擁有崇高的地位,並固定於每年四月頒發。但除了新聞類獎項(Journalism)以外,普立茲獎也頒發小說、非小說、戲劇、詩歌、歷史、傳記與音樂等七種非新聞類獎項,並同樣建立起名聲與威望。 而今年,小說類得主由 Cormac McCarthy 掄元,這位七十三歲的文壇前輩在 《The Road》一書中,以一對父子為故事主軸,徐徐開展一路延續,將細膩的寫作技巧展露無遺,漂亮地戴上桂冠。此描繪天災、人禍共同釀造的末世景觀作為「後九一一」的時代寓言,獲獎前已於去年底成為各大媒體年度選書榜的熱門讀物,McCarthy優美精練的文字尤受評論家讚賞。
  • 長路

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    ◎影響未來100年的不朽傑作! ◎《娛樂週刊》第1,000期紀念刊列為近25年來最棒的一本書。 ◎電影由維果‧莫帝森(飾演「魔戒」亞拉岡)、莎莉塞隆主演。 ◎英國《衛報》專欄作家、知名環保人士喬治.蒙貝特將麥卡錫列入「拯救地球五十人」名單,認為「《長路》對環保的影響力,可說無他能出其右」。 《長路》是一個父親寫給孩子的故事,是一篇懾人心神的寓言。讀完這個故事,心中湧出的熱淚與力量,或可扭轉即將變得晦暗混沌的未來。 為了你,在這個早晨醒來,是我這輩子做過最勇敢的事。 這是一個關於「相信」與「希望」的故事。 故事的開場,設定在大災難發生的數年後。 孩子出生的前幾夜,不知名的災難改變了世界的樣貌。舉目所見只有冰冷的雨雪、無盡的黑暗,再不見清朗日光或蔚藍天色。荒蕪嚴寒的末日,道德淪喪,善惡無分,吞噬弱者是唯一的生存之道,人性與尊嚴在此灰色煉獄裡蕩然無存。一對父子在文明的廢墟間踽踽獨行,往南方海岸去尋找一線生機。孤獨的漫漫長路上,空氣是灰濛的,地面成灰,滿目瘡痍,眼前不見任何生物的蹤跡,唯有困頓凋零、無數死亡,然而父親仍教導孩子,要記得那個曾經有夢、有故事、有海洋綠樹的世界,要留守心中對於美與善的顧念與堅持……。 當家園崩毀,人類滅絕,食物匱乏,只剩少數倖存者時,我們能殘害他人生命以求自保嗎?我們所仰賴的那些美好的價值和道德觀,將是延續性命的阻礙嗎?麥卡錫在構思多年之後,以最精煉的字句織就,寫成《長路》一書,表達他對環境以及對人性的關注,也是獻給全世界的一首優美輓歌。
  • The Road

    作者:Cormac McCarthy

    The Road follows an unnamed father and son journeying together across a grim post-apocalyptic landscape, some years after a great, unexplained cataclysm has destroyed civilization and almost all life on Earth. Realizing that they will not survive another winter in their unspecified original location, the father leads the boy south, through a desolate American landscape along a vacant highway, towards the sea, sustained only by the vague hope of finding warmth and more "good guys" like them, and carrying with them only what is on their backs and what will fit into a damaged supermarket cart. The setting is very cold, dark and filled with ash and the land is devoid of living vegetation. There is frequent rain or snow, and electrical storms are common. Many of the remaining human survivors are cannibalistic gangs or nomads, scavenging the detritus of city and country alike for human flesh, though that too is almost entirely depleted. Overwhelmed by this desperate and apparently hopeless situation, the boy's mother, pregnant with him at the time of the cataclysm, commits suicide when the boy is about five or six; the rationality and calmness of her act being her last "great gift" to the man and the boy. The father coughs blood every morning and eventually realizes he is dying, yet still struggles to protect his son from the constant threats of attack, exposure, and starvation. The revolver they carry, meant for protection or suicide if necessary, has only one round for the entire story. The boy has been told to use it on himself if capture is imminent, to spare himself the horror of death at the hands of the cannibals. In the face of these obstacles, the man and the boy have only each other. They repeatedly assure one another that they are "the good guys," who are "carrying the fire." On their journey, the duo scrounge for food, encounter roving bands of cannibals, and contend with horrors such as a newborn infant being roasted on a spit, and people being kept captive as they are slowly harvested for food. The vast majority of the book is written in the third person, with references to "the father" and "the son" or to "the man" and "the boy." Although the man and the boy eventually reach the sea, neither the climate nor availability of food has improved. The man succumbs to an illness and dies, leaving the boy alone, though not long before he dies, the father tells the boy that he can continue to speak with him in his imagination after he is gone. The boy holds wake over his father's corpse for three days, with no idea of what he is to do next. On the third day, the grieving boy encounters a man who has been tracking the father and son. This man, who has a woman and two children of his own, a boy and a girl, invites him to join his family after convincing the boy that he is indeed one of the "good guys" like the boy and his dead father. A brief epilogue following meditates on nature and infinity in this altered environment.
  • 作者:(美)科马克·麦卡锡
