

  • Fooled by Randomness

    作者:Nassim Nicholas Tale

    《财富》评选的75本商务人士必读书之一。股市的大起大落只发生在须臾之间,借鉴塔勒布的操作手法(这也是不少操盘手正在做的),您将能避免风险,并在黑天鹅出现时大赚一笔。说股票交易者应该人手一册本书绝对不过分。   人的本性经常低估随机现象,我们很需要这样的书。妙趣横生、清新隽永且独具一格,令人玩味无穷。——罗伯特·希勒(畅销书《非理性繁荣》作者)   本书常识性知识俯拾即是。如果你是交易员、科学家,或者哈佛律师,本书必读。——保罗·威尔莫特(《衍生性金融商品》作者)   简单一句话:这本书让人看得入迷。埋首其中,你对生命(以及你的钱财)的了解将大为增进,这可不是随机性的结果。——伯恩斯坦(彼得·伯恩斯坦公司总裁)   当还是股市中的一位菜鸟级别的交易员时,作者塔勒布曾成功地在一次股灾中得以幸免,他潜心半年研究这场风暴,认为他的逃脱不是有比其他人高明之处,完全是运气好——运气在金融市场中起着重要的作用,但是人们却总是过低地估计了随机作用,忍不住想对事物做出自己的解释,这就形成了种种迷信。由此他写作了这样一部关于运气——随机性的书。   塔勒布指出:在基因上,我们仍和未开化的土著人很接近。我们的信念的形成,充满着迷信──即使现今也不例外(或许必须说,尤以今天为甚)。某一天,原始部落的某个人抓了鼻子之后不久,雨开始下了,于是他煞费苦心发展出一套抓鼻子祈雨的方法。同样的,我们会把经济的繁荣归功于联邦储备委员会降低利率;或者一家公司经营成功,竟和新总裁“走马上任”有关。类似风马牛不相及的事件屡屡被我们扯上联系,并导致我们在人生的重要抉择关头步步踏错,先机尽失。   生活中随机性无处不在,即使是专业的数学家,并精于概率的计算,也往往会被随机性所捉弄,塔勒布最后建言:我们虽然无法避免随机性,但我们可以学着接受它。塔勒布的理念已经自成一派,世界上相当多的股票交易员都承认受到他理念的影响——从稀有事件中获取收益。这绝对是每一位证券交易者都应该珍藏的一本书! Everyone wants to succeed in life. But what causes some of us to be more successful than others? Is it really down to skill and strategy – or something altogether more unpredictable? This book is the word-of-mouth sensation that will change the way you think about business and the world. It is all about luck: more precisely, how we perceive luck in our personal and professional experiences. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the markets; we hear an entrepreneur has ‘vision; or a trader is talented;, but all too often their performance is down to chance rather than skill. It is only because we fail to understand probability that we continue to believe events are non-random, finding reasons where none exist. This irreverent bestseller has shattered the illusions of people around the world by teaching them how to recognize randomness. Now it can do the same for you.
  • The Drunkard's Walk

    作者:Leonard Mlodinow

    In this irreverent and illuminating book, acclaimed writer and scientist Leonard Mlodinow shows us how randomness, change, and probability reveal a tremendous amount about our daily lives, and how we misunderstand the significance of everything from a casual conversation to a major financial setback. As a result, successes and failures in life are often attributed to clear and obvious cases, when in actuality they are more profoundly influenced by chance. The rise and fall of your favorite movie star of the most reviled CEO--in fact, of all our destinies--reflects as much as planning and innate abilities. Even the legendary Roger Maris, who beat Babe Ruth's single-season home run record, was in all likelihood not great but just lucky. And it might be shocking to realize that you are twice as likely to be killed in a car accident on your way to buying a lottery ticket than you are to win the lottery. How could it have happened that a wine was given five out of five stars, the highest rating, in one journal and in another it was called the worst wine of the decade? Mlodinow vividly demonstrates how wine ratings, school grades, political polls, and many other things in daily life are less reliable than we believe. By showing us the true nature of change and revealing the psychological illusions that cause us to misjudge the world around us, Mlodinow gives fresh insight into what is really meaningful and how we can make decisions based on a deeper truth. From the classroom to the courtroom, from financial markets to supermarkets, from the doctor's office to the Oval Office, Mlodinow's insights will intrigue, awe, and inspire. Offering readers not only a tour of randomness, chance, and probability but also a new way of looking at the world, this original, unexpected journey reminds us that much in our lives is about as predictable as the steps of a stumbling man fresh from a night at the bar.