

  • 别在梦中沉睡

    作者:查爾斯.麥飛,Charles McPhe

    It was once thought that lucid dreaming was a gift given only to certain people, much like true Psychics have; but this is not the case. Anyone can learn lucid dreaming; it just takes practice and time. According to Charles McPhee, you must spend the time to identify when your sleep cycles are, and when your dream cycles come. Then, as you become more aware of your sleep cycles, you can prepare mentally for those times. "When you awaken early in the morning, before you roll over and close your eyes for another cycle, be confident that your dreams are on their way. In the early morning hours, you stand on the brink of thirty to forty-minute blocks of nonstop dreamscape action. The trick, of course, is to recognize the dreamscape." (103). McPhee, Charles. Stop Sleeping Through your Dreams - A Guide to Awakening Consciousness During Dream Sleep. Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1995. Learn How to Control Your Dreams And Your Destiny!
  • 梦的指南

    作者:DR.Jayne Gackenbach

    前 言 梦的涵义 第一篇 揭开梦纱 第一章 夜的对话:梦的涵意与力量 第二章 引光:清明之梦学习指南 第三章 审视梦境:歌曲、性与翱翔的刺激 第四章 夜间训练:创造的关键 第五章 夜的幽灵:面对清明梦中的魔鬼 第六章 内心医师:梦可以维护健康吗? 第二篇 解构梦者 第七章 梦的得道者:幽浮、蝴蝶与坐禅 第八章 自相矛盾的梦:解构做梦的大脑 第九章 资格鉴定:清明梦者必备的条件 第十章 探索中的灵魂:迈向纯意识